I would like to have the opinion of confirmed musicians that you are. Could you recommend me a brand and model of a sound system that is of good quality for rooms of about 150 people.
I thank you in advance.
6 Replies
It's very difficult to make a suggestion without having an idea of the budget and the number and type of musicians to amplify but our little trio uses an L1 Compact system for this kind of performance and we receive only good comments on our sound system.
Good music! Lisa
Thanks Lisacallas for your infoGreg

I forgot to write, but you probably guessed it Greg, that we are talking about a Bose system.
Hello Greg, Indeed it depends on the budget, the instruments to be amplified as Lisa Callas says... As far as I am concerned, I use a small Yamaha Stagepass 400 i + in return an amplified Machie Freeplay 150w speaker, I place the return behind me so that it is turned towards the track and that goes very well.I play 3/4 of the time alone (midi accordion + Sd 40 + computer for some pieces on midi or mp3 files.to give you an idea, I still made a presta last Saturday or there were 170 people in a room of 250 people, the sound system was still far from being used at full power.good day to you.amicalement.Dany 14
robinson 82
Hello: For my part I use either a stage pass in 150 w with a single baffle. or a stage pass 300 with 2 baffles.or a samson expedition 508 I prefer because they are much more practical than the yamaha there are standard wells for the feet of baffles while on the yamaha it is necessary to mount base in more it is for feet of small diameterI don't need a coin or a screwdriver to remove the table or the catrape from the cable racks and there is a phantom for the microphones and it's or it was cheaper to buy. On the other hand, the yam in 400 or 500 or more I don't know how they are exactly Robinson

Thanks a lot guys for your very good infoI'll see what I can find on the market
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