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bonjour tout le monde
qui aurait la partition de Maman oh Maman (Roméo) pour accordéon -
en vous remerciant.
me répondre sur ; [email protected]
Merci à vous.
0 Reply
Hello to all
To those who make requests, when a P.A. member guides you to find what you're looking for or even drops off the score, at least have the courtesy to let us know if it's suitable.
Best regards
2 Replies
Good evening dear neighbor,
You are quite right to express your dissatisfaction because we spend a lot of time looking for the score. But all you have to do is let us know, and a thank you won't go amiss...
Music@lement aristo0800
That's true, but politeness is an essential quality that's being lost...
Hello everyone, it is with great joy (and stress) that we can finally announce the launch of the long awaited new p-a!
After more than 18 months of development, we hope that the result will live up to your expectations.
There will certainly still be some problems, bugs to fix, like any other launch worthy of the name! We count on you to let us know about them so that we can solve them as soon as possible.
The launch will take place on Sunday at midnight (Sunday night) and the site will be unavailable for a period of 12 to 48 hours. The time of unavailability will depend on the speed/fluidity of the transfer and the adaptation of the information from the current site to the new one.
If your premium subscription expires in the next 7 days and you benefit from the preferential rate of 15 euros per year, we invite you to renew it before Sunday evening. As previously announced, from the launch of the new website the subscription price will be standardized at 24.99 euros per year for all members.
We thank you in advance for your patience during the period of unavailability of the website, as well as during the first days during which there will surely still be a lot of work to do on our side.
Thank you all for your support during all these years and we hope for the next ones :)
Sincerely, The team of
ps: If you have any questions related to the launch of the new site and/or the transition, you can reply to this discussion, or, as usual, send us an email at [email protected]
1 Reply
Thank you. We can't wait...
Hello Erispoe,

I have the same problem as you mentioned.
Same problem to answer you, the sending does not happen, so I create a new Post.

Yesterday I sent a screenshot to Slade and KPC.
At this time I have not received any response.
I believe that the problem is not with the members involved but with a computer bug.

But having confidence in the moderators I have the feeling that this little "Kwak" will be solved soon.
Have a nice day.
4 Replies
Hello Jodi,
we are doing everything to.... The problem is that we don't have this bug personally on our computers, so it is very difficult for us to reproduce it in order to identify and fix it. I answered in the conversion with Erispoe by explaining a manipulation that could help us to reproduce this bug...
We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience and try to fix it as soon as possible.
Hello KPC,
Thank you for your answer.
Having filed a partition this morning I found that the problem was solved.
If in the future I notice that the screen is "White" I will do F12 as described in the answer received by Erispoe.
Have a nice day.

Great!!! Thanks :)
Have a nice day
It would be great if this was finally solved.Please keep us posted if anyone continues to encounter this bug.
Hello to all,

it is with great pleasure that I can "finally" show you the future P-A! I know I've been talking about a new version for a very long time and a lot of things have happened in the meantime that have delayed it.

2019 was the year of the new score-accordion, we spent most of it working full time on the website redesign. The goal was to keep all the functionality of the website while adding new things that should make your life easier.

The only thing that disappears is the chat, because it was very very little used and took a lot of resources for not much.

The heart of the website is now the news, which will summarize everything that happens on the site, discussions, new scores, classified ads etc... Each "news" can be commented. A number of new options are available for members, the ability to create events, add a requested score in one click etc.

A library system is coming

Due to the fact that most of you prefer to use the "view" function rather than the download, we thought that allowing you to save personal libraries, to help you during your performances / rehearsals would be an interesting possibility.

The future P-A mobile application will allow you to have your libraries with you everywhere in order to avoid printing/downloading them and to be able to read them directly via a tablet on the website during your performances.

You will be able to browse other members' libraries, copy them, share them etc...

In order to make the search and use of scores easier for you, you will now be able to search by genre and by instrument. Scores now have a system to indicate if they are original scores or not and in which key the score is written. Composers, performers, authors etc. are now individually identified on each score, which we hope will make Cindou's work easier in the future and allow a better classification! A youtube link can also be associated to a score, in order to easily have a visualization of the score without having to use an external service.

We have also decided to focus on members' compositions and to make P-A a place to find original music around the accordion. A real music player will allow you to listen to members' music, make playlists and show your appreciation for other website users' compositions/covers. The music profile is also now coupled to your profile on the website and is no longer a separate category.

Partitions-accordeon will also integrate a store, which I will tell you about in another post so as not to bombard too much information at once. There are also a lot of other improvements that we will tell you about as we go along :)

The redesign of the score-accordion has been in the works since the beginning of the year, it required several months of design, reflections and meetings in order to try to produce something that we hope will be as satisfying as possible for you. It also required a complete technical overhaul of the website and the system that powers it. As I write this we are talking about hundreds of files, and over 12,000 lines of code to power the new platform, which will also come with many improvements in the speed and fluidity of the platform as well as for us and for cindou in the administration of the website. The new website is not yet finished but we are in the final stretch and we can assure you that it will be available for you, at the latest in January.

In addition to all these new features, unfortunately another change is coming to the new P-A. Partition-accordion is now a team of 3 full time people, not counting the work provided daily by Cindou and the revenues from the website are not enough to compensate for all this, which leaves us all in a situation far from optimal for us and for P-A.

After deliberating for a long time on the issue, we had to take the decision to raise the subscription price to 24.99 euros per year for everyone. This was already the case for new subscribers and it would unify the subscription price and allow us to have a minimal remuneration that would allow us to continue to devote 100% of our time to the development and support of the platform and its community. This will also allow us to double P-A's participation in the annual fund for cindou! And also hopefully continue to increase this participation year after year, as it has been done since it was set up.

We understand that this is news that will not please you, but we think that the price (about 2€/month) remains affordable and in adequacy with the service offered. We hope you understand all this and we are here to answer your questions, criticisms, and any other form of feedback you want to give us :)

Thanks for reading this far, feel free to express your opinion on the new site, on the functional changes that will come, and on the price change. We hope you'll enjoy these few screenshots as much as we do :)

PS: I forgot to mention that the new site is fully adapted to tablets, and mobiles!
43 Replies
Hello Slade and hello to the whole team.
Congratulations on all these changes.
The design seems to me very explicit and I can't wait to discover the new features.
Congratulations again.
Thanks to you Jodi, we hope it will live up to your expectations :)
Congratulations Slade, I will never leave this site that I have known since the beginning. Congratulations for all these novelties and I am happy to remain a faithful customer, this small increase is nothing to be alarmed about compared to all that can be found in our Ali Baba's cave.AmicalementGreg
Thank you to all the team for this great work! Of course I will continue to visit this site that I frequent since its creation. If in addition it improves! If it can really take away some work from Cindou...
Beyond the proposed scores, the forum allows me to spend a good moment each week even if we can say that unfortunately the music does not always soften the morals.AmicalementMichel
Thanks for your support :)Glad you like it! I will continue to post the progress here
Congratulations for all these new features announced and the great work done, which will bring even more interest to PA. We can't wait, and we're looking forward to it. Thank you!
Hello Slade
A very big thank you for all this work long studied and this site becoming even more powerful for our pleasure.For my part, I will not leave this site of which I am completely faithful and registered since the beginning; the increase is completely normal in my eyes.I look forward to being able to use all the new functions.Congratulations again to You Dear Slade and to your teamVernonait
Thanks again for your support :)
This topic will remain marked important until the launch to try to get the maximum feedback possible.
hello slade i find this very interesting to visit. you say there will be an application? will it work on the apple? in advance thank you for your answer and for the maintenance of this forum.
hello slade
I'm sorry about the price increase...
I see that on the import of a score 97 telechargeeszero thank you it makes pleasure...
I will pay for them ...
The application will arrive after the launch of the site. But yes it is planned that the application will be for Android and iPhone.

As for "pay for them" I don't really see the connection. Everyone pays to download. They pay too it's not a zero sum game. Or someone wins so someone else loses in return.
On the new site, the depositions of scores can also be commented, hoping that it will allow more thanks for the time spent to deposit scores.
Yvon 06
The 24,99 € subscription fee is fully justified! When you see the price that a score costs. Bravo Slade and the whole team. And do not forget that any work deserves a salary. Good continuation and thank you ...
Hello Slade, hello to all,
The music is moving forward and your site is moving forward with it, I'm looking forward to your new version, and the price of the subscription seems to be more than justified, Thanks again.
I totally agree. The subscription fee is perfectly justified, considering the quality of the site, its richness, and all that one can benefit from. Thanks to the people in charge, and beautiful music to you all.
Thanks again to all for your support :)The work behind the scenes is going well, we can't wait to show you all this :)
I am a beginner accordionist and I have just registered: having done the rounds of the sheet music sellers, your site is extremely varied and well thought out; the quality-price ratio is unbeatable; it's Christmas before time! Thanks to your team of enthusiasts, we catch the virus... bravo
See you soon.

Hello Slade,Thank you for this good news.I am looking forward to the new version.Congratulations to you to share with all the team involved in this development.With my friendly memory.Musette27
Yvon 06
Thank you Slade and congratulations to the whole team for this accomplished work! The subscription of 25 € is amply justified. Best Wishes and Happy New Year to the Administrators and to all the members. Yvon
Hello slade is it in the forum sections of sale to search for scores .... is there will be an option ""resolved"" in order to no longer search for titles that are already in the site?
There is already a system of resolution currently, but it implies that the person requesting the score revisits his topic to make it resolved. This is not always the case.

On the new site, we tried to think of how to improve the system. A button "I own this score" will be added to the requests, allowing the person who owns it to add it directly. This will notify the applicant.

The new site also has a real notification system that will allow the requester to know if his request has been solved and to mark it as such.

Hopefully this will make things better :)
Hello Slade
Thank you for these precisions which I think go in the right direction!
See you soon for the first tests loool
Hello everyone! January is over and still no new P-A.
We are indeed (especially me) late! As usual, things are taking longer than expected.
That said, this month should be the month of the launch :)We'll talk to you soon!
Thanks for your patience.

Hello, good luck and patience at work -- Korniszon
Hello everyone, the new imternet website will be available soon, we would like to call on the P-A community to test the website and let us know about any problems encountered before the launch.
If you are interested to give us your impressions and contribute to the quality of the new platform, contact us! :)
Send an email to [email protected]
Thanks to all of you
Hello to all, to make you wait for the very next release of the new one, some screenshots of the mobile version :)Hope you like it :)

Hello Slade
Thank you for the preview of the new version of the site to come......
It seems more detailed...It's Formi Formi Formi....dable......

Hello everyone,
In order to help you wait and to give you a bit more details about what's going on behind the scenes, I'll now post every Friday the progress of the week on the development of the new site, for the last few weeks they have left.
This week, I finished the score request form, which is organized in several steps.
The process of requesting and adding scores is very similar to what is already in place, in process, but very different in how the information is organized.

Artists are now separate entities, with auto completion (on the screenshot you can see combinations with &, which is temporary, these will be separated individually in the database)

then follows a similar title list, smarter than the current process.

And finally the submission of the request.
I also worked on the partition addition, the form being almost finished.

Adding a score follows the same process as the first two screenshots, then more details are requested.

Here the genres are defined and also auto-complete, they are also their own entity and it will no longer be necessary to specify them in brackets.
You can also choose for which instrument the score is for (the options are the same as the current ones) as well as the key of the score.
You can attach several PDF files that will be automatically merged when you add them.

Here we come to the last two steps that I still have to finalize,
The possibility to specify if the score is original, or if it's a transcript.

A youtube link, if any, and any other useful information.

And finally the last step, if the score contains several files, the user can specify the page order.

Denis (dac on the forum) to rework the display of different parts of the website, add several visuals (including avatars and different icons associated with the status) and correct many display problems on the mobile version that we develop at the same time.
Concerning the general progress of the site,
We still have to finalize the score repository, then all the main features will be finished (score repository, request, tutorial, music, classifieds, library creation, discussion, event creation).
The messaging is also finished and functional.
The last big things left to do that I will tell you about as we go along are :
- The music player- The payment process- The email / notification process
On top of that there are a bunch of little things here and there, like the ability to filter news, share content etc...
We're in the home stretch and if you want to help us test the website, feel free to contact us by private message or by email at [email protected]
More next Friday! :)

Hello everyoneThank you for this great work in preparation and as all work deserves a salary the increase will be largely justified.I look forward to seeing the new site soon
Hello to all,
It's Friday and so it's time to review the progress of the week.
This week there were a lot of bug fixes. In particular differences between the mobile version and the computer version.

The score request form has been almost finalized and I was able to submit several scores.

We made some modifications and reworked the library mechanics. The possibility to add any score to one or more of its libraries.
I have reworked the tag system in order to validate the tags which is autocomplete either with the keyboard or by clicking in the list.

It remains to make the automatic grouping of the pdf files in only one at the time of the deposit and the deposit of partitions will be completely finished.

This will be part of next week's progress.

I spent some time working with Denis (dac) to fix the different display problems across the different resolutions / versions of the website.

See you next week :)
It's Friday and time for the news of the week!
- The partition deposit process has been fully finalized including the merging of the pdfs into 1 file with the possibility to order them, as well as the preview of the first page.
We finished to group and reorganize all avatar types with Denis, Online/Offline + premium or trial or normal. This makes the whole thing more homogeneous and easier to maintain for us.
I also spent a lot of time fixing bugs that seem to come back forever every time I touch something!
Problems with auto-loading (scrolling down, or scrolling up for private messages). Problems with comments, dynamically displayed content, etc...
I also spent some time reorganizing once again the way the website accesses information, in order to allow cross-searching, and filtered enough to have a global search system that really allows to find everything you want!

A lot of improvement on the management of errors in the forms of the site, to have something a little more intelligent. And that's what I'll continue on next week. Making sure that all forms have correct validations, checking that all required fields are mandatory, and that all values entered are correct.
And I hope to finish the audio player in the process :)
More news in a week!
Hello everyone,
It's time for the weekly progress update!
This week, I focused on the validation and security of the website, as well as the compatibility between the current version and the new version to come.
We checked and implemented the validation of all forms, adding security measures for blacklisted addresses, temporary emails etc...
I also finished a lot of details here and there to make the user experience better. Automatic resizing of images to avoid having to upload super heavy profile pictures for example.

The upload module is finished! With all that it implies to keep track of partitions downloads, avoid bots, protect files etc...
Several other things on the left and right, like the list of new registered members with a welcome note etc...
And finally what you all realized, some changes on the current database which had undesirable effects on the score searches, but necessary to be compatible with the new version of the intenret site.
I have just fixed this problem, so I take this opportunity to tell you that the search should be back to normal.
Thanks to let us know if it's not the case :)
Hello everyone, this week's update! This week, work has been rather slow because I moved!
This said, I managed to progress on the music player, it is now possible to search for tracks dynamically in the pop up of the player.
I also integrated the libraries that will be needed to play the music. As well as some additions to the platform to allow us to build sliders.
I also had to fight with a big bug on the news that pushed me to develop a home made debugging system!

More next week :)
Hello everyone, this week's update! This week there has been a lot of "background" work. Reorganization of processes and this kind of things to eliminate recurrent bugs.

This allowed to progress on the player, especially the creation of playlist.
But the biggest work consisted in integrating a system of "automatic update" which allows to refresh dynamically and automatically the elements of the page when an action is done.
For example the number of comments once a comment is added, or the number of "like" on a song once it is liked by the user.
The goal of the process is to adapt to all cases and to allow to fine tune the last details that remain across the pages!
More next week :)
Hello everyone, the weekly message! This
week we have worked to integrate the automatic update system
on the different features of the site. The ones that are supposed to
update without page refresh, and their opposite, also without page reload.

This includes:
- Like / unlike song- Add / remove to player list- Add / remove scores in one or more libraries.etc...

These features were already present and functional, but required a page refresh.
We also finished the last remaining pages
- Validation of an activation link - Forgotten password - Page to unsubscribe from newsletters.

As well as the design and layout of most of the emails.
Next week I'll integrate the email system, and we'll get to the end very quickly (with a lot of delay)!
More news in a week :)
Hello to all !
I haven't posted any news for the last two weeks so it wasn't really interesting.
A lot of the work done in the last 3 ( now) weeks was testing the import from the current site to the new site. The process takes several hours and so it was a lot of tweaking, waiting, changing etc..
We now have a fairly robust process that should import and reclassify all of the current information and adapt it to the new structure.

We have also finished several other pages, such as the preferences page where you can determine which notifications and emails you want to receive, set the news and languages you want to see on the site.

We have also finalized the F.A.Q page and KPC is working on making it as exhaustive as possible.

On my side I also made stress tests to simulate between 10 and 1000 simultaneous connections, in order to check the response time of the pages and try to improve that as much as possible!

See you soon for more news :)
Hello to all,
I came to this site by chance because I started playing diatonic music late in life, and I hesitated for a long time to join, not being convinced that this site would bring me anything. I am now a faithful user, especially for the search of scores of all kinds. I can only encourage you to persist and I think that the price of the subscription is derisory compared to the contents of the site.
With kind regards,
gilbert Labeyrie
Thank you so much Labeyrie for this message of support. We are thrilled that you are finding your happiness on the site and that you are a member of the PA community!!!
We're also glad you find the price "paltry in comparison to the content". We do not base our subscription price on content (hence the inability to buy scores or score packages like many other sites for example). We try to respect a balance between operating costs, time and skills invested to allow you to exchange and access this content, while keeping a price affordable to the greatest number.
Musically :)

Hello everyone, a little update for last week. Because I was on vacation the week before, this week I made a lot of changes to the current site. For the search for scores (the quotes are now solved) as well as improvements for the seo (search engine optimization).
I also worked on the new site and on the integration of emails. Denis had done the layout of all the different emails. I worked on sending them and formatting them, from general layout to specific display for email clients. As well as tools for us to configure when an email should be sent. Taking into account unsubscribes, etc.. All this starting with the account validation emails.
I think I'll finish all the different types of emails tomorrow. Then attack either the notification or the payment system. The last two things to do!
Thanks for your attention :)
Hello everyone, this week we continued to work on emails. Mostly trying to have a similar display on different clients (gmail, outlook etc...) which has led to a LOT of testing and back and forth, and it's not over... (thanks aol and yahoo among others).

I also started to integrate the payment system with new payment options for different countries, in the same way we currently offer bancontact for Belgians. :)
Nothing particularly exciting to announce, but some weeks are like that :)
Thank you for your current and future work. Good luck and patience,
Hello and thank you pacojb,
We also thank you for your patience ! The development of the site is linked to the progress of the tool that allows us to realize it, it takes more time than expected...

But we are in the last straight line and the new AP is coming (very) soon :)

Hello, I am happy, I wish you good luck - I keep my fingers crossed. Best regards.
Thanks for your support :)I forgot to continue the weekly updates. I will start doing that again!
hello ! is it still possible to pay with paypal card ? thanks for answering me Mops
14 Replies
Hello, the same question from my side...
It would appear from reading "this news" that Slade has opted for another payment system, here:
Hello Cindou11,
well, then we have to end this connection (unfortunately), I only use PayPal. And this is according to the original agreement...!
Hello EgoMe,
I have to admit, that this part of the site, is managed by Slade, and, unfortunately, can't help you in any way ♫♫
Slade will surely, I hope, find a solution for you
Goodjoir, Indeed it is no longer possible to use PayPal as a payment method. This is a decision that we made following numerous problems encountered with paypal and their non-existent support.
We can't afford to have funds randomly frozen by PayPal and absolutely no one to contact.
The new payment method is credit card and is just as simple and secure :)
thank you for your answers....I will in this case and with regret unsubscribe...I had a lot of fun for many years...thank you all for sharing and have a nice day!
hello, well, understood, too bad! the only two proposed payment methods are not available! i also want to say thank you for the answers and for the past years, full of accordion music! but unfortunately it seems time to leave now... good luck!
Hello, sorry to see you go. That said the payment is as secure as before and the bank information still does not and will never transit via score-accordeon.
Sincerely, Slade
hello slade,

... "will never transit via P-A", well... that's not the
problem... - but "safer than before (PayPal)"??? (Here, Austria) I
know nothing about ... who / how / what / where / ... - for me too much risk...!!!
For my part I use only Visa / MasterCard, recognized in all countries of the world ..... but maybe not in Austria ....who knows....
No, when I go to Austria I also use this means of payment.
Congratulations to Slade for choosing this kind of payment. I would like to thank him for having removed PayPal with which I had quite a few problems.
Have a nice day.
hello jodi,

I'm sorry! A bit of bashing of the Austrians?

"" is not the same as Visa / MasterCard.... !!! I will not register at
... and here I don't know what Bancontact is..., nor Carte Bleue...
But unlike you, I had no problem with PayPal ...
Hello egoMe,
You don't need to register with Stripe. Stripe just allows websites to accept credit card payments (Visa, MasterCard) and several other payment methods.
All you need to do is enter your card information at the time of payment. Just like on other websites.
You can easily find a list of services that implement stripe.
For example, here is a link that lists several of them:

In bulk: Lyft, deliveroo,, National Geographic, UNICEF, kickstarter.
We chose stripe because it was the second reference platform for online payments with paypal.
We chose to talk about it openly to be clear. But you've probably encountered stripe during your online payments without knowing it.
Sincerely, Slade
hello slade,
thank you for your answer. the input mask for a payment to P-A apparently asks for my e-mail address (!) and my credit card details... So, how do I associate them WITHOUT registration?
Hello egoMe,
What do you mean by no registration?
This does not create an account for you. It is just a way for us to track the transaction from the email address you enter in the payment form.
The information goes from your browser to stripe, which sends the payment result to partitions-accordeon.
Well, let's start by saying that I play a bit of both (Diatonic & Chromatic) and that I play for pleasure.
I found this site thanks to a search engine and I am delighted to discover this happy universe.

I'm going to take a look at all the possibilities of this site and of course, I'll be happy to answer your questions if the case arises.

I wish you a wonderful afternoon.

Musically well


5 Replies
Hello Diato56
Welcome to the site and hope that you will find what you are looking for.
Hello diato56 . We are happy to have you among us and we hope that you will find your happiness. It is true that your help with the diatonic accordion would be a plus for our community. This light and folkloric instrument can also be a good remedy for those who have a back problem. You can also share this musical genre (scores, tutorials etc. .......). We can help you if you need it. welcome diato56
Hello Diato56 and welcome to you :)
Do you have scores for diatonic/chromatic duets since you play both? Thanks
Welcome Diato56
We wish you a lot of fun in our musicians' house
Hi Dan, Not being able to answer on the same file because the video prevents me from writing, here is what I think I know:
Originally, in the 16th century, it was a Scottish dance; the real one would have come to Quebec - it's a 2 or 4 beat dance (which looks like a fox); you can find other explanations on the site of "identitairs Québécois"; I hope to have answered your request; MusicallyVernonait
2 Replies
Hello vernonait,

Great to have answered me so quickly...I'm going to see all this closely.Thank you for your erudition.
Good day to you.

Hello to all. To those who will be kind enough to answer me, I take the liberty of writing this little article after some members' analises. I would like to thank Lisacallas for his discussion about the summary of the titles of the receipts. Indeed, this questioned me, because a lot of people rely on the titles for the choice of a score. Here we have various levels from the great beginner to the virtuoso. Among these categories, we wonder about the depositions according to the titles and especially the composers. e.g.: Maurice Larcange; Tony Murena (it will be unplayable). While it is nothing of it. The creator of our site (Slade with our Cindou) had the brilliant idea to put stars in this sense. I think it would be good to use them to allow some members to make their choices without surprises. What do the depositors think of this implementation ????
5 Replies
Hello Adler Trio
I hasten to answer you because I am concerned by your suggestion; indeed, being an average beginner (strength 2 or 2 & a half) it is true that if we use the stars it would allow not to open the scores one by one to know if they correspond to the desired level .....but we can't impose to each depositor to mention it systematically; moreover, I think that some musics are maybe not obvious to evaluate the degree, the strength or the star.....(except if we are a music pro!!!)Do for the best ........ it's already great to find partoches thanks to P.A.Thank you and friendshipVernonait
Hello adler trio,
Thank you for supporting me in the proposal to avoid collections without an index of the titles included in it.
Yes, it's nice the idea of stars but, you see, I sing and I play, as an amateur, the piano and the ukulele. I'd be in a bad position to evaluate, in terms of number of stars, what I could put down.
But for those who can, yes it would be nice for you accordionists I'm sure.

Good music,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for participating. The evaluation is, admittedly not easy to determine. I rely on different criteria in this regard. These are (the key, the chords (that have little simplified that said) and the fingering according to the arrangement of notes (see arpeggios), and of course the rhythm. To have passed by its degrees gives an idea of the analysis of those. (see scores of the site by degrees) gives you the evolution of the difficulty. For you my great friend Vernonait it is very easy to locate you (the chords according to the kind) let us say of the chords passes everywhere, and of surcroit in an easy spirit at the level of interpretation. Lisa; I am very happy to know you practicing, of this small guitar called ukulele, of which you should speak to us; why this one rather than a classical guitar??? it makes Latino; your pseudo resulting from the indetronable Maria Callas!!! whereas you sings is rather of a classical and complicated repertoire because opera obliges. I'd be happy to get to know you better. Adler
Hi Adler, I don't really like to talk about myself so I'll be brief but I hope to enlighten you. First of all, I only sing pop and jazzy music, the nickname being humorous, to make a wink to this lady who has the voice that I don't have.
And the ukulele, it's a choice that came by curiosity to understand the diagrams and tablatures that I saw guitarist friends using without me understanding anything. This instrument, with only four strings, seemed easier for my arthritic fingers. Also, I like the original sound of the ukulele for some songs. So, a mix of curiosity and laziness (compared to the guitar) made me choose this instrument.
But when I go, with guitarists, to sing voluntarily in senior residences, we have an accordionist who also comes.
Good music,
LisaCallas, without the Callas voice ;-)
Well I wish you, musically, to please yourself. I put you the king of the tamouré ; and I will put you some sung ; promised !!!! because I am sensitive to the communication . 64 views and 2 answers ; only happiness !!!!
Hello to all,
after several security updates (and a new screen background), several bugs have appeared. Many of you have contacted me about this (I thank you for that, it allowed me to fix the problems more quickly).

Everything should now work properly, if you continue to encounter problems, thank you for replying to this topic or contact me here: [email protected]

I also got a lot of feedback about the new anti-robot system when downloading and viewing. This system has been in place since automated abuse has appeared in order to harm P-A and offer its content elsewhere to serve a purpose that escapes me.

This system needs to be calibrated and I will try to make it as little disabling as possible for everyone, thank you for your indulgence while I perfect the process.
10 Replies
Sir, you propose a system to have memberships and you modify this system to your liking for reasons that you are not capable of announcing or explaining. You will be the big loser because you are not honest.
The reasons for the changes have been explained in the previous post. These modifications do not change anything to the benefits of the members. The conditions of membership and their benefits remain the same.

I'm just trying to make things safer and more enjoyable for everyone. To insult me by saying that I am not honest would be to know me very little.
Hello Slade,
I think it's going in the right direction. Well, we don't always get it right the first time. The reactions of different "subscribers" show that their opinion is taken into account, bravo!
Personally I like to see what I download (not always, oops!) and I will continue to see before downloading if possible.
Certainly there can be black sheep (jealousy?), and site security is important. Thank you for trying and for always being very vigilant and reactive.
I take this opportunity to thank all the "depositors" of scores who find pearls and anyway make discover new music.
Good evening,
Super Cocober ! I've been a member for over 3 months and I don't have time to drop off a score, nor do I have time to read Slade's posts, but I do have time to bitch at those who work...
The typical Yaka known by all those who invest themselves in the voluntary work.
Great job again of the site administrators and what a waste of time to modify it only because of the inevitable parasites and not to take away the members.
Long life to PA and thanks for everything.

Hello Slade,
Congratulations to you and to Cindou11 for all the work done and for the security of P-A.
I can only encourage you both to persevere and to continue in this way.
Best wishes.
Hello and thank you for your support :)
In the wake of the updates, a help button is available at the bottom left of the website (above the Copyright), which tracks the FAQ and contact information in order to centralize and simplify the support requests for the accordion scores. If you see any questions or problems that are not addressed there, please report them :)
While I'm at it, if you receive a private message it will now be displayed in the little circle with the number in the menu bar without the need to reload the page!
It's not possible to see or download the partitures on MacOS / Safari.
what's going on?
Good evening, I don't have any problems on iPad with safari and iOS. I can download but on iPad I can't see, I don't know why, nothing is displayed, but it's from the beginning, so I'm used to it ! CordiallySylvie
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