Hello. I'm having problems sending messages to Slade and Cindou.
no answer!
to be continued
You have to write directly to the support email. THANK YOU
0 Reply
i'm looking for the score of a bolero te revoir played by pierre peribois
MAIL ADDRESS DELETED for confidentiality, contact by private message on the site
thanks in advance
3 Replies
Your request is not sufficiently visible in the discussions area ....elle should be in the section - requests .
I don't know how it works thank you
And yet you've already made requests ... in the menu on the left there are 4 sections classified ads tutorials discussions and requests ... in make the right choice in the right section.
Hello to all,
a little update to list the latest bugs that have been fixed (in case you've been paying attention!)

- Some image formats (jpeg) were not displayed on some posts.

- The youtube previews in some comments hidden by default were the wrong size.

- The "like" button on songs did not update automatically after clicking on it.

- The contact page for the mobile version of the website was empty

- The unsubscribe link for newsletters was displaying an error ("you're not allowed to do this") when trying to unsubscribe from some emails from this link.

- When adding a partition the genres were "emptied" after adding a file

- Still adding a score if the file was added before the genres, the latter was no longer taken into account.

- It was recently impossible to change its city on its profile

- The editing menu (on the ...) was displayed behind the content of the website

- The change of profile photo and the resizing / cropping of the latter was broken.

And probably other things I forgot.
Don't hesitate to contact us by mail and/or private message when you encounter bugs :)

3 Replies
Hello Slade,
I don't understand, I don't know how to search for a score; thanks for your help. Before, everything worked perfectly, but now it's impossible. Thank you for your help. JEAN MARC
Could you please try again now and let me know if it works?
It works perfectly now; thanks Slade
Hello. The few links I attached to my messages are not working. Only one part is taken into account. The part before an exclamation mark.
Thank you for reviewing on occasion.
3 Replies
Hi didber. I'll make a big wave of notification with the feedback we've been getting lately.
Thanks Cindou11. Indeed your link works. But it doesn't solve the problem I have. Apparently slade is going to look at this anomaly.
Hello didber, this should be solved
Hello everyone,

This is KPC from the admin from the partitions_accordeon account. Some of you are wondering how to display the scores in full page from the modal "see score". While waiting for the full page display of the score to arrive very soon, at the top right of the menu, you can find an arrow symbol. Click on it, then on the full screen option which appears first in the drop-down menu.

Don't hesitate to send us your feedback or questions on the support or on the mailbox of this account!
0 Reply
It's been 2 days that I don't receive the new scores in my mailbox, please do the search ......
2 Replies
Hello, There were no new scores in the last two days... In fact 0 and 1 respectively. This is probably the reason. Sincerely,Slade
Thank you for your answer. ... Good day. ...
I don't receive the scores in my mailbox anymore...why?
24 Replies
Hello, is this still the case? Is it in the spam?
This is still the case to this day and no it is not in the spam. ....
Are notifications enabled in your profile?
Yes I checked too and nothing wrong. ......
I'll take a look and try to figure out what the problem is.
Thank you in advance ....
I still don't receive the new scores in my mailbox? my profile is up to date and nothing in the spam? I am a subscriber and I paid my membership so please what should I do? all this is abnormal. thanks for your serious concern ........
Hello, this has nothing to do with your subscription. The emails are still going out, every day.

It's your email provider that refuses to receive them. It is quite difficult to find out why. Sheet music-accordeon sends 20,000 emails per day for new sheet music, and many providers consider this as spam and decide to block it.
You can contact your email provider and ask them why they are blocking emails from sheet music-accordeon.com while we do our best to try to get them through.

Each provider has very different and more or less strict rules.

Thank you for your answer, I will contact SFR.
I have contacted my SFR operator for 3 days, we have been communicating, they have checked everything with my mailbox and they have found nothing abnormal? So I don't know what to do anymore? Please help me to solve this problem because I need to receive all your new scores. Thank you for following me... Why haven't I heard from you in a few days? ??????
Hello, Sorry for the delay in responding. I will look into the exact error that your provider is returning in relation to the emails and get back to you privately.
Thank you very much for taking me seriously because I don't know who to turn to anymore...see you soon and hope for good news...
No answer so far? And still no email. ...
Hello, I have not yet answered you because I have not yet been able to solve the problem. SFR refuses emails sent by partitions-accordeon.com
I am in discussion with the host to find a solution.
This morning finally 3 messages of accordion scores. I did not succeed with SFR and you did? Finally a big THANK YOU for your trouble. ...
Hello, yes, it seems that the problem has been solved. Please let me know if you receive the new scores as before.
OK I'll keep you posted, thanks again ......
Unfortunately I have bad news .... I received in courier accordion scores on Friday 29 and Saturday 30/09..but Sunday 1/10 and Monday 2/10 ...nothing received???this is the latest news..Thank you for renewing the research. ......
Nothing today either Tuesday 3/10/2017 ????
Hello, this is because there have been no new scores in the last two days. You should receive them again tomorrow.
I read this morning a message from accordion scores received last night at 11pm, very happy I hope it will continue, I'll keep you informed. ... Thank you for your trouble. ...
Great :)
Correction: Tuesday 03/10 received late in the evening. ......
Today, Friday, everything seems to be going well. I hope that all this is only a bad memory. Thanks again and have a great day.
This pseudo JIRA, does not cease to make its small market on P. A and distributes "our small treasures" daily on another site .... while being foamed for its good heart!!!
So, dear Jira, the day you will sweat to scan your donations on other sites, we will see no problem ... but, know that there, you are spotted, even spotted ...
Moreover, I can't believe it, now we even receive emails on the personal mailbox (different address from the one of P. A), here it is :
I noticed that you are looking for sheet music. Here is a trick to download a lot of it for free.

you go to http://partitions-accordeon.com/

you type "beep" for the user code and "beep" for the password and you will have 4 days to take all the partitions which is on this site the whole free.

to do quickly this scheme can self-destruct quickly.

who do we say thank you to?
Signature pseudo ...

We will have seen everything, but they do not know my side "unearthing" it is called .... denial ...

16 Replies
Yes, I agree in every way.


Thank you once again Dear Cindou for being so vigilant and for taking care of our site and especially of all that it contains (scores, messages, Forum, advice)
It's still daring to come and help yourself at our place and to offer elsewhere....without any participation without effort without purchase without contribution.... I have only one word..... I am ashamed for this person.
Fortunately we have very competent and devoted members who can alert us and ensure the proper functioning of our site.AmitiésVernonait

Everything is said in the 2 messages

HONOUR to this kind of people

GRRRRRR, because if I don't put a lot of scores, I know in any case I imagine the work done by the "big" suppliers on P.A.
And moreover they do not only put scores, those there in general take an active part in the life of P.A. THANKS to them, they will recognize themselves.

Cindou I hope you could block this system because it's really too big... although they will pay for one year and will continue to do their business for FREE
Hello, the person concerned has been banned.
I would like to propose the deletion of these 5 trial scores which apparently are mainly used by pirates.
There are currently almost 30,000 scores on the site (and much more if you count all the booklets that are counted each time for one score).
I think that whoever "adheres" (in the noble sense) to PA will find something to "make money" (I don't like that so much) on his 15 €.
Once again, thanks to the whole team, and sorry I can't satisfy more requests.
good evening to all. to answer cavag31.

I quote you
- "I will propose the removal of these 5 test scores'.

if you do that more new members knowing that the renewal rate is not 100%.

- "apparently they are mainly used by pirates.

no there are other methods.

- "There are currently almost 30,000 scores on the site (and many
more if you count all the booklets counted each time for a
I think that anyone who "adheres" (in the noble sense) to PA will find something to "make money" (I like that less) on their 15 €."

the question to ask is the following.
where does this score come from?
for a certain number they were requested by cindou11 on the cavern with the partition (site of free exchange). it is amusing to see that you fire a person who takes here to share free and to congratulate cindou11 who takes ayeur to make pay here.

My respects to all.


good evening

I hit the nail on the head?

I apologize.

4290 personal scores shared thank you.

good night to all.
In answer to krysto !!!!! cindou is not the only one ! I think that dan 95 / jodi / and those conserned of which me mème have their words to say. For my part the covers of its musics; as makes it understand cindou, prove our good faith. This site was for me (passionate) a providence; and I intend well that it prospers! what I share is here, not elsewhere! JIRA AND ITS ACCOLITE to the interception of their scheming, characterizes well a fraud for the purposes of a unfair competition. And this with impunity. Then I will have only one word to say if you type or its hurts; made it elsewhere !!!!!!
So much time and energy wasted on people who are not worth it.
I think that the pure and simple suppression of the "trial" period
of the "trial" period could be a solution, the 15 € contribution
remains symbolic compared to the proposed choices, then those who do not want to participate go their way .....

I fully agree with Jurachromatique ;
I am for the suppression of the trial period, the contribution of 15€ being really more than correct....so if new people want to recover the scores, I think that the 15€ will not slow down their adhesion.
Good music to ALLVernonait
hello to all

dear harmojack you answer me in these terms.

- "cindou is not the only depositary! I think that dan 95 / jodi / and those conserned of which me mème have their words to say."

you forgot all those who were present at the very beginning and who deposited files often jpg in a spirit of total sharing. i remember that at the time the access to the site was free.

- "prove our good faith."

Sharing scores is already not legal we do not have the right to distribute them. we are all of bad faith. thanks to our approach more way to find scores in music stores in the provinces. We are all frauds.
if you don't respect the copyright why do you blame those who don't respect the right to enter this site.

- "This site has been for me (passionate) a providence"

yes, I think that we are all passionate about ' accordion or music. But if you are fifteen years old you may not have fifteen euros.

-JIRA AND HIS ACCOLITE at the interception of their schemes".

I'll go and also a naive enthusiast who did this without thinking. she didn't even change her pseudo to say!!!! full of PA members are on the other forums under various speudo.

- "So I have only one word to say if you type where it hurts; do it somewhere else!

If I understand correctly, you don't want us to talk anymore? you want me to leave?

Thank you, dear harmojack, for answering me.

My respects to all.

People who do not have 15 euros to invest have the possibility to use a trial period. That's why it was created. And we all know that people often create several accounts. It's an open secret that people openly promote circumvention methods because they think they're vigilantes, that's being a moron who just wants to do harm and get noticed for a bogus cause. Yes, there is a contribution to pay, HUGE, 15 euros per year. Because behind it there is support, technical and logistical, an assured future and evolution.now if all that doesn't suit you, you go away, but you don't piss off the others like a 5 year old child who is angry that he doesn't have the same toys.I'll continue to ban your ips one after the other. You'll get sick of it before I do.
The system is the way it is, whether you like it or not. It won't change for you. But you are free to walk away. I even encourage you to do so.
Concerning the trial period, it will not disappear, because I think that there are honest people, who do not necessarily have the possibility to pay this contribution and who need one or two partitions. Especially in other countries where 15 euros can quickly represent much more than in France.
no !!!! it is not necessary to say that; if you want to interpret exactly my thought (in its terms) I ask that you be understanding towards the people who invest themselves plainement. 1°) you attack cindou which makes a remarkable work and is, by encouraging the competition. 2°) the rights of authors: our site proved its honesty, by withdrawing the pieces; of the authors who wished it. On the other hand the scores (goal of our passion) resulting from old editions and today, unfortunately disappeared, "not absolutely nothing of illegal" quite on the contrary they live again thanks to us, moreover I know heirs who carry out research conserning their ailleuils, thing possible thanks to this site. (TO KNOW !!!!! touches of the royalties, that if those are played and declared to the sacem! ) Question, has who profits its rights if its pieces are unknown to us. To finish, you full to find nothing in store, do not you find here what you seek?
Hello to all,

I read like many certainly this topic by wondering if all this has a direction...

I understand the anger of Cindou for the time spent to make P-A attractive, a space of exchange, a rich mine of partition with especially the contribution of other members.

Unfortunately the virtual world is much less regulated than the real world, although sometimes...
The copyright law exists with its interpretations and organizations, just this one here:


As you can see, protected works, works in the public domain etc... are not easy to decipher.

P-A makes it possible to make perdure to see preserve sometimes very old partitions as more recent for the pleasure of all.
The fifteen euros... it is logical to understand that any structure that grows requires time (thanks to Cindou as well as to the unpaid site workers!), but also a few euros for hosting depending on the capacity.

It is obvious that the "pumping, looting" let's call it as we want is a reality and for many other domains. Bans, IPs are easily bypassed by a few connoisseurs.

To conclude I want to say that this topic may lead to slippage, settling of scores, laws interpreted according to etc. ... In short, nothing good for what music represents.

The authors, the arrangers, the publishers are the first ones who should have their say, it was the case for Basile I think whose decision was respected, everyone has the right to assert what he thinks right but I do not think it is the members to be their advocates.

I support the team of P-A for their work through this beautiful library of scores that is offered to us, inevitably there are and there will always be "excesses" through some people.

Hoping that P-A will find calm, look out the window instead of the screen from time to time, life is not so bad.


Cuckoo. Totally ok cindou. Agree with jurochromatique 15 € c symbolic considering the choice offered and the ease of access. No need to run to the stores to find what you are looking for... Everything is there. For beginners like me it's practical if you think to evaluate the level of the piece of course. thank you all. Let's preserve our great site. The kiss
Good evening, let's be courteous and have good intentions towards each other.
A lot of criticism from Krysto, but isn't he maybe the first to "throw" our scores on another site.
I have been quoted in this debate so I am responding.
You should know, Sir, that just like Cindou 11 or Harmojack, I have more than 20,000 original scores and I take pleasure in scanning them and putting them on P-A. for the pleasure of all.
So, to remain polite and if you want to make your zeal with your derogatory and inappropriate remarks and as the majority of the members answered you, go to see elsewhere if you would not be better than on our site which is really convivial and pleasant to visit.
Hello Slade
I have created an account on Friday evening and I still haven't received a link to activate the account in my mailbox. Is this normal? Could you please keep me informed of the progress?
1 Reply
please send an email to: [email protected]
so that I can transfer your activation link manually,
I have recently submitted two albums:
Airs Célèbres (Arrangements Manu Maugain)andValses et Chansons Parisiennes (Arrangements Manu Maugain)
For those who are interested in the playback sequences in MP3 format, please send me a request via the PA message board.
Good music

7 Replies

thank you for putting online these 2 excellent albums. I'm interested in the MP3s if it's possible.

Thanks in advance
to contact a member you just have to click on the envelope "contact" then to fill the box "title" and to make his message with, if necessary, an email address which will remain invisible to the other members
Hello Yves
Thank you for making a request on PA's personal mailbox (see Jean-Jacques' advice)
Good reception and good music.

Normally you should give your links only by PM ... on request ...
but thanks Jean Mi from Jean Mi ....
You are right jmimi, I should not have put links in this section on the forum.especially since I asked to go through the MP.If JeanJacques wants to bein delete my message containing these links .... I thank him.Jimi
Hi jimi
you have the possibility to edit your message :)
Hi Slade,
thank you for this reminder..... it's ok, I modified my message.
Thanks again for your responsiveness regarding the PB access to the site.I hope you have recovered well after that adrenaline rush!!!
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