bjr can you tell me how to download a score from the site thank you
2 Replies
Hello in the column ''Action'' of the chosen score (arrow in a green circle) : - either left click which opens directly the file in pdf but then you have to go back one page after saving the file ... - evening and it's better : right click on the same arrow in the green circle and command '''' save as ...'' (remember where you save ...) Most often it is a pdf file but it can be an image or a compressed file (zip, rar or 7zip ...) Here you go Good music! jmimi
Hello I think the question was about uploading partition. If it is indeed the case, in the partitions section there is a button "add a partition" you just have to click on it, enter the artist's name (if the artist is already present on the site, please use one of the automatic suggestions). Click on browse, to find the file to add, inform with the options if it is for chromatic or diatonic, and ideally indicate the difficulty with the stars!
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