Hello! I have just registered...I am a small self-taught amateur and I play only at home to please myself...I have a Ketron audya 8 synth...I live in Auvergne around Clermont-Ferrand to locate the region.I am looking for scores easy enough because very little solfeggio (12 lessons) it lacks quite a bit.... Hoping to find my happiness has the occasion... on the other hand to post partitions ....... I often have only partitions recovered to the right and to the left thus unfortunately not very great interest, but if I can... not of worries! MusicallyBolero63
12 Replies
Good evening Sergio
Welcome among us, I am sure you will find here what you are looking for, if not, don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards.
Welcome Sergio, we hope you like it here :)
Hello, I have just joined the community
a question: I was able to benefit from 5 free days but impossible to download anything a window opens telling me that I must be a premium member would I misunderstand?
thank you for your answers
Due to abuse (computer programs, multiple accounts) the trial periods were reduced to 30 scores added over 6 months ago.
OK THANK YOU FOR YOUR ANSWERSHOW CAN I KNOW WHICH scores match up with this one? there are so many that if the filter doesn't exist, I'll be at it for days!
Thanks again.
I have just tried to download a score older than 6 months but the same window opens telling me that the content is reserved for premium members...
Because the 5 days trial period is over, and, logic says that by now you should have "enjoyed" the 30 downloadable scores of your choice.
To find the more than 6 months, start on page 1, or according to the title you are looking for, you see the date of deposit ♫♫
ah zut yet I had not activated my account so the 5 days should not have "started" according to the information I had been given

Hello, after checking your account was created extremely long time ago. Your trial period expiration date was in September 2012...
YES BUT I RE-REGISTERED ONLY A FEW DAYS AGO and received a letter saying that the 5 days only ran after the link was activated
well, it's not crucial!
it was to understand

so I'll have to re-register I guess
Hello, if you refer to the account "birdy" its trial period ends well on June 30. But you still have to be connected with this account and not with autonomade.
Moreover I take the liberty to stop you right away but it is not the sausage fair either and we do not create 17 thousand accounts. So no, don't register again.
Multi-accounting is not allowed as we have better things to do with our days than cleaning up ghost accounts.
If there are restrictions on trial periods, it's not to encourage people to bypass them by signing up all the time. As strange as it may sound, it's quite the opposite.
Hello, I understand better. I'm starting to play the accordion again after a long absence and I don't remember registering.
I'm going to take advantage of some birdy scores!
good day
Hello, I wanted to make a small clarification of the rules established by Slade. If you observe my deposits well; you will notice, that those are clean readable and not appearing on any competing sites or others. It appears that on reading this one, some errors concerning the duplicates or spelling can be reproached to me. And yet on the forum it is, in the form of pawing or openly made me understand that I do not follow the directives, which everyone can have read here even. Questions; is it necessary to take into account this one ??? or to submit to the free remarks. I underline that if my deposits are enclosed to jealousies (not founded) or disturb because do not agree with their personal opinion; there is there of the passes right and it is the anarchy. The fact of depositing, to look after, to refresh old pieces; is a form of sharing, of acceptable presentations, of bringing music that one discovers, should suggerés a little more recognitions than of personal points of view. I am waiting for an answer to this problem, if you are kind enough to have the courage to read the rules .........
11 Replies
the answer is very simple don't mess around you will get fired.

the scores you upload are not very interesting for many members (according to the chat discussions).

I like your scores, but shut up because your discussions are polemical.

you say that we can't find them elsewhere, it's not true because all the scores of this site are available in free access on the net (know how to use google).

Thank you for your recommendations and warnings, too simple. Bite or be bitten, you see I am past the age of spanking. Openly criticized regarding my deposits, while I respect the policy of this site, can not be subject to exclusion. I think I am logical, courteous and fully committed to sharing and helping as much as I can. I took care to read the rules (which was analyzed and established as such, for the good of the community). If there were any changes we would be informed. No, what I disapprove of is to bend to the directives of a member who has no authority to make derogatory reflections insofar as he himself does not respect the directives already in place. Besides I thank you for opening my eyes, on the opinion of my depositors, the paying bookshops do not miss it. Regards Adler
Adler, could you not make a drama out of everything? A member told you that it was not practical to have all the parts of a composer on one file. No, you didn't break the rules, end of story.
There, everything is said by Slade and Cindou11.
With your answer of yesterday evening my dear Adler, without really saying it (to me), I understood well that it concerned me that for the deposit of several scores of only one ....composer (???) in only one Post.
If my message bothered you, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but for some people I understand that it can be disturbing, especially if they plan to create a repertoire or a classification of scores.
Do as I do, stay Zen and Cool and take life in stride, it's a good way to stay positive as a retiree.
Where does this tropsimple come from?
Just arrived, and giving lessons!
- Who said anything about firing someone?
- who has ever forbidden to express himself ?
- our administrators do a remarkable job, with a patience that I would not have. If you have to take the piss because they explain that they are overloaded with work and that it's easy not to add more, it's a bit of a shame.
- no, you can't find all the scores on the internet (it depends on what you're looking for); on the other hand, you can find a lot of them and Cindou has expressed herself on this point (I found a zipped folder with hundreds of scores from PA, even renamed: sheet... !).

After reading your points of view, messages among others that are heartwarming, because reassuring, I recognized that I am very sensitive !!!!! My commitment on this site is in me such a providence in term of communications; that I invested, as if I had for mission to be me more pleasant, and the most useful. Once again, I felt at fault, and that generated in me a feeling of discomfort. I promise to manage my impulses better in the future. My sincerest apologies to you Jodi, who also invests you fully.
There are also members who provoke, but to what purpose ???? I address myself to Tropsimple. I am flattered that you like my deposits. In addition your writings above challenge me. I have consulted your profile, and to my great astonishment you were registered here on the 16th, so the day before. How affirmed that the cats say that my deposits, prove to be ininterents, (see rate of visues or download enterieur). Partitions of cellars, attic, bought to son of collector (there are thousands of them) the 5 of me which comes 1700 arrive at home. I am waiting for you, without suceptibilities, the google recipe to find those. Thanking you in advance for your sincere and honest answer .............
"tropsimple" is a smartass who has been trying to mess up P-A for about 6 months for reasons that escape me.Please don't give him the attention he desperately seeks.
that explains everything. That's how often I get trapped in my self-esteem. Thank you Slade for opening my eyes. Sincerest regards ....... Adler
I understand you...... and I too, at times, when I see the writings of certain deposits, I wonder.... how you hold up...?
Have a nice evening.
Cindou, if it is about my writings, please let me know. I have a keyboard where half of them are erased or illegible. I have to buy silver self-adhesive letters to make up for it. You know and see it on my deposits, I attach a lot of importance to the quality of the covers and the cleanliness, as well as a readable score. I work a lot on this printing by managing the colors and the black and white. I also work trying to find a solution to the new software that has been installed, independently of my will; very good that said; but does not allow me to access the following pages, in the category proposal, in order to overcome the duplication. I site an example: type in research a title or better the heading of this one ( quai de loire ) type quai . Despite that often; no proposals allowing me to doubt. And yet it appears on P.A. S is why with sorrow, I work to find solution with this new software which scans. Be assured, that I make all my possible to be pleasant to you. bizzzz.......
yes very clear. Do as I do; disregard the TV, in the evening I read a lot (the novels of terroir are my only treat), and that is worth HO!!! how much a televised film. To say that it forges the character and enriches our knowledge, the comics also are restantents. Otherwise music paper, pencil and let your imagination do the rest ........
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