Hello to all,

I posted in the bug and improvement topic but finally what was supposed to be an addition is now taking an important place that I think deserves its own topic.

As you may have noticed, notifications are displayed in the upper right corner of the screen to inform about what is happening on the website.

member connection, new messages in the forum new scores etc...

An icon has also appeared in the right menu, a clock.
By clicking on it you can find all the history of the activity of the site.

So why all this?

For several reasons.
First of all to allow the administrators (me and jean-jacques) to send you messages if necessary without necessarily creating a topic in the forum or sending an email.

Secondly, because I think that p-a is a community and who says community says life and therefore the site must be alive.

And finally, because it allows you to easily see what's new when you arrive on the site.

You log in with your coffee and wonder what's been going on lately?
Well, instead of going through all the pages of the site, you click on the little clock and you will know at a glance, the last messages, the last added scores etc...

That's it!

This subject is made to be commented as always, with your opinions, feelings, suggestions etc....

It will remain as an "important topic" for some time.

Hoping to read many of you!
3 Replies
Hello slade

I find this new opportunity to have instantly all the info on the site very interesting because I regularly pass by but with limited time I do not necessarily find the time to read and respond to certain messages

continue in this direction thank you


you have now in the history links to sort the display.

- All: Will show all notifications
- Scores: Only added scores
- Forum: Only notifications related to the forum

And as promised,
you now have the possibility in the notifications tab of your profile to choose which notifications will be displayed in real time (this does not affect the history)
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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte
Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte