Hello, I bought in a garage sale an accordion "cavagnolo" it has 5 rows 4 registers and 120 basses 2 registers. weight12kg400 approximately; on the other hand the fixing of the straps are with the do of the accordion and not with the top and under and seems of origin; no traces of modifications. I have contacted a representative of cavagnolo, who assumes that it is a Belgian instrument; without conviction; in fact it is unplayable even by putting it on a stand, type t.v. I thank you for any information. cordially. bernard zanit perpignan .
4 Replies
Hello Bernard

Indeed many questions can be asked for this accordion.

What fingering does this instrument have?

In Belgium there are 3 fingerings for the right hand: 1st, 2nd or 3rd row depending on the region.

On the other hand there are 2 left hand fingerings, either the position of the basses which buttons are diagonal (International system as in France and Italy) or in gradient (3 buttons (basses) one notch lower than the chords which are themselves (one notch higher, i.e. a staircase) this system is more widespread in the South of Belgium.

This is the case of my Hohner Musette 96 accordion.

Good afternoon.

Hello Jodi, thank you for answering my problem, it's an Italian system accordion. However, what bothers me is the (2) fastenings of the straps that are made on the C, back side of the instrument. and not above and below as it is usually done so it is impossible to wear and play. I bought it without the straps. it also has a 6mm jack plug on the bass side with 2 microphones inside which works well.the button of the bellows is at the top left almost at the top difficult to access; when the wheel of tension of the left hand strap it is at the bottom of the accordion.when I say weird the accordion ..... thank you again. friendlyemnet. bernard zanit perpignan ;
Good evening Bernard,

It's strange the accordion you describe. I'll send you a mail for more information.
Best regards.

hello jordi; i don't have a camera at hand, but i'll take care of it. i just read an email from cindou11 and "HOURRA" it's a russian one, it's a perfect match. thanks again to both of you. i'll send you as soon as possible some pictures of the camera. very friendly bernard zanit perpignan .
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