Il y a des francais ici. N'est ce pas ? Quel est l'histoire de ce site ? What is the story of this website. Really cool. Thanks
0 Reply
Hello, I don't know if it's just me ..but it takes a long time to display the PA pages and I often get an error message from CLOUDSHARE Cloudflare is protecting this website, but something went wrong while we were trying to reach it. If it's not resolved in a few minutes, the problem is most likely with the web server you're trying to reach. Cloudflare is a global network for securing websites, applications, remote teams and networks. We're helping to build a better Internet by prioritizing security and speed. Learn more about Cloudflare
3 Replies
I've just made some changes that should greatly improve performance. Please let me know if things improve for you.
Often it is searched for scores that are not found. So the proposed solution is to make a musical statement. But here too, not everyone feels able to do this.
There are applications, software, websites that will offer after analysis of the audio of Youtube the sequence of chords contained in the audio which is already a first help. Then there are sites that are able to recover the audio in Mp3 from the content of Youtube videos ... this is a second step ... the third ... here is a summary ... is to D E M I X E R an audio file ... to separate the VOICE, the BASS, the BATTERY and the rest of the orchestration. Thus by listening to the audio files separately that can ...I say well can facilitate the transcription more often the words of the songs are already on the web ..fourth help ./ ...go ..I let you read the continuation to demixer



This video is a bit of an advertisement but it may be of interest to forum members...

Note that the same thing exists for Android M O I S E S


Doing and's always working...I don't know if it was Penelope who said that...but in music it's a bit the same...
Having discovered the site ...with the link in the first message ...I searched for ..MUSIC SOURCE SEPARATION since this is how the Americans describe the function of demixing.

To make a CD in a studio, each instrument is recorded separately, often in a soundproof booth, and then everything that has been recorded is mixed together to form a single track containing two voices (right and left for stereo).

The voice being in the BOTTOM of the right (top pite) and the TOP for the bottom track to make the two voices represented in audio spectrum in TRANSCRIBE or SONIC VISUALIZER or AUDACITY

and the trick to remove the voice was to - flip - the tracks so that half of the voice is on the peaks of the tracks (UP DOWN) ... and planing the ends so that the voice is attenuated and it remains only the music ...
But that .... was before.
Today with the artificial intelligence ..and also that of the engineers developers ..there are applications which exist .
Google gives you plenty of link with MUSIC SOURCE SEPARATION ..and especially in Github ..which is the niche of developers ..often under Python.

DEMUSC seems to be the product that works is possible to run it on your PC but it is a bit of a gas factory if you are not a programmer.

WEB interfaces (sites) have been created that use DEMUSC resources in the background on servers


You drop your Mp3 file and after a while have a ZIP file to recover in which you will have according to your choice ...the voice only and the music only without the voice

Explanations here with Youtube video ...the files in return are in WAV ..with AUDACITY it is possible to compress them in Mp3

There is also the other site which is in the same spirit give it a
Mp3 in analysis and it returns you 4 files after separation of the VOICE of the BATTERY of the BASS and of all the rest of the orchestration.

And never two without three ....

BUT FOR THAT TO WORK you must not put ad blockers ...

Good experience

3 Replies
Sorry for the delay I had not seen these answers. I thank you

Sorry for the delay, I had not seen all these proposals. Thank you very much for all this information, I will try to understand all this. again thank you and good day Julia
Hi everyone / Bonjour,

A reminder that you can also post videos on the website - whether it be to share your own music and performances, tutorials, request a score for a specific song and/or promote events. Here is one I quite enjoy :)

A reminder that you can also post videos on the website - whether to share your own music and performances, tutorials, request a score for a specific song and/or promote events. Here's one I really like :)

0 Reply
Hi, I'm dac, I worked on the new website alongside kpc and Slade. I hope you are happy with the interface and find it easy to use.

I'd like to share one of my favorite additions to the platform - the library, a great tool for organizing your favorite scores on the site itself.

On each score, there is a "+" button that allows you to save that score to one of your "lists" in your personal library (found in one of your tabs in your profile). If you don't have any lists yet, don't worry, you can simply create one from the same window.

I hope this new tool will serve you well. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any comments :)
5 Replies
Thanks for the feedback and compliments. We are very happy that you like it :) We are working on a better way to display the scores - bigger and multilingual!

How to prevent spam from accordion scores? Where is the UNSUBCRIBE feature that legit sites and businesses offer?
I wish to cancel my membership and I don't want any spam from this website.

1 Reply
Hello Tumak,there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email sent from accordion-score.On top of that if logged in you can check "my profile" then "preferences" and uncheck the email you don't want to receive.
In order to get support for specific issue please reach for as the forum is not meant as a support platform.
Hello everyone,Here are the rules and guidelines of General - Having multiple accounts on is forbidden - Every individuals caught using an account which is not his/hers OR who tries to create multiple accounts will be instantly banned without prior notifications. - Every illegal activity against the website (hacking, stealing credentials, etc.) will result in an immediate ban and the local authorities will be contacted. Username - Your username, as all your activity on the website, must be done with respect. Every username conveying a racist or that is, in anyway disrespectful, will result in a permanent ban. UNKNOWN : is the username replacing any member who decides to leave the website or who has been banned from it. Uploading music score (PS : Do not upload scores from the composer : Enrico Basile) - The artist must be written following the form : First name Last name (Please use the suggested list, if it is already there, please select the existing one. IF NOT, create a new composer by respecting the format : first name & last name. *if in doubt, have a look at the existing ones.) IMPORTANT : Do not upload a homemade score if the ORIGINAL is already available on HOMEMADE SCORES: A homemade score (made by ear or by the help of an automated software) is only a placeholder until the original score is found and uploaded. And should be uploaded only if requested on the forum. In case of mistyping, please don't hesitate to contact me by personal message or send an email at and we will fix it. *Please pay attention to the suggestion list while uploading a score. If the score shows up in the suggestion list, don't upload it. DUPLICATES = IDENTICAL score (not : SAME TITLE)A score written in the G key is not a duplicate of one written in another key. Writing the title : Please avoid writing the title with several spaces between words. It can prevent people from finding your score when looking for it. If you wish to upload a Songbook : Try to write the composer and the edition (see if it's not already available in the dropdown list). For the title, please write "songbook" and the name of the songbook as correctly as possible. Music scores from free websites :Accordion-scores want to stay unique and filled with original content. Please refrain from uploading music scores found elsewhere on the internet except if requested by someone on the forum. - SCORE SEARCH ENGINE : The same way as to upload scores, using key words instead of the whole title might bring you much more accurate results than that of the exact title. Accordion-scores is a sharing website before being anything else. If there are now more than 40 000 scores and counting, it's because many members have uploaded scores from their private collections.If you have scores that you believe would be benificiary for others users, please upload them! - Hello, Thank you : Please interact with other users on the website with basic politeness standards (the ones that we shouldn't have to remind you to use in your everyday interactions).File format : Only PDF files are allowed.After scanning the pages of your scores you can convert them to pdf using the following websites :Either : : (Go to document conversion on the right, then chose PDF)Then : you can fuse them (if there are multiple pages) using tools like: to 10 pages for free) Forum
0 Reply
What is happening on the site?
It is exasperatingly slow....
4 Replies
Thanks Slade, it's working again

Congratulations to you

as you noticed the site was inaccessible these last days. I'll skip the stress level that broke records inside my anatomy not seen for years.

So what happened?

I was renting a server from a company (probably a guy in his garage) called who in turn was renting it from worldstream.

It happens frequently that the server is down for some reason. And usually I send an email to and they quickly get it back up.

But this time it was different... And yes... does not exist anymore...
Why do you tell me? Because he didn't pay the servers anymore! While I on my side I had paid well...
Impossible to contact them. I skip the details that made me call India, track down the owner of through the internet to find his contact information and contact him in vain...

I finally found the coordinates of worldstream a REAL company for the blow, which had the kindness to give the server of aplomb in spite of the default of payment of the retailer.
I will now rent the server directly from worldstream.

All's well that ends well. Despite the heart attack I almost had. I have to pay worldstream again in November but it's not so bad.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
I can go to bed now :)
And welcome back! :)

Ps: I invite you massively to like the facebook page (on the right of all the pages of the site) because in this kind of situation it's my only way to communicate with the community. Because who says no more server says no more either...

8 Replies
Hello all, thank you very much for doing the necessary
music@lement your SpoopS
The problem with the 15 euros membership fee is that what is monetized is not so much the time spent on the design of the site (and I know what it is (see the topic on the accordion chord dictionary, even if the quality is much lower, it takes time)) but rather the quantity of scores available. But these scores were left by people who thought they would be available in self-service... I understand completely the anger of lionel...
For those who don't want to contribute, you should know that Google likes above all to archive the web... a simple search :
' filetype:pdf'
brings back 61 pages including 443 scores in pdf, nothing prevents you from specifying the search by adding the name of a composer or a see the Pdf, click on the link Display, you will then be able to print it or even save it (first in google document, before getting it back home) if you have a google account
5 Replies
I also think I know how to use the BIG GOOGLE ... that's what I'm saying : on page 61 there are 2 times ''Display'' for 10 links ... so you would have found 2 scores and yet I had 3 ....
then if I have a moment, I'll go through the other 60 pages ....

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