Hello, I would like to accompany a singer who already plays the guitar and also, for other songs, a harmonica player. I like very much for example what the accordionist of HK does. I am 62 years old, I am a beginner... Let's say that I have the level of 2 years of accordion. If you have any ideas, tips for me to move forward... I'm interested. I would also like to develop the ear to know how to repeat what I hear, but I suppose that will come with time.
Thank you.
I join HK: On the same wavelength.

4 Replies

so obvious that I often see and hear people who, in order to
accompany, just play the whole melody on mute. Doing this does not help
the singer at all.

The latter interprets
the whole melody in the form of the song with the words and its intonations.

It is always the orchestra and the musicians who compose it
that support the song.

To accompany well, there are several schools. Either, the improvisation by following the grid of
the sequence of the chords (sequence = the continuation of the chords)

The guitarists, rhythm the - sequence -, the bass supports
as the drummer the strong times of the music so that everyone is in

Either arpeggiate the composition of the chords in all directions
(reversal), but not too much either not to take all the place
sound in the piece.

Do is Do Mi Sol ...but also Mi Sol Do
or Sol Mi Do or Sol Do Mi and on
several octaves

The second school is to play a counter-song which is
already well written and which comes to support the important passages of the song..like
the intro ...a bridge .the chorus .a finale ...

(a good counter-song is what we hear in IL EST
CINQ HEURES PARIS S'EVEILLE on the flute for example) .

Y'a du boulot ...bon courage.
Thank you Yoyodu! I just listened to the counter-song. I love it! I guess to compose it you have to follow the chords too... I have good solfeggio basics... but I can't trust myself musically on what I could invent. I need to be able to check intellectually if it fits. Even for the chords! On Coher's Hallelujah for example I like the full chord in the right hand with a mute... trying to keep a common note as much as possible so that it's well connected. I don't dare arpeggios yet.
I may start with chord exercises to get more flexibility and speed.
Thanks again...
Between - interpretation - and - improvisation - it is two worlds.
The free software IMPRO-VISOR ..allows you to improve your - improvisation - by being inspired by famous musicians and mainly by Jazzman(s)

Interpretation is to appropriate a piece by lengthening or shortening the existing notes without inventing anything more, always being in the same tempo in the original style or in another style. Like playing AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE in Tango.
Good evening,
Very interesting... The improv software seems a bit difficult to me... and I'm afraid to lose time if I'm not on the accordion. I don't have enough time to play. On the other hand, I understand better the concept of interpretation. There is work to do... but it is exciting.
Thank you very much.
Hello, I am currently playing with a singer and for that I "tinker" with the accompaniment. I would like to know if some accordion parts that can be heard on albums are sometimes edited. For example, I think of the accompaniment of Mon amant de Saint-Jean by Azzola on the album "Et ça tournait" or the accompaniment of Jean-Louis Roques in Germaine by Renaud. Or are there any exercises or methods specific to accompaniment?
7 Replies

This is an interesting topic, I've been wondering many times if accordionists improvise or if the accompaniment is written...

So my answer will bring up the subject I guess...

If anyone can give us any information on the accompaniment...thanks in advance,

good evening

When a title is recorded on CD or other support, everything is written beforehand... That's why there are orchestra scores .... but they are not necessarily broadcast...
It is not forbidden either that a musician, on a framework of chords makes from time to time, an improvisation...
But if he wants to preserve his rights, it is preferable that all is well recorded at the SACEM. Example: a famous chorus that of Jean-Pierre Louis Rampal with the transverse flute for Paris s'éveille of Jacques DUTRONC... All is written and deposited at the SACEM... In my opinion and that of several friends fervent in the matter: nothing is diffused or put at the service of the 'general public', but one can be mistaken!
Thank you Jmimi for this information...

If the arrangements are registered at the SACEM, you can get a copy...for a fee of course!
good evening accordeonia

the Sacem only manages the rights of the authors... it does not sell or give any document .....

On the other hand, if on its documents base, you can obtain the address of the publisher ... then everything is possible to have the score against payment or not .... it is the publisher who decides ...

So everything depends on the publisher and on you !
if you have recommendations or 'entries' ...
if you are known in the world of the Zic or the show biz ... ! etc.

It's a bit like in everyday life : but you never decide ....



PS : the color and the writing, it's to change a bit ...

Good evening,

It's true that Sacem doesn't sell the scores, but the complete sheet of the score contains the contact information of the publishing house...and, from there, you can order it.

Have a nice evening,
Hello, I also accompany a singer, I have searched a lot on the net to find accompaniments, but niet. So I copy on the songs that are on youtubes (because it is more practical) I transpose for the singer etc. At the beginning I spent a lot of time, but with the training I spend less time. It all depends on the level of accordion you have, because depending on the chord you have to do arpeggios, triplets, .... or look for some counter-songs... if I can help you with some arrangements that I wrote myself, don't hesitate, it's not "Mozart" but it can give some ideas. good day sylvie
Hello Sylvie,

By any chance, do you have some arrangements of songs about Paris, e.g.: sous le ciel de Paris, la complainte de la butte, sous les ponts de Paris etc. ....

Thank you. Titave.
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