For those who want real playbacks made by a real musician and not by a keyboard arranger, you can contact or go on the site "FREE MUSICAL PARTITIONS" on which you will find many playbacks. Go to the address below:
Enjoy your visit, and since there are on the homepage the phone numbers, no worries to get information
Dominique Bellot
2 Replies
Good evening DominiqueI found your wonderful site; I discovered it today, bravoI am also a premium member of the site Partitions-Accordé
I am an "old" bass player of 72 years. My current style, jazz (music school orchestra), but I am still passionate about the musette. When I was younger, I played in variety bands for many years, and to finish in beauty, if I may say so, all these years of diverse and varied music, I refounded a small group (of my age...) very nice composed of a solo harmonica, an excellent polyphonist, a guitarist sometimes singer and myself on the acoustic bass. Our current problem : our harmonica soloist has to stop for health reasons.usually, musicians are looking for accompaniments or playback of orchestra, we are the opposite, we are looking for the soloist part of the pieces we play to prepare for the departure of our harmonica soloist friend.Do you have a solution for our group to continue to make music (animation of meals, old people's home, etc...)? thanks a lot if you can help us.BernardDeleted email address / you can be contacted on the site in Private Message
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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte