Hello, I'm a new premium subscriber, and I've understood how the score search works (okay, it wasn't very hard!) but is there a place where I can get the sound with the score so that I can work on it, or do I have to copy it into a program? Thanks for your advice. Bon week end
8 Replies
I'm not familiar with Photoscore and its possibilities, but I use PLAYSCORE 2, which does a good job of reading PDF or scanned scores.
Hello. The search function is very (too) restrictive because it only works in the active section: Scores, Discussions, Music... This probably explains why a lot of score requests concern titles that are already online but that the requester did not find by searching in "Score requests". The search function should (it is a point of view) concern all the headings.
1 Reply
Hello didber, that's a good idea. The problem is that the scores have an advanced search unlike the other categories.
We'll look at that and see if we can improve the system :)
Hello. Not to mention the malfunctions, and slowness of the site, most certainly in the process of being treated? I am disappointed with your site, and I hope that my comment will allow you to move forward.
1/ No search by theme, like celtic music, classical music.... sometimes I look for inspiration, and it's good to find examples.
2/ Most of the scores are not accordion scores, but simply scores.
3/ With patience, you can find the same scores on GG.... and for free.
4/ Of course you are not FB, and that's good, but FB is free....
5/ Many other sites propose accordion scores, really accordion!
6/ Finally pay 24.99 euros per year for a stock of scores supplied by members ....
I wish you all a good continuation, in music, for a much better year, but it will be without me. Brigitte21
6 Replies
Thanks Pontiac and Theo for this P-A spirit :)

We are aware that the site is experiencing unexpected problems that have affected its proper functioning. We are sorry about that and we have already solved it and continue to work on it.

Considering the time and kindness you invest to answer all these requests for scores so "easily found on GG", I understand ;)

Hello to all,

it is with great pleasure that I can "finally" show you the future P-A! I know I've been talking about a new version for a very long time and a lot of things have happened in the meantime that have delayed it.

2019 was the year of the new score-accordion, we spent most of it working full time on the website redesign. The goal was to keep all the functionality of the website while adding new things that should make your life easier.

The only thing that disappears is the chat, because it was very very little used and took a lot of resources for not much.

The heart of the website is now the news, which will summarize everything that happens on the site, discussions, new scores, classified ads etc... Each "news" can be commented. A number of new options are available for members, the ability to create events, add a requested score in one click etc.

A library system is coming

Due to the fact that most of you prefer to use the "view" function rather than the download, we thought that allowing you to save personal libraries, to help you during your performances / rehearsals would be an interesting possibility.

The future P-A mobile application will allow you to have your libraries with you everywhere in order to avoid printing/downloading them and to be able to read them directly via a tablet on the website during your performances.

You will be able to browse other members' libraries, copy them, share them etc...

In order to make the search and use of scores easier for you, you will now be able to search by genre and by instrument. Scores now have a system to indicate if they are original scores or not and in which key the score is written. Composers, performers, authors etc. are now individually identified on each score, which we hope will make Cindou's work easier in the future and allow a better classification! A youtube link can also be associated to a score, in order to easily have a visualization of the score without having to use an external service.

We have also decided to focus on members' compositions and to make P-A a place to find original music around the accordion. A real music player will allow you to listen to members' music, make playlists and show your appreciation for other website users' compositions/covers. The music profile is also now coupled to your profile on the website and is no longer a separate category.

Partitions-accordeon will also integrate a store, which I will tell you about in another post so as not to bombard too much information at once. There are also a lot of other improvements that we will tell you about as we go along :)

The redesign of the score-accordion has been in the works since the beginning of the year, it required several months of design, reflections and meetings in order to try to produce something that we hope will be as satisfying as possible for you. It also required a complete technical overhaul of the website and the system that powers it. As I write this we are talking about hundreds of files, and over 12,000 lines of code to power the new platform, which will also come with many improvements in the speed and fluidity of the platform as well as for us and for cindou in the administration of the website. The new website is not yet finished but we are in the final stretch and we can assure you that it will be available for you, at the latest in January.

In addition to all these new features, unfortunately another change is coming to the new P-A. Partition-accordion is now a team of 3 full time people, not counting the work provided daily by Cindou and the revenues from the website are not enough to compensate for all this, which leaves us all in a situation far from optimal for us and for P-A.

After deliberating for a long time on the issue, we had to take the decision to raise the subscription price to 24.99 euros per year for everyone. This was already the case for new subscribers and it would unify the subscription price and allow us to have a minimal remuneration that would allow us to continue to devote 100% of our time to the development and support of the platform and its community. This will also allow us to double P-A's participation in the annual fund for cindou! And also hopefully continue to increase this participation year after year, as it has been done since it was set up.

We understand that this is news that will not please you, but we think that the price (about 2€/month) remains affordable and in adequacy with the service offered. We hope you understand all this and we are here to answer your questions, criticisms, and any other form of feedback you want to give us :)

Thanks for reading this far, feel free to express your opinion on the new site, on the functional changes that will come, and on the price change. We hope you'll enjoy these few screenshots as much as we do :)

PS: I forgot to mention that the new site is fully adapted to tablets, and mobiles!
43 Replies
Thanks for your support :)I forgot to continue the weekly updates. I will start doing that again!
First of all, hello to all of you, musician friends !
I discovered this site a little while ago, and I subscribed to it right away! However, I have some small gaps concerning its functioning, especially on a particular point.
On some scores, when searching or simply viewing, it is written, only on some:"orchestration".What does this mean?
I have a Cavagnolo Odyssée Pro Orchestra 3, and play most of the time with orchestrations. Is it possible to find some on the site too ?
In any case I find this site really top, and I am delighted to be able to share my passion for the accordion with other enthusiasts!

Thank you for your attention! Good day to you all !
4 Replies
Hello Anorou, and welcome among us. All the depositions I have made and will make most of the time are orchestrated. It's Cindou who taught me everything, and believe me she had a hard time. I always proceed like this: accordion score; trumpet Bb; sax clarinet Bb; sax Bb; for the complete orchestrations, bass, drums etc. ..... all the old editions are practically, they had the advantage to be played quickly; what is not the case any more today or the improvisation often takes place. And now there are software that do it for free. Here is also the advantage of this site, that you will not find elsewhere. Wishing you a pleasant stay, Marceau
Hello, I noticed that the button "my score is here" in the new score requests was not working, it now redirects correctly to the score searched :)
As well as display bugs in the edition of a message with the quotation marks and the quotation marks in the notifications too.
0 Reply
Frequently asked questions

How do I register?

to register you must click on the "Create an account" link at the top of the page.
Right side of the website and fill in the fields that are requested.
You will receive an email with an activation link at the following email address
that you have filled in.

I did not receive my activation link. What should I do?

an email to support@partitions-accordeon.com with your
account (username or email address of the account)

I forgot my password. What do I do now?

the "forgotten password" link at the top right of the website
and enter your email address. A temporary password will be sent to you
sent by email. Password that it is then advised to
edit in the "My profile" tab.

I have a problem with my account. Something is not right.

Send an email to support@partitions-accordeon.com with your
account information (username or email address of the account)

I did not receive my temporary password by email. What should I do?

Send an email to support@partitions-accordeon.com with your
account information (username or email address of the account)

How to deposit a score?

the "Add partition" button in the partitions section.
Fill in the artist's name and title correctly. Make sure
that the partition you want to add is not in the list
that the site will submit to you. Attach the file and validate.

How to download a score?

In order to download a score you must be a premium member or in trial period.

How does the score search engine work?

can indicate a particular artist. An instrument. Enter one or
several search words. The site will use all these parameters to
output a list of scores. If you don't find the one you want, you can
look for, try to reduce the parameters. Less words, not
specific artist etc...

I can't use the view button. What should I do?

browser probably doesn't have a pdf viewer. I
invites you to do a google search to find a module of
view pdf depending on your browser.

When does my trial period start?

Your trial period begins as soon as you activate your account via the activation link.

How long does it last?

The trial period lasts 5 days.

How to become a premium member?

to become premium you must use the "become premium" button present
on the right side of the website on all pages. You will be redirected to
to paypal to make a payment of 15 euros.

How long does the premium status last?

The premium status lasts 365 days from the day it is applied.

What does the premium status bring me?

to know all the advantages of the premium status you can click on
the "learn more" link under the "become premium" button at
right side of the website.

Why do I have to pay 15 euros?

contribution is present in order to maintain the site. Pay
operating costs and allow me to have the time to
work on it.
You can read the following topic for more information:

I don't want to use my credit card on the internet. Are there other ways to pay?

there are no other payment methods. Payment information
are NOT transmitted to partitions-accordeon.com. Only paypal
is authorized to process your banking information and refers you to
partitions-accordeon.com payment status. Paypal is the leader in
payments on the internet and is completely secure. Once connected to
paypal you can see "https" in your address bar. This
means that the information you send to paypal is
encrypted. Paypal processes millions of transactions per day. You
you can find out about paypal via google.

I forgot when my premium status expires. How can I find out?

The expiration date of your premium status is indicated on your profile. In the "my profile" tab.

I misspelled the title, the artist or I added the wrong file. What can I do?

Send a private message to me (slade) or to Cindou11 with the corrections to be made.

How do I apply for a score?

using the button "Make a request for partitions" the process is
then similar to adding a partition. See "How to add a
score" above.

What do I do once my request is resolved?

the person who provided the score. In the subject directly or in
private message. And click on the green "resolved" button.

How to contact a member of partitions-accordeon.com?

can either use the "contact" button on the member's profile.
Either go to the "Inbox" tab and click on
"new message" and enter the name of the member you wish to contact.

How to stop receiving emails from partitions-accordeon.com?

Go to
you in the "My profile" tab, then on the "notifications" tab and
uncheck the boxes corresponding to the emails you no longer want
receive. Validate by clicking on the "Update" button

How do I stop people from contacting me in chat?

Open the chat and check the "go offline" box. This will make you invisible in the chat.

What information in my profile is accessible to everyone?

The best way to see this is to visit another member's profile.
It is your nickname, the topics you have created, the
discussion messages you have posted, scores that you have
added, as well as your profile picture and place of residence if
you have specified one.

Who do I contact if I have a problem?

In case of problem you can send a private message to cindou11 or to
myself (slade) or write to support@partitions-accordeon.com

Do you have any other ideas for questions?
Reply to this topic and I will include them in this post :)

Thank you!

9 Replies
All is said :-)I received your email nevertheless, I will tell you that by email.
Hello to all,

It is with great joy that I announce that the music section is finally open!
So what is the Music section?

This section allows you to create a musician's page, for your band or your solo performances.
Add your songs for other members to comment on!
And add photos of your group! Press photo, concert ect...

All members have access to the music area and premium members can create their own area.

Of course the Music section is a very big part of the website, so it is website, so for the moment it is in beta and many features are not features are not yet available such as: videos, concerts, search and ranking of the most popular musics. popular music.

Nevertheless, all this will be completed as we go along!

This section is only for YOUR work, no existing songs that you don't own the that you do not own the rights to will not be tolerated!

Hoping to see many of you offering your work to the listening!
it happens here : http://www.partitions-accordeon.com/my-space

Or by clicking on the "Music" tab in the site menu.
Please post your comments, criticisms or other in this discussion!

Thank you all!
14 Replies
It should work fine now.
But I'll work on it during the day to finish the "in development" stuff :)
Hello to all,
a small point to clarify the functioning of the requests for scores.

First of all, a partition request must ABSOLUTELY be made via the button very rightly entitled: "Make a partition request": on the right from THE FORUM.


Because when you make a request for a score via this form, the site will search its database to try to find all the existing titles that could correspond to your search, and thus, oh joy, you avoid having to search for it yourself and avoid requesting a title that already exists and that risks being submitted a second time!

ALL requests must go through this tool, it helps to clarify the forum and keep a clear and easily accessible list of requests that are pending. If you make a list of 10 scores, it is likely that after 2-3 are added, the others will never come because it is not necessarily obvious to go back into the topics to check that the list is complete.

Requests that do not respect the protocol will be deleted!
Do not redo a request that is still current, they remain in effect until the score is filed !!!! So, no need to start again every two days ....

Another advantage, you will be notified by email when the score is added (if it is added with the same name as the one present in the request), hence the importance that the deposits are made with the name of the composers and not the name of the performers ...

And finally, once your request is solved, please click on the green button "mark as solved" inside the discussion (on top), which will have the effect of not displaying the request anymore and so that everyone knows at a glance which scores are missing!

To see the requests marked as solved, you just have to click on the checkbox "Show solved topics" and then on "search" so that they appear!

Requests for sheet music should also - obviously - not be listed in the classifieds section, unless you want to buy the sheet music, which must be clearly stated in the ad. All requests for scores in the classifieds section without a price, or without any mention that it is a purchase of a paper score will be deleted without notice!

Thanks to all of you!
0 Reply
Hello, as the development on the new site progresses, the migration date is getting closer, and it is appropriate to give an update on the state of the new site, the functionalities as well as the less funny part, the cost...

Features : Forum - The forum remains the same, but a system of categories has been added, which allows to better classify the subjects and to find them more easily - The search is now also available on the forum, allowing to search a topic via its title or its content and / or its category. - A system of important subjects was set up, thus avoiding the "UP" which will not be tolerated any more.

- The requests for partitions are done via a special interface, in the forum. Thus by clicking on the button "make a request for a score", you will be asked to specify the artist and the title. A search will be automatically performed to check if the requested score is not already in the existing scores, if not the request will be posted in the forum. - The score requests have now a button "mark as resolved" which allows to put automatically a request as resolved and to sort in the forum, the display of topics and requests (filter by resolved / pending resolution) - Many of you include youtube links in your posts, they are now automatically converted to video inside the post. Scores - Scores now have a download counter so you can see which ones are the most popular. - The extension of the scores (pdf, img, zip etc..) are now directly displayed in the score list - Several genres can be associated to a score, so it will now be possible to search for "waltzes", "tango" etc... - Each score has a link to indicate if the score is missing or not, and allow me to clean up more efficiently. - Adding a score is similar to a score request, so once the artist and the title have been entered, a search will be done automatically to check if the score already exists on the site. And so, I hope, avoid a lot of duplicates. - The score search system has not changed much, it is only more efficient and more visible on the page and allows to search by artist, title, genre, type (chromatic, diatonic). - The download is now more secure, avoiding that the links of the scores are found everywhere on the internet. - The weight of the scores will be indicated (I'm doing this soon), so you can quickly know if a score is heavy to download or not. News - A system of news has been set up, allowing to make articles on, on one side partitions-accordeon.com and on the other side the world of the accordion or the music in general. If people are interested to write news, they can contact me by private message. The more writers there will be, the more partitions-accordeon will become a relevant site on the accordion world news! :) - All news can of course be commented and shared on social networks. Profile and Emails - The profile page has been expanded and you will now be invited to enter your country and city (this is of course not mandatory) in order to find accordionists near you and why not organize a jam session! - Your preferred language can be set, it will be the language in which the website will be displayed (French or English), so that our little English-speaking friends will have the possibility to interact with you without asking an existing member to be the interpreter. - A more complex and flexible notification system is in place to control exactly what you want to receive by email. So you can be notified when someone replies to one of your topics, to a topic you participated in, when you receive a private message, if someone posts a score you requested etc... - Each member has a public profile, where you can easily find the topics he created, those he participated in etc... like on a real forum :) Private message - Private messages are now organized like a thread, allowing you to easily find the order of messages sent and received on different topics. Classes, Classifieds and Music Spaces - Are currently under construction and will appear after the launch. Chat - The cat's fate will be decided at the last moment. Dues As discussed in the topic about the new website, the majority of the participants had agreed on a membership fee of 15 euros per year. It will be available as a "premium subscription" which will bring a lot of advantages. The biggest of them being the download of scores. The other advantages are :
- Complete disappearance of all advertisements - Access to courses (future) - Access to classified ads (future) - Possibility to create a music space when the regular member can only consult the existing music spaces. As P-A evolves and stays on the internet, the traffic increases, the number of users increases and so does the time, means, money and material. Not to mention the support. The membership fee is therefore introduced in order to compensate for all this, and to allow the site to continue to evolve and I hope in the right direction, for everyone, to offer you a more pleasant and better managed site. I hope that all these changes as well as the future ones will be a sufficient counterpart for the implementation of the contributions. If you see things I forgot to mention or do, feel free to talk about it in this topic. Thanks to all of you!
1 Reply
Hello First of all: THANK YOU for all these precisions! and Long live the new ''Partitions d' Accordéon'' ! jmimi
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