Hello to all,

You are still going to pour your moods on this site for a long time!!! STOP a thousand times STOP
less than a year ago I discovered this site which brought me a lot of satisfaction, and then suddenly instead of having a forum which turns around what interests us i.e. the music above all, the accordion in particular, this site is a gold mine for the simple amateur that I am (and like many of us I suppose) the others the elites (super champion of data processing among other things) must do their work but not "pollute" the site with their remarks which concern only them and NOT US. There are departures of very competent members certainly but there will be new competent ones who will arrive, P.A it is a community and as such it moves. I am personally the president of an association under the law of 1901 and I know something about personnel movements. Let the courageous and the satisfied ones especially make this site run, which deserves to exist.The storm will pass and a luminous sky will appear and the few bugs which drag here and there will disappear with the thunder and the lightnings which strike Canada at the moment (In France it makes a superb time and VIVE les MUSICIENS)
Sincerely to all
1 Reply
a small remark :
a deserter is a guy who leaves but is in the same army as you !!!
so : if you don't shoot in the same category, by definition, he doesn't desert !!!
he goes back to his beloved abandoned studies or the ones he should have started .....whaooh ago,
but that is another story
only one consolation : ridicule doesn't kill anymore, so the deaths of men (and/or women) are excluded !!! ouffff
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