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Hello everyone

I'm having a little trouble scrolling and I'm stuck at the twentieth article (deposits or requests) on the home page.
On PC and smartphone !!!! and you?
4 Replies
Same problem!
So do I.
Hello, does this problem persist? In the future, please send us an e-mail to [email protected] so that we can solve the problem more quickly.
Hello Dac , apparently everything is back to normal. Thanks
Hello, I would like to know how to scroll the scores to change pages when playing.
4 Replies
Personally, I have a BT 105 bluetooth pedal that allows me to advance or rewind the page of a "pdf" score ....
Hello Troussier
If you are using a PC with Acrobat:
CTRL+Shift (the arrow) + H
Use the numeric keypad to increase or decrease the scrolling speed.
The + or - key reverses the scrolling direction.
If you're using a tablet, the page-turner pedal is the most practical.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much
Hi, I use Mobilesheets pro with a PageFlip Firefly pedal.
Hello everyone, Here is my very first publicatin on this forum and I take this opportunity to testify how much I love this site. I (re)started the accordion 2 months ago and thanks to this site I am making a lot of progress and very quickly.
Question: is there a way to scroll the PDF scores on the computer? At the moment I have to stop in the middle of the song and use the mouse to scroll down the score... not great!
Thanks for your helpOliver

3 Replies
It's solved. I just had to do a little research in these forums.Acrobat PDF => Shift+Ctrl+H
Like what, participation on the forum helps a lot ♫♫
For FOXIT READER there is in the view menu ...Auto-scroll's even easier.
Thanks to the speed modifier, it is possible to slow down the speed of an mp3 by half and then reach the normal speed. The scale shown goes from 0.5 to 0.9 to 1 and can even be increased.
Ideal to practice the left hand accompaniment without breaking the rhythm, which happens frequently to me. The very slow rhythm recommended at the beginning of the learning process allows you to do without the metronome, which I am not yet used to and which I don't really appreciate ..... The same goes for the right hand. After having deciphered the composition and found the right fingering, it is possible to follow the performer at a very low speed and to increase progressively to a normal speed, a little below for example 0,9, if the execution of the original proves too risky. This will take time and for a long time.
So on "La Roulée" by Maurice and Mickaël Larcange" fast tempo waltz, I manage to play it at 0,9. While in normal speed, some measures are still inaccessible to me, notably the coda.
I have another example with "Départ en Flèche" by René Joly & Jacques Pichot played by Émile Prud'homme. I work the left hand still at 0,6. then I increase 0,7, 08, 0,9 and 1.
Here is the link to the very simple online speed modifier

Good tests and performances with small touches without getting hurt :)
1 Reply
Audacity works very well too.
It's free, and it avoids working online; with a last century connection like mine, it's much faster. It also allows you to save the songs with the new settings: it avoids redoing everything if you have to start again the next day.
Warning: it's better to change the tempo than the speed...

Hello accordionist friends, especially those who have a software to slow down the playback of an MP3
As I am working on this piece already well advanced, I acquired the MP3 but it is still too fast. There are some passages where it is really too fast for my current playing.
So I'm looking for the skills to be able to slow down the playback and scrolling speed of MP3 with two different idle speeds if possible so that I can practice it properly.
Thanks for your attention and see you soon, and happy new year to all!
9 Replies
Good evening Noêl.
There is the Audacity software but also Band in the Box.
There are parameters to decrease or increase the speed etc..
Maybe someone has one or the other program.
Good evening.
Hello Noel,

you can use the link below, speed up, increase.

good evening,
Yes, I tried AudaCity and an AVS Audio Converter but I can't get it to work or it's really too slow or I get a result identical to the original real length. I spent several hours on it.
So, if you have some skills on one or the other software, I send you the MP3 and if possible slow it down in two different speeds to see now which I believe that the recording is at 202, tempo of ue waltz musette prestissimo and that it would be advisable to pass to 120, 168 even 184. For some measures, 202 suits me but the difficult passages I need a slower tempo.
You will tell me! Thank you for answering my message.
Best wishes to you!
Good evening,
I do it regularly with Audacity and I have no problems.
In "Effects", you have to "Change the tempo..." and not "Change the speed...". (I had some problems with it, that I forgot since and that made me choose to change the tempo).
I set the tempo in % with the slider: I always arrived at a speed that suits me.
Good evening,
Ok I'll try with the tempo. Indeed, I tried with the speed. And it did not work as I wish.
I'll let you know again. Sincerely :)
There is this site that works not too bad
Very good I used

and I got the expected results directly without going through a complicated access procedure :)
So I recommend it. Various speeds are offered.
it will obviously be much better to reach the real speed of the MP3 /°.
Thank you all for responding so diligently and have a nice day with "accordial" friendships
Hello Enki,

nowadays there are a lot of utility sites for conversions, modifications, JPEG to PDF etc... This avoids installations at all costs, it is very practical for basic.

Good evening to all.
There is also Samplitude which allows this kind of manipulation while remaining in the tone.
Regards Theo

for those who want to read their PDF score on PC in automatic scrolling mode it is possible.

- Use Foxit Reader.
- Double click on the document to open it.

- Click on the "View" menu and select "Autoscroll" or press "Ctrl", "Shift" and "H" your score will scroll.

- Press the down arrow key to increase the scrolling speed. The more times you press the down arrow key, the faster Foxit scrolls the PDF document.
- Pressing the "Ctrl", "Shift" and "H" keys at the same time stops scrolling.

- To reverse the scrolling, press the "-" key.
- Jump to the next page while scrolling by pressing the space bar.


1 Reply
Same on Acrobat reader with the same command or by the menu DISPLAY / PAGE DISPLAY / AUTOMATIC SCROLL
Hello to all of you It is with the agreement of a moderator and the owner of this site that I allow to inform you of the following: My name is Dan PLUCHARD, and I am the official demonstrator for all France of BONIFASSI digital and acoustic accordions. You can reach me at 06 78 46 27 53 or by mail at : [email protected]. I am at your disposal for any information & demonstrations. Musically, Dan. As an indication characteristics of the digital VIVO : Right keyboard : 50 effective notes, 66 keys, 4 rows, range from D# to E. Left keyboard 96 basses in 3X3.
Exceptional sound quality. 37.8 cm X 20 cm X 35.8 cm.
Digital accordion hf with digital effects 895 integrated sounds of direct access including 281 sounds of accordion, including 30 of bando, 124 of organs, violins, brass, etc.... 100% Italian instrument. Autonomy: 20 hours. Fast battery recharge. Instrument equipped with valves and complete mechanics on the bass and right hand to keep the same playing sensation as on an acoustic accordion. New Ergonomics calculated for an optimum handling, and a better balance. Weight : 5.9 kg. Lightweight drum system inside the accordion. Adjustable and memorable transmission sections on treble, chords, bass. Transmission on multiple MIDI channels. Possibility of calling up to 200 registrations or tones from the arranger with wire or HF. Can drive a remote arranger with or without wires. Can also work in MIDI and as a master keyboard.
Calls up 24 programs for immediate use with a single click, which can be stored and modified for the 895 sounds and for each section, and can be used simultaneously with the arranger. Polyphonic potential 128.
Transposition in all keys on the VIVO via the arranger simultaneously.
Modification and memorization of octaves and volumes for each section separately.
Volume: Indicator light for setting and memorizing sound levels. Headphone jack, stereo output, UP and DOWN scrolling,
Possibility to mute the arranger or VIVO sounds independently (even remotely). Activation of the bellows expression assignable separately for the right and left hand.
Instrument equipped with molded magnetic diffusion contacts. (No more mechanical contacts)
Activation or deactivation of the reverb by simple manipulation. Designed for maximum simplicity:
Undeniably lightweight, this instrument is rock-solidly reliable, and its well-designed ergonomics allow for weight distribution and balance to spread the load.
The sounds contained in the VIVO have been the subject of particular research: a whole panel of sounds is at your disposal to meet all your needs. Hundreds of sounds have been studied so that you can find all the combinations you are looking for. "SIMPLICITY MODE
Designed specifically for ease of use, this instrument has a minimum number of buttons. When you turn it on, you just have to play directly. To change the sound, you just have to press one of the 12 lined up keys. By pressing twice the same 12 keys in line (double click), you get 12 new programs (so 24 programs accessible simply). INSTRUMENT ACCESSIBLE TO ALL
In "simple mode", anyone can use this instrument, even someone who is not familiar with a digital instrument. "IN "NORMAL MODE
In "normal mode" this instrument is easy to use. There are only two keys that serve as MENU: the "SELECT" key and the "MIDI" key. These two keys, (8 combinations maximum) serve as access to all the functions of the instrument. Quick access to the 895 sounds : position " internal " and put the red light on " treble ". In the interest of simplicity, we are at your disposal for any further information.
15 Replies
Hello, my name is Jean-Pierre (djipy for my fellow musicians), I have already heard about the VIVO, it looks good.I have an old Odysé CAVA (10 years old already), if you pass one day in the Valence-Romans area (drome), I would like to see it closely; Musically to you Djipy
Tenente Dan
It is a "friendly" fight between Bonifassi, Cavagnolo, and Roland. I have a Roland FR3 X, a 120 bass with a very good possibilities/price ratio (2500 euros new in December 2010). I am very happy with it. I attended, at the last music fair, the Cavagnolo and Bonifassi demonstrations. It is certain that they offer greater possibilities, even better sounds. On the other hand the prices are much higher. The Roland is perfect for me who is taking up the accordion again after 30 years of interruption. If, on the other hand, I were to perform in public, alone or with a small group, I would opt for one of the 2 other brands. I am happy with my FR3x but I will not hesitate to change it if a good offer was proposed to me. See you soon and enjoy the music.
"It's a friendly fight" (it reminds me of something!). ) The all digital has evolved a lot, and on the market the arrival of the last one (bonifaci) will still shake the place, personally I also play on accoustic and frankly it is not the same, what reproaches to ROLLAND it is precisely its "touch" rather keyboard synth than not the same, what I reproach to ROLLAND is precisely its "touch" rather keyboard synth than accordion and I really have difficulty to play at ease, I think I think that the VIVO system must be much closer to the accoustic from the point of view of sensations under the fingers, if there is a user of this modelIf there is a user of this model I would like to know his opinion, as for the budget obviously between ROLLAND and CAVA there is a gap that can make more than one think.Anyway, everyone has to enjoy themselves with what they have, Sincerely Djipy
Tenente Dan
Ciao Djipy, I have a Cruccianelli accoustic and, at my modest level, I go from one to the other, without any problem. It is true that the Roland touch, ultra sensitive, does not forgive the smallest deviation. When I have money, I will try the others. If "friendly wrestling" reminds you of something, it's really involuntary, especially if it's a final. Good afternoon. Dan
Thank you Tenente Dan for your comment. I'm replying to you on the forum, so that everyone can benefit from my answer. In no case, personally I will not make a fight even friendly with Roland and Cavagnolo, because I respect these 2 brands. Less than a year and a half ago I bought the FR3 XB, I sold it within 3 months. As a professional, this accordion did not correspond to my expectations, of course this is only my opinion. I had the impression to make love with an inflatable doll, as beautiful as it is. But you, after 30 years of interruption, made the right choice. I would have done the same thing as you did, considering the price and the possibilities. I had the opportunity to try the Cava Digit with Jean-Louis Noton, whom I salute by the way, and I can say that it is a good machine, I was going to take the plunge despite the price. Unlike the Roland, the Cava and the VIVO Bonifassi have a real acoustic accordion touch. And then came my meeting with Mr. Bonifassi, the test of the VIVO, and there I am convinced. When Mr. Bonifassi offered me the position of Demonstrator, I immediately accepted the proposal because the VIVO had really caught my eye after a test on 15 galas. What I liked most, the weight 5,9 Kgs, the sounds, a wooden accordion, a real touch of accoustic, a HF Audio & midi integrated, 100% Italian construction, 20 H of autonomy and the price! The plain black model, 4 rows 96 basses, 4990 €, case and straps offered, as well as one hour of training offered. 2 years warranty. I feel good with the VIVO and I have only pleasure to demonstrate it, if it was the opposite I would have refused the job. So no fighting, even friendly, on the contrary you have the chance to compare 3 products and as the customer is king, and you have a good ear, you will also listen to the wallet and especially how you feel with the instrument, it is the most important! Remaining at your disposal for further information, I remain at your disposal, even for a test and a demonstration. Like that it is you who will judge. Sincerely and musically Dan PLUCHARD
Hello to all I'm glad to see that there are comments. But don't forget one thing you have to approach acoustic and digital as 2 different instruments. It's all in the bellows, no need to pull hard on the digital, when you are at one with the expression it is only happiness and the less you pull the less it is heavy! The acoustic will always be present, the ideal is to have both. Musically Dan PLUCHARD
I take the liberty of joining the conversation, because I have had the opportunity to see and listen to this accordion and believe me, even if we do not know too much to date the BONIFASSI brand I can tell you that it is a brand that will hurt in terms of a brand that will hurt in terms of accordion the characteristics of this jewel, have all to compete and then devalue the brands cited in your comments, it is obvious that the acoustic will always remain the acoustic, but the possibilities that offers theacoustic, but the possibilities that a digital offers while having seen the BONIFASSI at work gives desire to cross the step acoustic / digital, because more problems with the repisse in a sound system, it is a pleasure to sound without constraint the touch and almost identical to an acoustic and the possibility of having thousands of registers and sounds at hand, make that the digital remains an asset for an accordionist and for all instruments it is the same:) for the small anecdote I am a drummer and I knew these polemics Acoustic and Digital :))) and I can tell you that at a certain time I rushed on the digital in 1984 purchase of the revolution in the drums the SIMMONS SDS V then in 1986 the exit of the D DRUMS with 320 points of dynamics to nuance its play instead of 127 points that deI immediately bought the DDRUMS at the price of 32000,00 Fr because I knew that it would give me a plus for my job even if my drummer buddies were reluctant to use this kind of instrument. the future gave me reason for this purchase, because I do not tell you the sound engineers as they were happy to sound me :)) no more microphones that mess up, a great sound of drums with the acoustic touch allowing to make groove and inflections as well as on an acoustic. to summarize I can tell you that if I were an accordionist nowadays, I would immediately go for a digital product, privileging the sound, the convenience, the precision, the comfort, the possibilities that the midi offers and also without forgetting the weight gentlemen:))) very important this criterion and then frankly, 32000,00 Fr the DDRUM in 1986 we are far from 5000,00 euros nowadays :)) then seen what I saw of the product BONIFASSI do not hesitate gentlemen you can go head down I took pleasure to give you my opinion of drummer :))) good road to you all Jean-Charles
Hi Jean-Charles I think I recognized you, I think you are the former drummer of Daniel Guichard, Gilles Pellegrini, René Coll and others ... We had the opportunity to play together, glad to see you again and thanks for your opinion since you heard the product. And long live other musical adventures together Musically and Amicably Dan PLUCHARD
Hello to all, I worked on the VIVO in combination with the Ketron SD8, in HF and it works perfectly. We can call 200 registrations remotely, control the key start and all this without wires... The chords are well recognized, I am more and more satisfied with the VIVO. I feel better on stage, free of my movements, I went down among the dancers, no stalling. Musically Dan PLUCHARD
Tenente Dan
This was a friendly and informative discussion. Just a little disagreement with dan. Since I was 6 years old and I am now 60, I have hugged many accordions. But not once, not once I say, have I confused them with the young women I have also hugged. Even in those uncertain states of the next morning that we all knew. Thank you and good day, Dan (Tenente Dan)
My dear Dan, Don't worry, I can tell the difference too, It was just an image, besides without consulting each other JL Noton said the same thing as me. Thanks for your comment and your humor. Try this if you can, hang an accordion on the back of a great girl (Preferably a Digital, it will be less heavy) And dance with her while playing a slow song, you will tell me about it ....................... !!!!!!!! Sincerely and Musically Dan PLUCHARD
For information Please note that the VIVO is available in a piano keyboard version. It is possible to switch from 96 to 120 basses and from 4 to 5 rows. Today, rest, remains at your disposal if you want a demo. Sincerely and musically Dan PLUCHARD
Good evening Stéphane, Thank you for your message and I'm glad you feel good with the VIVO. Let musicians know about this site. Musically Dan
Hello daniel, me it's serge, (sergeacc) on the sitevoila my question, ok for the hf accordion but how does the hf work with a xd3 for example, is there a key to install on the arranger.
Thank you, musically
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