Hello to all,
as you may have noticed partitions-accordeon.com has changed its server.
Everything is now restored and emails should arrive in real time!
However, for some obscure reason that I'm trying to figure out, they are in the spam folder.
I invite you to check your spam folder and to authorize partitions-accordeon.com as a verified sender, while waiting for me to find the cause.

Partitions-accordeon.com now has its own server. Which is a great evolution for the site :)
I'm very very proud of it and I hope that it will be a good thing for the site for many years to come!
By the way, you can use this topic to give me feedback on the new server.
Do you find it faster?

Thanks to all of you!
3 Replies
good evening I am not an idiot of data processing, but what I know is that if the site has from now on its server, it is autonomous !!!! it is always more conclusive to be so- even that said, Slade will be able to let speak its perfectionism...hahahaaacomme what 15e + 15 e put end to end allow to go far !!!!! and it is not finished, hein? thank you Slade and with those which accompany you .....
Thanks erwann :)

Small update: Everything should be back in order for the emails. And they now arrive in real time! Wow!
To reintegrate the site, I had to ask for a temporary password, because I had without stop: Bad login or bad password...
Not too bad finally !
The temporary password mail arrived well, in real time in the good box (not in spam ....)
This to confirm you !

Thanks again for your work
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