Hello I speak for myself and a friend ... what made the charm of PA in the PARTITIONS area was to be able to quickly browse everything that was contained in this treasure area. Without trying to find out by whom a work was played. Just like in a department store, you can fly over all the products on the displays without giving a damn about the brand or the content. We'll refine it later. Chiner, that's the word used by my friend...Chiner . Why not make in addition to the CLASSIC a hyper simple mode or there would be in a single line in three or 4 columns that the title - the composer - the interpreter - the genre. One could see in a single WEB page more than 50 titles at once for example...That's all what made the charm of PA...hunting. Nowadays, if you don't have the title, the genre, the year, the style, the names of the rightful owners, you don't see all the other interesting scores you don't know about. Too bad, it becomes a danaid's barrel.