I'm looking for the score les mots of the band la rue ketanou
1 Reply
What is the purpose of the section - APPLICATIONS?
Bonjour je recherche partition les mots de la rue ketanou merci
0 Reply

I started accordion 2 years ago with a teacher and a lot of personal work.
I started with the basics and mainly on the C major scale

The teacher pushed me to study the vast majority of scales, arpeggios and chords in major, minor and 2 hands.

What's more, in the minor mode, I need to know the Natural, Harmonic and Melodic scales. The aim is to master by heart all the scales, arpeggios and chords.

But also, with both hands in sync, as well as descending with the left hand and ascending with the right, and vice versa.

I understand this technical work, but I don't feel that this enormous amount of work is necessary for playing the instrument better. But I suppose my judgement is wrong.

If someone of good will could tell me 2 words about it and enlighten me It would be nice !!!!


3 Replies
Good evening, yes it's very good, but not motivating! I gave lessons to an 11 year old who had never touched an accordion, with the chromatic accordion method 1st year by Médard Ferrero and the scores. After a year, he was playing 10 scores! cordially
Hello Do you want to become a concert performer? Follow the advice of your teacher, who may only see in you a wallet on legs or may have detected in you a future Verchuren. Otherwise, just enjoy playing the scores on PA and you'll quickly find your level.
Hello to you. For your information: please respect the spelling when searching in the PARTITIONS section. I have just noticed that when searching for a title such as WHEN SHE SEEKED THIS if I put an E in SHE the search indicated me (nothing in the site). Now it is also necessary to juggle in the title trying to keep the main keywords. I think that all members with time are aware of my remark but for new members, it can help them. Thank you for your understanding. Good music to all
0 Reply
Hello There are more and more people asking for titles that have already been on the site for several months or years. This raises a question. Are we dealing with losers who love to be assisted or is there a schmilblick in the P-A site's search engine if the applicants can't find anything and feel obliged to apply?
Perhaps it should be re-explained that it is possible to search with several criteria. The title, if one is sure that it is good, or with keywords, or by artists, or by performers or by composers. But all this seems maybe too heavy.
3 Replies
Hi yoyo,
Without even doing a search with multiple criteria just the title find most of the scores that are requested and already filed.
There are several factors:
- people don't search (in the same way that people don't read. It is specified twice that the artists field is for artists but the requesters keep marking their messages in it).
- regular members are requesting sheet music because they can't download it from the site because they are not premium.
- most of the existing sheet music sites also work on a personal request concept. Does this play a role? I don't know.

But literally the last 5 requests I see would have been found just by typing the title of the score... Without any need for advanced criteria....
Me, I go on and on, but I always survive ........ ♫♫ Mouahhhhh
Hello to all, I will add that there is also the "advanced search" which allows to put several elements: title, composer...
But Slade said some things...the nonpremium members...who make multiple requests....and who can't even, (it's me who says it) THANK!
Hello I can't find the scores before December 2020 by doing a word search I know there are other scores with the same word in the title.
2 Replies
Hello I can't find the scores before December 2020 by searching by words I know that there are other scores with the same word in the title
Like Sir I have the same problem, I am looking for the score the swallow of the suburb.
Thank you for your answer.

Thank you for your reply I finally found it in accordion scores, their software has changed shape from last year.
Hello to all. I am looking for a java, whose title is "Pigall's bar", music by A. T . Cekow . Yes this score is not found, if one of you have it I would be very grateful if he could drop it. In the expectation of this kindness, I continue to share works of old editions, which I hope make the happiness to many of you. I thank in passing, the small kind words that I receive on my messages. Thank you all, for helping me in this research. Marceau
3 Replies
The author and composer is known at the BNF
https://data.bnf.fr/fr/14839253/a_-t__cekow/pour the legal deposit of 282 works.for the title sought ...
Pigall's barjava, orchestra with piano conductor and accordion
Edition : Paris : A. T. Cekow , [s.d.]Composer : A.-T. Cekow
He was the publisher himself.
All works printed in France are subject to legal deposit and there is therefore a copy deposited at the BNF ... with the number of "notice" it is possible to request the purchase of a photocopy from the reproduction service ... of the BNF see the conditions on the site ... and the document is available for consultation on site
Bibliographic recordIn public formatIn public formatContent type(s) and viewing mode(s) : Noted music : unmediatedAuthor(s) : Cekow, A.-T.. Composer View related records as authorTitle(s) : Pigall's bar [Printed music] : java : orchestra with conducting piano and accordion / music by A.-T. Cekow
Publication : Paris : A. T. Cekow, [s.d.]Notice n° : FRBNF42898355
Music universe This notice belongs to the music universe
More on Google IMAGES

thank you yoyo , I'll follow this track , we'll see .....
I'm looking for an old song, maybe interpreted by Charles Trenet, in the words: 20 years all his hair and all his teeth....30 years....40 years ... until 60 years ... and we end by Enjoy it we are not always 20 years.
Thank you for your attention
0 Reply
Hello to all
can someone explain to me if it is possible to make a multi criteria search on the site
I am looking for titles containing the words JAVA and ORCHESTRATION
is there a particular separator to put between the two words JAVA and ORCHESTRATION
4 Replies
Hello André. The depositor, notes the authors composers then the title of one or several pieces, genre and orchestrations, if orchestration there is. In your research, the orchestration can not be dissociated from the title. Example, in research, you type the genre (java); that will show you all the titles of this genre (the orchestrations will be notified next to this one). On the other hand if you wish the piece with variations exp: (java variations); they will be proposed to you (but the orchestration) does not enter the framework of research. Personally I deposit all that has to do with the piece itself; but for that it will be necessary of course to have it in its possession. In short, you can't search with the term "orchestration" (it's a matter of chance). Hoping to have been useful to you; good research.
in fact the word orchestration is always surrounded by brackets and the word orchestration cannot be found. on the other hand the word (orchestration) with the opening and closing brackets associated with the word java allows to find the javas which includes in the title the word (orchestration).
With this experience, I tried to find the titles containing the words JAVA and VARENNE, vain research, on the other hand if I search for JAVA DE LA VARENNE, I find well the title.
I remain on my end
Good evening
Thank you for your answer, I understood the principle of the search which can only be done on a term or a sequence of words or character strings which will be searched as is.
I don't know what type of database is used by PA, but having already programmed in php with mysql databases, I thought that we could have wildcards like % in mysql.
thanks again for your answer
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9 Replies
Good evening Slade
Two questions:
- I may be absent at the time I will have to renew my participation: can I do the renewal before the scheduled date, or is an "authorized delay" envisaged?
- how to participate in the chat?

Hi Cavag31,
At renewal time if you are not present you will go back to regular status but you can become premium again as soon as you are back :)
But I think the renewal will be available a week before the official renewal date!

For the chat you have to look at the bottom right of the screen you have a message icon with a number next to it, you click on it and you will have access to all the people online :)
Thank you (for everything!)
Hello Slade,

I'm a little hard of the sheet and especially much too lax, I wanted to renew my subscription today last day of course and I do not know where to go.

Thanks for helping me but if I don't really deserve it, when I had the bar to do it these last days.

Thanks again for all you do on the site, you, JJ and everyone else
Hi Mosquito,
I just saw that the bar disappeared on the last day!
You should see it again,
keep me posted!
Thanks Slade

This is fixed.

Good day and good continuation
Hello,please create a new topic with your question.this discussion is about the operation of the website.

Edit: I see that you did it. So I delete your message here.
Hello Slade
I just realized that my premium profile ended on March 1, 2015. I will not be there on that date. I would like to bring forward this date to renew my premium membership. Can you tell me what to do because I don't see how to do it.In advance I thank you.Good eveningAmicalementLeCreusois
All is said :-)I received your email nevertheless, I will tell you that by email.
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