The height of the administrator, it is simple ....
He too dreams of "wandering" "wandering" on P. A without worrying about anything ...
Well, it is lost, because, when the administrator connects, not a day goes by without him having to: - Correct the spelling of titles, although they are well written on the scores .....- Correct the composers: themselves having represented a "monstrous" work of setting up ....- And to realize that if there is a regulation which was (he hopes) at best thought out... well, there too .... NOT READ or RESPECTED
Then, the administrator, at the risk of "offending" the kind depositors, spends his time to rectify, rectify, rectify ... IN SILENCE ....
Finally, the administrator only wants a "little" respect for his work ... Is it a lot to ask??? It seems that yes at times ...
23 Replies
I understand our administrator ... until the day when at the height of her anger she will drop everything (like JJ) and P.A. will no longer be a unique site!
So let's respect her work - always voluntary - hours and hours of work.
A site without a leader is like a company without a boss...consequence, key under the let's respect her work
React to support our cindou.

And may the music (our passion) live

Hello to all of you,
I fully agree with what has just been written by our brave and courageous Cindou11 and with DAN95; without the volunteers, our site will be everything and anything.... I do not wish it.... and I recognize that to put back in form, to the clean, every day the deposits, one must saturate...... I understand his discouragement..... So ladies and gentlemen, let's be attentive to what we bring to this site and if there is any doubt, it is always possible to ask the question(s) before the deposit.In advance THANKS TO ALLVernonait
I confess that I think of Cindou11 almost every time I log on and I have the deepest admiration for his dedication and patience.
I wonder, however, if those who might be concerned about what creates the "administrator's worst" will even read his Forum post...

It takes some Cindou11 but please make sure they stay. THANK YOU!

Good evening to all of you
I agree 100% with what has been written above.
I believe that if everyone would take the trouble to be attentive and by putting a little of its own there each time at the time of a deposit or of a request, I believe that our dear friend cindou11 would have much more time for its personal leisures.
Have a nice evening.
Alas, what more can I say! Hold on Cindou, think of what respect you, my "you" is in the broad sense, ie all those who contribute to the smooth running of "our" site. Alas a thousand times alas, the most concerned by your exasperations will never open the discussion forums and will never know what you had written there. Or worse, they don't give a damn about it at all. Yet respecting others is respecting oneself. Unfortunately, there must be some for whom the word respect is not even in their vocabulary.
Courage, courage and keep the faith!
Respectfully to all those who "pull" the boat in the right direction.

Hello Cindou,

What to say more indeed. But Cindou our Cindou, we encourage you. I often think of you because what you do is really a huge job. I only take care of the parties of a few people and my husband would tell you that I'm in it all the time. So many things to you Cindou, who looks after us and everything.
I apologize for the mistakes I make when I put my partos (but it's like the mailbox, I see the mistakes when it's gone).
THANKS THANKS to you Cindou

Breton kisses
Hello to all,
Indeed, this is a very justified message, but the infrastructure of the website could and should make it possible to lighten the administration work to be done. The site can not do things in place of applicants. But the rules should be better emphasized and everything that can be automated should be. Let's hope that the new version will allow cindou to have a little more air. Nevertheless the spelling of the artists is a hard to forgive mistake. I've done a lot of work to set up an automated search system to avoid duplicates and to generalize a correct spelling of the artists and titles and not only this work has not been useful - or to the rare ones who deposit correctly - but on top of that a second continuous work is necessary.
We are trying with cindou on the new version to make things even easier and less error-prone but the site will never be able to do everything for you. And besides wasting a lot of time on unused mechanisms, it's human and continuous time that is wasted and could be used for much better things for the p-a community.
It might be a good idea to think about a system of penalties for those who habitually make mistakes on purpose rather than constantly trying to make life easier for them without any convincing results.
Hello to all ...
nothing to add to Cindou, I was even going to say : ''No comments ...'' She knows very well what I think !
For your last paragraph Slade, I'm not sure that it's THE solution .... because how to define a habitual of voluntary error... Not knowing how to put a jpg in PDF ? Do not know how to use the drop-down menus ... etc..
Good music to all ! Respect, thank you and friendly kisses to MN.jmimi
Hi jmimi,Nothing specific but I think cindou is able to know who is wrong - to err is human - And those who don't care and repeat the same mistakes all the time waiting to be corrected behind them.
So, in the idea :
- for the unlisted authors, make a request to the administrator to add their name...
- a small possibility to correct what one has just written without being obliged to start again from the beginning...
non exhaustive list ...
Hello cindou11
My poor girl, you have caught the flu, you, a girl from the South, country of sun, good mood and conviviality, and well....... you are not the only one. I am in the same case as you (despite the vaccination) while I am in the North with the humidity, the cold...the frost.
Good recovery, nice and warm.
And a friendly kiss to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.
Moreover when you click on A-Z
the scores are already classified by author alone, then by author with another from A to Z and for each new author duo : There is a classification from A to Z....
Example :
Mike Brant all his titles from A to Z
then Mike Brant & A.....all titles from A to Z
then Mike Brant & F....all titles from A to Z
then Mike Brant & P....all tracks from A to Z
then Mike Brant & Z.....all tracks from A to Z
Finally : We never have the list of all the titles of Mike Brant in the order from A to Z

Did I sum up correctly ?
This could be a solution. Separate the authors/composers from the scores as such. Allowing to add as many composers as needed on a score. Forcing the submitter to search a list of artists before entering one by hand? Or rather with this separate list, trying to google like "did you mean?" Trying to understand through the mistakes, the real artist... not sure if it's really feasible like that.. but maybe there's a way to limit the breakage..
Hello everyone,
I'm coming back to this discussion, just to show you how difficult it is to make the score depositors aware of doing a good job. I just opened the tab scores and what do I see
authors D4ANELLA instead of D'ANELLA and moreover it is about a musical edition and not about a composer.
Then being a small collection of 6 titles I believe, the depositary put all the titles in the queue !!!!!
Not being a specialist, I do not have concrete proposals to make to you to avoid these "errors" but perhaps it will be necessary to stop (by which means ???) that this deposit is put on line.
It is not at all against the person who made this deposit that I make this remark, but it is simply to illustrate the remarks of CINDOU.
The problem is that it is not possible to prevent it automatically as the site cannot distinguish between a "real name" or an error.
Good evening Cindou11,
My heart goes out to you; hang in there!
Thanks again for your dedication to all the members of P.A.
Well musically. MUSETTE27
Ah Ya de la Leche A donf.
I was waiting for this kind of commentary at the turn, here it is FRERiK.
This comment of his is interpreted in the good French language (Probably stemming from the University of Kinshasa... (Mister Mobutu became the president..... of a certain Republic...) and then this individual (Mister Frerik) who knows everything allows himself to attribute qualifiers to certain members, of which me in particular. not to say insults.....
What this """""Member writes """" 'is INCOMPREHENSIBLE What does he want to make understand by his message ???
Is it necessary to understand these sentences (his) in another dialect other than the good French, the good French that we learned to speak and write at school.
You, the Friends of P-A, I don't know if you agree with me, but you have to be very clever to decipher what he means, unless this is the way they speak in his region... where he lives...
There have always been Ranters on various websites, it's a shame they breed too easily to rant and insult people.
It's a shame that P-A is afflicted by such characters.
That said, good luck... Hi
Good evening Jodi
come on : I'm not sucking up to you ... even if some might think so ... !
My teacher wife would have said: There is and not Ya or there is and the rest must be a vocabulary of some young people in the suburbs, well, it looks like it ...
Let us not forget that what is published here, is, thanks to our friend Google, reproduced in the whole world...
I think that some sentences will never be translated and I am very happy about it... !
Thanks to ALL of you to respect at least the net-etiquette otherwise, I think that Slade will have to crack down ... !
Well said, well written jmimi.
Your wife is absolutely right in this respect.
But as my philosophy teacher used to say when I was a student, everyone in his or her life will interpret what he or she has learned from school.
But I relativize.........
in answer to cindou and slade I agree with what has been said. I have seen illegible, dirty deposits, sometimes written in Chinese (so to speak), but there are also limits to the remarks for cherry tails! and I make the expenses of it; a point, a comma which is omitted, the title written correctly or there is an = in the middle of the title as that is printed (to see deposit "madison = parade") for example! I deposit daily and I think I have invested to have the cleanest scores possible. I cannot share the general opinion, because in the long run one is disgusted. For my part, I leave free course to the criticisms and prefer to share via the mail with people whom I help and who estimate me, to see also forum or hundred people see, and two answer, to see also those which teleloads without seeing the partition. I believe that the mass is said, for my part the solution is quite found.
Please ignore irrelevant and badly written remarks and do not aggravate the discussion.Frerik, please be careful and write as specified in the rules in correct French. The P-a forum is neither msn nor Facebook.
Harmojack I answered you by mp.
Hello, I don't like to bury my head in the sand; if something is bad, I say it. A teacher never says that he knows well if it's bad. I don't make a fashion out of it to be like the others, it's bad. I say what I think, no lies or treachery. I knew some mucisians, accordionists, I say musicians, unfortunately deceased, who thought the same way.
Moreover they did not have the notoriety that they should have had.
Or and the evil to say the truth.
Fortunately one does not speak, of musical tastes or of star accordionists of epoch
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