hi Daniel
there was talk a "while back" (I think at my instigation, no doubt nonsensical, the proof) of expanding to other instruments by creating an additional section, what a HORROR!!!!
An outcry from all the great X...... (read great posteurs) of the time, not always accordionists by the way, who screamed sacrilege before going to play elsewhere ;) look for the error !!!!
Brassens sings "ya des gens qui n'aiment pas que ..."
A vast question, Cindou11 is quite right, active members mainly own accordion scores, logically, often from the traditional musette domain, logically, and recent scores of "varied music" or variety are not running around.
But nothing prevents anyone from making specific requests, and you know perfectly well how to get in touch with me for targeted requests (and even to transpose for tenor sax if need be lol).
I'm always afraid of being too visible on P-A, and I wouldn't mind opening up to other styles, but it's not my tastes that come first, fortunately ;)
and what are the risks of asking? if you don't get the answers you want, it'll be like before, no worse!
good music