2 Replies
First of all, welcome among us ♫♫Before anything, make sure that the score you want to drop, is not already on the site.
Once this is verified, simple:- Click on : Scores- Click on : Add a score ...- There, try to use the already existing composers ...- Fill in the title ...- Click on send / then at the bottom no it is not thereAnd .... choose the file in your computer / then send
You can, and it is recommended, read the rules on which everything is explained ... Make PDF format .... Etc ...
Here: https://www.partitions-accordeon.com/topic/title=important--r%C3%88glement-%C3%A0-lire-d%C3%A8s-le-d%C3%A9part-merci-de-votre-attention./id=18724
Hello, I would be interested in variety scores, do you have any recent variety?
Thank you
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since you last heard from me, and for good reason I'm on vacation until November 18th. A little message to explain how the new site will work, and to collect your opinions! First of all the number of scores to download will be limited to 5 per month. Ouch! That's not much.... But there will be several ways to increase that! First of all, each added score will give you the right to download one more! In addition to that, there are some restrictions: - If the score turns out not to be one (your new novel, a love letter, a receipt etc...) Your score "credit" will be automatically reset to 0 as soon as the deception is discovered. If it is already at 0, this will apply for the next month and so on... Of course this is cumulative so with 6 false scores added you are good to go for 6 months - If the score is a duplicate. You lose a credit as soon as the deception is discovered. This means that in the end your addition will have been for nothing. Which in practice will be quite the case. After the 3rd duplicate it will be 0! Because one time yes, twice passes, but don't push it either :) You don't have any scores to give to the community, but you still want more than 5 scores per month because it's not much. No problem a subscription system will be set up which, for the modest sum of 3 euros per month, will allow you to download as much as you want, to remove all the ads present on the site AND will give you the possibility to have a "space" a bit like myspace, where you will be able to add your own music you concerts etc.! As well as a nice little star next to your nickname :) The "punishments" will also be carried on the credits of scores. So a lack of politeness, warning then -1, -1, 0 and banishment etc.. P-A will also open to the international with a site in two languages, French and English, so you'll have to prepare to welcome our fellow accordionists from around the world :) The fate of the chat is not yet fixed ... It will probably still be there but much better integrated. And for the rest I still have all your suggestions in a corner of my head and I try to do with it! I would just like to finish by saying that the goal is not to make P-A paying, far from it. But as many of you have suggested, maybe it's time to look into offering paid options. I hope that the 4192 registered on the site will participate in this subscription, because now that I have no job I have to eat and I have a lifestyle of prince, of course :) On this, I am listening to your comments / remarks / criticisms / prayers / insults on this discussion in order to "take the temperature" of this measure and maybe make changes if necessary! I'm going back to give a thumbs up and play the accordion on the roads of the United States, see you on November 18th! Ps: Since I'm not working anymore, the new site will arrive faster than you think :) Pps: Sorry for the lack of accents... American keyboard obliges...
53 Replies
Very interesting. To be informed before the D-day, it is greatly appreciated. A suggestion to add to the interest of this international site: display the "place of residence" with the nickname of the member. Thank you!
Hello everyone, Certainly it is reasonable, if the "order" is located by the reorganization. However, in the implementation, I see the following problems: 1. If only 5 downloads per month are possible, but some pieces with more than 5 "separate" sides are composed...? As for example recently: "Eugene Ettore Ascap - Holiday Caprice 1-12...12-12" 2. Since there is no possibility of a preview, one MUST download first to be able to judge the quality of the score (own score or simple lead-sheet, bass written, "only" piano notes, readability, level of requirement...). We have already lost 1/5 downloads, if the notes don't match...? 3. "Bonus": Naturally it is to favor additional loads by giving bonus points. I don't want to go into the problem of violation of rights (copyright, publishing house rights...), but in many countries downloading is not punishable, however uploading or spreading often hurts the law. The envisaged regulations (each "added" score..., "priced" subscription system...) could be seen absolutely as an invitation to put a punishable action...! 4. "Punishments": This could be a difficult subject, because it has to clarify in the concrete case whether the "limit of the bearable" was exceeded or not (politeness, or in case of linguistic problems..), if there are excusable mistakes or deception (wrong zB loading), if the duplicate is really a duplicate or not. And, above all, all this requires a comprehensive administration and judgment by the person. A lot of fun with this...! And so the obvious question arises, do I already receive the first penal point for this position...? It was at least necessary that "before" the download the quality and suitability can be clarified by a function of a score overview (at least page 1) and that the quality and packaging of the scores is standardized. Otherwise, one will have to calculate on the "creative solutions" of the users to deal with the restrictions - and there are, of course, always such... Hi, Walter
Hello! I would be of the same opinion as EgoMe! 5 partitions, it is not so much! So, if the score doesn't fit... maybe you should install a preview! Anyway, good luck with all the modifications! :) Good afternoon!
Indeed, by opening the door to English, French risks becoming marginal here, and we would become less concerned by the restrictions on downloading.
Tenente Dan
Hello, Apart from the extra workload for the administrators, I don't see anything wrong with managing our entries and exits and limiting the number of free partitions. Why not. Some people are concerned about pieces being on more than one page. I think that we will only count one score. Until now, I have still not managed to upload a score, in order to be fair to everyone, I have always tried, depending on my downloads, to make a small donation from time to time. I am surprised by some of the comments. It is obvious that if you pay, it is commercial. Of course, it's better when it's free. Yes, but that's not what society is about. Everybody has to participate, one way or another. Thanks to the administrators and good luck. See you soon Dan
Good evening, First of all a big thank you to those who take care of this site; I don't know how many of you there are, but I find this work remarkable. I always put on your lack of time the inevitable imperfections. I come here very regularly, mainly to read the discussions on this forum. In relation to the current discussion, I allow myself a few remarks: - just on the Russian sites (ask Google to translate "download accordion scores" into Russian, then ask it to translate into French the sites found), there is enough to add an original score every day for months, probably years! - the interest of this site, for me, is to find from time to time the score totally unavailable elsewhere, not copies of booklets that can be found everywhere for a very affordable sum (that, I am able to add a lot, but I won't do it) - only in my close circle, I can without difficulty find twenty or thirty people willing to register to get me a score.in my close circle, I can easily find twenty or thirty people willing to sign up for 5 scores per month (don't worry, I don't need them), which is probably not the case for all - I am much more in favor of answering specific requests for scores that are not easy to find (the only ones I put on the site were for this type of request). - I also appreciated very much the advices to look for the untraceable. Thanks again to all the team.
Hello everyone, I see that this discussion is far from being unanimous.

Thank you all for bringing your point of view whether it is positive or negative. This is exactly what I wanted and I'm glad it's getting some reactions.

Thank you egoMe, you have raised a number of important points that I will come back to you on a later date as soon as I have found the best way to handle them.

First of all, concerning the international access, there is a lot of folklore, I think of the Irish folklore, the eastern countries, South America or even some states of the USA like Virginia where the accordion is really represented.

To answer your anxiety of losing the musette, the fact of proposing a bilingual site is an ADD and not a replacement! As long as there is a French-speaking community on P-A, so will French-speaking music and I am the first supporter of it.

I would also like to clarify that the entire site will remain free to access, including the new sections that will appear, we are only talking about a download restriction.

To answer the questions about bonuses and malus, it will be up to the moderator as it is now. This will allow us to establish clear rules and appropriate sanctions in order to avoid new outbursts like the ones that happened recently.

I totally understand the frustration of this kind of measure and I am the first one to do it reluctantly because I always wanted P-A to remain completely free.

But in just over two years of existence and 3 different versions I've spent countless hours on it, always on my weekends and evenings etc... and it's not about to change because I don't want it to change.

I think that P-A has a huge potential thanks to you to become a reference in many fields whether it is the scores, the accordion or the music more generally. And if I want to pursue this goal and invest my time in this direction I do need funding.

The purpose of all this is also to try to offer me the possibility to work full time on the site.

To react quickly to your comments and requests for changes and to make the platform evolve for the better. I totally understand that it is frustrating to have to pay for what was free until now.

And to alleviate this, the subscription will also offer the removal of banner ads and a brand new section dedicated to your music.
Added to that and after thinking about it a lot I had an idea that I hope you will like...
From the symbolic number of 334 subscriptions (out of 4200 members or not even 10%). 10% of the monthly income of the site, that is to say 100 euros and more at this moment will be used for the purchase of scores.
A new section will be created where each of you will have the possibility to submit a request for a score that is not available for free, and in the order of first come first served I will order these scores up to the amount, I will scan them and put them in the common pot.
And this every month. I hope that this will add real treasures to the common pot and solve more and more requests for scores.

And I remind that for the people who don't want to pay 3 euros per month there is always the possibility to contribute by adding scores and so continue to use the site totally free. This measure is also a call for contribution. To answer the question if everyone starts at 0 all active members of the community will start with 5 more scores than the others the first month. I mean by active members those who upload scores and/or reply to discussions and/or interact with the rest of the community. I don't really know how I can defend this measure. If you have any other suggestions that would make this more positive. I'm listening. I look forward to your feedback.
Tenente Dan
Just a little clarification: when I talk about my inability to upload a score, I mean adding a score to the site. In the other way, I found and downloaded many scores that I could not find at Arrezo, Paul Beucher or others. As for the fact of the "globalization" of the site, so much the better, we will only have more choices. Have a nice day.
Hello to all, I like the idea of contributing to the site through 1 score submitted = 1 more score to download for free during the month. For the international, I am more reluctant: for my part, although I understand English, I sing while accompanying myself on the guitar only very rarely. So, the language of Shakespeare does not make me dream and risks to dethrone the language of Molière. Opinion of a guitarist
Tenente Dan
Hello again, I'm Italian, I live in Paris, I also sing in English and Spanish. When I was a ballroom artist, all these languages were used and even others. It is true that we prefer some of them. For me, it's the Brazilian that doesn't get through. On the other hand, I remember songs like Ramaya and soul makossa. Well, I sang in African and I had a lot of fun with it. If there are risks of invasion, it is not on the side of the music that one should be wary.
Hello everyone, no other reactions? what do you think about the idea of using part of the money to buy scores for the site? do other people want to comment on all this? Even if they are people who usually don't participate in discussions? Thanks!
robinson 82
hello everyone: without wanting to offend anyone I would like to say that I agree with Lionel's opinion! for my part I enjoy following the discussions and I am on the lookout to deposit a requested score if I find it in my boxes before another generous donor.I'm very happy to follow the discussions and I'm on the lookout to deposit a requested score if I find it in my boxes before another generous donor or it's for a friend or because it's easier for me than to search in the boxes.. Sometimes I would like to see the score by curiosity without necessarily downloading it. Vive PA thanks to the great of this site (they will recognize themselves!) musically Robinson 82
Hello, good good good... I thought that you would like the fact that you can order free scores, but I was wrong... As for SACEM & co, first of all they certainly have other things to do than to run after accordion scores. (Then, it's enough to adopt the same line of conduct as grooveshark and others which is based on a very vague term in the DMCA (I'm not mistaken) I had read some very interesting things about this, that I will find and share with you. Or second solution, adopt the behavior of a megaupload or other, where it would be possible to the rightful owner to report the scores that violates their copyright and remove them. So that they can reappear a little later and so on... Legally I don't fear much... On the one hand because in the law there is a lot of vagueness as said above, and on the other hand because the accordion scores are the least of the worries of this kind of organization. I see all this outcry, which I understand on your part. But this measure is above all a "contribution" of your part to the evolution of the site, to its maintenance and its good running. Indeed lionel, there are already 2 means of financing, the donations and the publicity. So let's see, advertising since the existence of the website, I personally touched 300$ for that, you can withdraw 100$ of annual fees for P-A (Hosting + domain name). Donations, don't exceed this amount either. There is maybe on average one donation every 2 months... Which are always the same people, who will recognize themselves and whom I thank by the way. On the other hand, the time I invested is counted in thousands of hours, and still several hundreds for the new site. So I'm not writing this to complain, far from it, if I didn't want to do it I wouldn't do it. That's not the point. But don't you think it's justifiable to try to charge for this work? At my old job, the work I did here cost tens of thousands of dollars. I'm not a multinational corporation, I'm just a guy in his living room investing his time for you. I don't even use P-A, or very rarely, the last time I downloaded a score from the site, I couldn't even tell you when it was. So yes, it's egoistic on my part, and it's questionable. And it's obviously better when everything stays free. But volunteering takes time, a lot of time, which I don't have, because I have to work too. And I'm not sure that many of you are happy to do the same work at night when you get home. I don't feel like doing it on my free time either, when I spend 8 hours a day making websites. So indeed, a contribution of 3 euros a month, I thought it would be a good way to try to finance this work. But I totally understand that asking for this exorbitant amount of money, which is not even a pack of cigarette, a drink in a bar, and maybe 4 breadsticks in the bakery next door, is totally inappropriate from my side, and that I should just continue to do for the best for everybody, not asking for anything in return, and continue to work on it on my free time. I don't know about you, but if I launched this site, it's because it was a real horror to find accordion scores on the web, it was complicated, you had to go through forums, leave your email address etc... Now there is a site where there are several thousands of scores in self-service, where there are new requests every day and where thanks to you the catalog is enriched with more and more songs and an ever wider repertoire. A contribution of this kind seems to me justified. And let's remember that those who don't want to pay will not be obliged to do so.
robinson 82
Good evening Slade: this is a small message of support; there must be a solution, and I understand your discouragement! musically Robinson 82
Tenente Dan
Hello Slade, hello everyone, I have so far given my opinion on details without mentioning the point that seems to be the most annoying, the 3 euros. I am in charge of an association and the members pay an annual fee to access the activities. This is valid for most of the associations. To do sports, we pay an access fee to the club and then we share in a friendly way a passion or a common hobby. I am not an Internet user but could we not, since the monthly fee of 3 euros seems insurmountable financially or psychologically to some, replace it by an access fee to the site. I don't realize the effect and how many out of 4000 users would still be present. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, I'll continue to use this site, paying or not, because, unlike some people, I download not for my friends but for myself. Sincerely Dan
Hello everyone, since the idea of buying scores to put them on the site has not met with a single positive comment, it is forgotten. As for the contribution, indeed it could be reduced to 2 euros, if it is easier to accept for you. What do you think about it? Concerning the fact that you have to pay to access the service, I don't think it's a good idea. Indeed, the purpose of this contribution is that it is suggested, possible, and highly appreciable, but not mandatory. That people who don't want to or can't pay 2 euros per month, have the possibility not to do it. By making the access paid, it is sure that it will be more convenient because, no head count of the number of scores or anything. But it forces everyone to take the step of paying this contribution and I don't think that everyone is ready to do it... Thanks for your suggestions and comments, I'm still waiting for more :) A little aside, there are in this discussion two messages that lost their authors, because of a recurrent bug on this version... If both people could send me a private message telling me which message is theirs so that I can give back to Cesar what belongs to Cesar! Thanks!
good evening to all, I am of the opinion of Lionel, and I wish with all my heart that one does not break this very beautiful toy which I used to reconstitute a musette repertory. I have "paper" scores and have sometimes deposited a sought-after title. Every day I look at the "re-research score" section and I am always willing to provide the title(s) I have! Improving the site ? very good, but be careful not to scare away the faithful.... Thanks for everything to Slade and good choice! Thanks also to Lionel and Jean-Jacques for their availability. Good Sunday, André
La Cumparsita
Hello everyone, Well, after reading your different opinions, you want mine too? Well, I'll give it to you.... I've made P.A. my favorite site for sheet music. I look at it every time I go in front of my computer and I also spend a lot of time browsing in the search engine. 5 scores per month is a dry diet for me...I download scores that I don't own yet and a large part of the others is to "renovate" my old scores (some of them are 50 years old ....), yellowed paper and scribbled scores. The view is not what it used to be...and then I have a great pleasure to search in the score pool. I modernize my repertoire but I am always looking for old hits. And it is for my personal consumption, to animate the family meetings and between friends, in short by finding time again, I doubly found the desire to play. That each added partition gives a bonus point, it is well. But we don't always have the requested score! and everyone will be on the lookout every day to try to provide a score. By not always checking if it has not already been submitted! This is what is already practiced and then hello duplicates! So no more scores deposited in avalanche when they have not been requested... And also a little effort when depositing a score; if it is 2 or more pages long, it is not difficult to send it in one single sending and in PDF if possible. We talk about preview, but actually opening a score to see if it suits us is not a download if we do not save it? I agree on the fact of participating financially, on the one hand given the price of scores in the trade and on the other hand as Slade reminds us a site has a cost. So we have to be understanding, nothing is free, and if we want P.A. to survive, we have to make an effort. I'm more in favor of an annual subscription (like on some sites) of 5 or 10 euros. If every user happy to find here free scores, multiply by 3 or 4000 members, by not limiting the number of scores, would it be possible? A site works like this; open to any visitor but the scores forum is only accessible to members and it seems to work well. I hope I didn't offend anyone because it was not my intention, but just the desire to give my personal feeling. A big thank you to Slade and JJ for the huge task they accomplish...for our greatest pleasure. My friends musicians, I send you all my regards and thank you for taking the time to read me. And long live music!
La Cumparsita
Re, My Avatar not wanting to show up, I sign that it's me La Cumparsita.
In response to the last comment, I don't understand what the point of downloading all the scores from the common pot is? ... or maybe I didn't understand correctly. Thank you.
Hello and friendship to all the "P-Aïstes" of France and Navarre, Here is in my opinion a discussion which will make (and makes already) flow many gigabytes. To bring only my personal opinion: I will say in some words YES OK for a financial participation BUT :to be efficient, it is necessary to make it simple, the idea of the bonus - malus, a commendable idea, is complex, heavy to manage and inevitably a little unfair, how for example to count at its right value a SONG-BOY How to account for a SONG-BOOK and just a simple score that is almost unreadable, sometimes badly rewritten, with or without lyrics, with only one treble clef or both clefs or even 3 staves, etc.? So for me I see a simple solution, FULL MEMBER: an annual fee: giving access to the scores without limit and access to all the site. Even a small fee (e.g. 10/15 €) will allow the site to cover (partially) costs that are surely very important OCCASIONAL VISITOR : access to all the site except free scores, it remains to determine if this visitor does not want to pay to become a member, to propose a limited download in number and why not a billing by "piece" with reduction or points of reward for the future downloads, for example after 10 titles bought 1 free score....... etc...but be careful from the moment there is payment there is trade with what all this induces, and payment yes but how: CB ok but secure transaction (https PAY PAL etc etc;;;) .......and what happens to the few members who put a small contribution a few weeks ago, I know the amount is modest but still!!! Here is my reflection, it is worth what it is worth and it is neither more nor less interesting than all other opinions on this subject. Sincerely Djipy
La Cumparsita
Hello to all, ... Effectively Tourneur you misunderstood my message or you read it diagonally ... Bigre, download all the scores of the site, 35 hours would not be enough. And what a cost in ink refills, it is also a budget, it should not be forgotten. Downloading to stay in the computer it is useless. Reassure you Lionel I do not trade scores. On the one hand because I have the means to buy them (which I did before discovering the Internet sites), on the other hand it is not in my practices. That's why I said PERSONAL CONSUMPTION and why. I agree with Djipy, this practice of annual subscription for regular users with unlimited access to scores is done on another site for accordionists. Let's trust Slade and JJ who will do their best to satisfy us.
I'm back, and I'll be able to work on it seriously. This is where I don't understand why it's better, I'll explain. You'd rather have a fee to download the scores, than to have 5 free scores and a fee to have unlimited scores? The way I saw it, the fee to go over the 5 score limit was better than forcing someone to pay to download. Then I see that they talk about "unfair competition". Uh... It's not a unfair competition even worse in the current state where everything is free? Indeed I don't see how making the access to the scores paying can make a worse competition for the scores dealers than in the current state of things where it is enough to download them for free...
it's a legal question slade otherwise in the future site it would be nice in the private messages to be able to follow the conversation (a small reminder of what has already been said) because when the answer arrives ten days later it's hard to follow
Hi, Yes a legal question, but it is the service and not the scores that are the fees. Like grooveshark or other, where the content is subject to copyright, but the fees that people subscribe under for the service not for the songs. For private messages, it has already been done and I think it will match what you want :)
Hello to all, It seems to me not to have read the principle of the micro-payment by calling a telephone number like Webopass, Allopass to have a number by return either vocal or in sms for theThis would be interesting if there are several versions, duplicates more or less readable, and it would give the choice either to download the day or the week.lécharger au jour le jour ou regroupé plusieurs partitions pour une journée si pas presser, bien sur le cout doit être étudié je pense que dans une facture de téléphone that would pass from time to time without being too expensive now is it possible to modulate all this I have no knowledge in the matter Good day to all Cordially Alain
Hello, I'm only responding to your suggestion now. I think that it will be too expensive, and will give too much the impression to pay the score and not the service. After much reflection and analysis of your different opinions, 2 options remain in my mind. I would like to know which of these two options you are more inclined towards, and if you have any suggestions. 1st option: A yearly "subscription" of 15 euros in order to be able to download the scores and the other advantages mentioned above, that is to say: His own music space, removal of advertising etc... All other sections remain free access, discussions, private messages and all the new planned that I will not reveal now :) 2nd option: The option presented at the beginning slightly revised. - We forget the bonus / malus of scores, the scores remain limited to 5 per month unless the person takes the choice of a monthly fee of 2 euros which will give him an unlimited right of access to the scores, no more ads etc..For each added score, an additional score can be downloaded (in case of course the person has chosen not to pay). All the other sections remain free access, discussions, private messages and all the news planned that I will not reveal to you now :) Always waiting for the most possible opinion, this proposal evolves via your comments, these last ones are thus greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hello to all Personally, the first option suits me. Greg
Hi FIFI, in case the second option is chosen, there will surely be a preview system as mentioned above in the discussion. Basically it could even be the case no matter which solution is chosen. I'll just have to think about the technicality of it... Given all the different formats that are submitted...
Hello to all, Personally, I will opt for the first proposal, provided, as Lionel underlines it that the contribution is charged to the operation of the site and not to the "purchase of scores" (it is necessary to make the business work). Moreover, this solution avoids playing the grocers, there is an annual contribution to join the site but if we consider this site as an assos, all the associations make pay an annual right to use their equipment. Good evening to all Amitiés Daniel
robinson 82
hello: the first formula seems to me good and also simpler 15€ it is correct! how to make the payment? I'm not used to making payments online and I'm not the only one ! musically Robinson82
Hi robinson, to answer your question it will be via paypal, like the donation system. you just need to have either: a paypal account or a credit card. it's super easy to use and totally secure.
Tenente Dan
Good evening, After having studied the pros and cons and read everyone's opinions, I still come back to my first idea: pay an annual fee and then be free to download or not and in unlimited number. This is the way to join a non-profit association and it will be much easier for everyone and especially for the administrators. We could also imagine, if it is not too complicated, to give a financial bonus to those who bring their scores, at the free choice of the administrators who would judge quantitatively and qualitatively the said scores put at disposal. Moreover, the payment by paypal is simple, fast and secure. Sincerely, Dan
La Cumparsita
Good evening everyone, I too agree with the first option from the beginning. The payment by credit card is simple. As for the bonus for deposited scores, is it worth complicating things? and those who would not often have the possibility to provide the requested scores could feel left out? we might as well leave everyone at the same level; we pay and we continue to enjoy our site P.A. Hoping that everyone will be satisfied.
Tenente Dan
Hello la Comparsita if you want. I was just saying that because I never put sheet music in the common pot. Have a nice day. Dan
Good evening to all, I make brief, quite a lot of people gave their opinion and it is very well so, so my small message to make go up the discussion in 1° line:For me it will be formula 1 (subscription 15 €) that suits me very well and let's drop the stories of bonuses, I join "la cumparsita" why make complicated when we can make simple,This site is stripped of all frills, and nice and everything that goes with it there are other sites that "foute full the view" but it does not work better (or even less well) than P.A .com so ..... Musically to all of you. Djipy
Tenente Dan
The chief has spoken!!!! Put some form into it, Djipy! Have a nice day, everyone. Dan
Hello, to transfer money, it's very easy to do so by email with a banking institution that allows it, such as ING DIRECT. All you have to do is have the amount in an account at the institution, enter the recipient's name, email address, the amount, a question and the answer to the question. By answering the question correctly and identifying their own account, the recipient will cash out the amount into an account of their choice. Best regards.
hello, I totally agree for an annual fee. 15€ is very good considering the quality and the richness of this site. Thanks to all. Sylvie
Hi, unfortunately FIFI, the solution of the membership fee is to avoid linking the membership fee to the score system, by turning it into a "requirement to access certain parts of the site". If this solution is chosen, the upload of scores will unfortunately not give a right pass...
hello 1st thing: here are 3 times that I delete my message before having finished it (the next one will be under word in copy-paste...) either I push the mouse, or I click on the [Enter] key - I am very clumsy! or I hit the [Enter] key - I'm very clumsy! How to avoid this? The larger window or on a new page or disable everything except the two buttons Cancel and Send? I will redo my message and send it in one go! In function Edit message: back to English! Sincerely jmimi
I appreciate this site and authors of course!
However, conditioning does not seem a natural music that flows left of the river on both sides!
The Internet itself is from person to person, so that any restriction or small, is not in regula.Eu believe that if each house has a post with a score without reserve.
Not least of all: if I say post-score "X" is a perfect picture, and it already exists, but hardly decipherable?
Unfortunately, I do not know French, and Google Translate your comments out of context! So maybe some questions do not I understand you well ... So when you read those written by me!
Take this opportunity to thank the site administrators that I understood and are welcoming!
We in Romania have musical treasures that are in the archives in Bucharest, and others are waiting to be run by the software to get sticks of passion! We have sites with Romanian scores - I say this as an appreciation of more than France and Germany, Italy, Spain ... Other than trade, stops access to culture, here is the background music ...
If I do not have a credit card, how to access a song or a symbolic score that costs only € 0.50 - to say? I say that in general there are people who can mea.se situation can and vice versa, namely those who have more money better, for example, buy a card of music and give nothing, etc ...
a good day! Nicolas
good evening I propose to the 6200 registered on the site to participate in the financing of this one. I created a site, two years ago but too expensive! approximately 300€ per year! I stopped it, I showed my collection of accordion.......dommage!! so 1€72 per subscriber and per month to access the unlimited scores it could be a good solution to make the site profitable! to see Philippe
good evening this does not solve Rusnico's problem, which I understand very well! We are a bit disadvantaged and we won't miss 15 € .... (I don't play, I don't smoke and I don't go to the cinema, I found a free tennis court .... but I can save on .......) in short! In the 6200, there are people like him .... how much .... it's not up to me to set the price bar for access to culture ..... and there it bothers me .... It's sure, a site can only run with a little money (at the moment, I pay for the photo site we are starting because the club can't even afford 15 € of expenses for the website..... there are only the contributions)! so it is necessary that some one pays so that everyone can have an access! After, there are the profiteers .... the ''mange m.....We have to find an average price, as low as possible and make it accessible to everyone... There is no miracle solution! This is my opinion, and I don't force anyone to share it ... how much I am ready to pay, me who can, for the 5, 10, 15 or 60 scores that I download knowing that others can't afford them because they don't even have the means to pay (by means, I mean the possibility) no arms, no chocolate = no credit card, no scores .... To think !!!!!!!!!!! jmimi
Hmmm... I quite agree with you, I don't want to prevent access to the website to those who can't pay for it either. But how to differentiate between those who can't and those who don't want to? That's the problem...
The problem with advertising is that it is completely negligible advertising revenue ... The storage is not a problem, whether there is storage or not is the same price, it is a host.The debate has already been addressed, this is the solution that will be chosen. I find that 15 euros per year is far from being a huge sum, and for those who could have an ethical problem to want to pay me 15 euros per year, thinking that I will get rich on the back of P-A.... I reassure you right away, with the thousands of hours I invested in the 3 successive versions of the website, as well as the hosting costs, with 6000 people paying 15 euros per year (which will not be the case anyway), I let you do the calculation of the gains versus the time invested over 3 years and you will find by yourself that we are very far from any salary. To come back to the advertising, it goes without saying that with annual contribution it also means suppression of advertising for the contributors.
Tenente Dan
Hello, I suppose that the operation will be as follows: Everyone can access the site. Then only those who have paid the annual fee will be able to download. Those who can't pay and I think of our Romanian friend will be able to make their request at the first stage which will be precise and limited. Jmimi or someone else who has the right to access will be able to download it and send it to him. This way we can be fair and nice to our friends far away and/or in need. Sincerely, Tenente Dan
I don't know if this solution will be retained or considered! I don't want to manage the PA ccas either! (the restos are enough for me ...) on the other hand, it will surely be necessary some administrators or moderators on the site (a staff becomes necessary, each one having a domain or a well defined function under control! or if it is not the function it will be the time because it is necessary to answer the requests day and night or almost ......) But it is well what I wanted to say. On http://www.partitionsdechansons.com/ some scores are protected and reserved to the donating members (it's worth a look to see the principle) The transcriptions, they are numerous, often they are offered (thanks to the generous donors ...........!) to PA and could be accessible to all .... as well as the public domain scores .... (see if I forget something ?) Well I realize that this writing window is not easy : how do I reread myself to know where I am in my prose ... (if I wrote nonsense I will use the function [Edit] the small sheet with the pen which allows to correct its message and avoids writing 2 messages in a row which is similar to the ''Flood'') @+ jmimi
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