Hello everyone,
I would like to know how to add variations in a piece to complicate it a bit or at least make it more beautiful. I don't know if that's what arranging a piece is? so if someone more erudite than me could explain how to proceed.
Thank you in advanceMusically and kindlyLéo
5 Replies
Hello Leo,

There is no specific technique to the arrangement except for some classics used: triplets, arpeggios at the end of the phrase, appogiaturas etc..
Study the Ferrero, André Astier, Joss Baselli methods for example but there are no precise rules and fortunately. Each arrangement is unique in principle, as it should be the result of one's own feeling.
Many accordionists like Maurice Larcange have made them, you can find them here. It gives you an idea.

Have a nice Easter weekend
thank you very much for answering even if there is no specific technique I am at least fixed in my idea so I will look at the methods.
Hello you can also look at the method of manu Maugain put by Gregory to the chapter accompaniment made by Armand Lassagne several style of acompaniment or arrangements on the harmonies of the pieces. Page 110

1356564780_75662.pdf (pdf) 25.46 mb
Good evening,
I agree with what is said above, but there is also a good way to understand how to "arrange" a piece is to listen to how others play it. Take a simple song for example Mon Amant de St Jean, or Sous les Ponts de Paris, listen to it by various musicians (old like Verchuren, to the newest like ..... full of others..... listen to very different versions (very musette, more swingy, or even almost classical) and try to imitate it at first and then little by little you will create your own style; But who says arrangement says also good technique because it often goes with it. Best regards
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