Hello everyone, it is with great joy (and stress) that we can finally announce the launch of the long awaited new p-a!
After more than 18 months of development, we hope that the result will live up to your expectations.
There will certainly still be some problems, bugs to fix, like any other launch worthy of the name! We count on you to let us know about them so that we can solve them as soon as possible.
The launch will take place on Sunday at midnight (Sunday night) and the site will be unavailable for a period of 12 to 48 hours. The time of unavailability will depend on the speed/fluidity of the transfer and the adaptation of the information from the current site to the new one.
If your premium subscription expires in the next 7 days and you benefit from the preferential rate of 15 euros per year, we invite you to renew it before Sunday evening. As previously announced, from the launch of the new website the subscription price will be standardized at 24.99 euros per year for all members.
We thank you in advance for your patience during the period of unavailability of the website, as well as during the first days during which there will surely still be a lot of work to do on our side.
Thank you all for your support during all these years and we hope for the next ones :)
Sincerely, The team of partitions-accordeon.com
ps: If you have any questions related to the launch of the new site and/or the transition, you can reply to this discussion, or, as usual, send us an email at [email protected]
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