Hello to all. I address in particular to our administrators. Having the orchestration, say complete of some pieces, is there any way to file this one as we go along? The vacations are approaching, and some orchestras could be interested to have this orchestration. I would like to deposit 2 pieces entirely orchestrated of Johnny Hallyday; because I am sure that that would like; is there a way to make thus??? thank you with all.
14 Replies
Hello marceau,
What do you mean by "as you go along"?
Thanks to you,
It is better to scan all the sheets of a single orchestration and file it as a single PDF. This will make two PDFs, one for each orchestrated title. Then the one who recovers the single PDF with all the sheets, can easily separate the sheets of the PDF (with PDFILL which is free or print on a virtual printer ' PDFcreator PDFv2 the sheets which interest him to make smaller PDF of the instrumental parts. This is only my opinion and it commits only me.
Thank you yoyo; but the problem lies in the quantity accepted by our site, I have for example 2 sheets for a trumpet etc..... finally I have to see what contains the quantitative deposit accepted, we will see ......
Hello Marceau,
The limit is 25MB per file. And there is no limit in terms of number of files. We will adapt the server according to the space needed.
Thank you Slade, but you know very well when it comes to computers I am a novice. For me 25 mo is chinese. could you enlighten me a little about that ???
It's hard to explain. The site will tell you if the file is too big. 25mo for a pdf file is a big pdf file.
Hello MARCEAU ... as I mentioned in my first comment ... it is always preferable in an orchestration not to - separate - the sheets so that it remains a musical whole and in a single PDF. Which for you will indeed make a lot of digitization work. So, first of all, you have to digitize the whole thing sheet by sheet. Each sheet will be saved in IMAGE JPEG format, which is the simplest format since it compresses a little without degrading the quality. Then you will have to assemble all the JPEG files in a single PDF. I think you know how to do that since you already have a number of repositories to your credit. Where it seems to be a problem for you is the size of the final PDF file that should be uploaded to the site. If indeed the accepted limit for a single PDF is 25 MB (mega bytes), there are PDF compressors that in turn do not degrade the quality too much. There are many of them online for FREE and there are also local PDF compressors to run on your PC. https://convert.tel/compresser-PDF https://convertisseur-pdf.com/pdf-editor https://smallpdf.com/fr/compresser-pdf and locally for PC under Windows there is PDF24 toolbox ..which does everything ..including compressing PDF ..and you should manage to make less than 25 Mb for a single PDF which will remain readable. And then everyone will be able to do the reverse, i.e. open the PDF and separate the sheets to reconstitute what interests him in this orchestration. by passing the single PDF in many JPEG files for example. Thank you ... for the work done.
Well Yoyo sa !!!!! is a detailed explanation; I see that you are a connoisseur; all this tuto that you have just enumerated, requires work, but finally as I practice (in 2 times) I think that it is not bad either, when do you say ???? and you Slade ???
Hello MARCEAU I just looked for C'EST MA FETE, two PDF why not, for now they are side by side. Let's hope they don't get too separated.
Hi Marceau,
I agree with yoyo that it makes more sense to have the orchestrations in one pdf instead of several separate pdfs.
It seems that your complete orchestrations are between 13 and 20Mb, so the 25Mb limit should not be a problem
Best regards,
Frankly it becomes boring. A music with a little more than 20 pages of orchestration does not pass in 2 times (direction the basket). A waltz l'ensorceleuse already existing but without piano part (part impossible to put) rebelotte trash. That would encourage you to deposit ??????? the old site was worth hundred times that this one, one cannot even see the first deposits since the inscription.... am really disappointed (the modernism spoils all)
Hi Slade,
It may be a stupid suggestion, but why shouldn't the site manage the compression of the files to be uploaded, in cases where this operation is required.
Instead of members who, like MARCEAU, contribute to publish interesting orchestrations having, in addition, to impose themselves to compress their files (already scanning is a lot of work!!!), there could be a way for large files (separate publication or temporary deposit with then a compression made by someone else than the depositor or whatever...) to avoid discouraging interesting shares like those of MARCEAU. I guess this problem of files exceeding 25 MB must also happen with collections, etc.
In short, I think that someone who takes the trouble to digitize and share should not have to go through additional manipulations in order to share, in a simple way for him and for the users of the site, his interesting scores (because, here, we are talking about real scores and not of poor quality and of little interest as we unfortunately see them passing by). That's it! This is simply my humble opinion.
Hello Marceau and LisaCallas,
The size limit can be revised upwards. It is a limit that was set arbitrarily because we did not think it would be reached.
Please tell me the weight of your file Marceau so that I can see for the limit.
The size limit for files was the same on the old site.
Hello to you all. As you know, to deposit music is, to give of its time, to share our repertory, or what we have in our possession. That imposes sometimes a lot of work in view of the orchestrations. I intend, for my part, from tomorrow Sunday, January 15, to deposit only the accordion part. If a person desir, the orchestration of one of his music, I will be pleased to send him by mail (small or large orchestration). This will allow him to give a small thank you.
7 Replies
I didn't see any harm in taking this action Cindou. Of course if it contributes to the good shape of P.A, then I will continue to deposit them. It goes without saying that if the orchestration is great, I will not put as many pieces. Because you see I have big orchestration (1 - 2 trumpets 1-2-3 saxes etc.....) all this represents a lot of space for a single piece and time. If I deposit 6 musics it is not the sea to drink; I give more choice and try to be with horse of the difficulty to the simplicity to content the best one and the others. The small orchestration; well it passes, but the orchestras of big scale, there is not much more. Finally, if you see things like that, why not? I think it's a pity that I don't have any diversity when I have a very important repertoire. Respecting your opinion, I will do as you want. But admit; when we have for example 1000; 8000 pieces by exaggerating, 2 per day; it is not very generous for those who have nothing.
Hello to all,
Marceau, I do not understand your approach, you propose to send your orchestrations on request, so they are already scanned, or is the problem? that you deposit one or more sheets does not change anything to the handling ... But I respect your decision (without approving it)
Hello again,
Please excuse me but I pressed (once again) a key that had nothing to do there (when the computer keyboards will be the same as those of the accordions?).
I just wanted to add that I agree with the reasoning of Cindou.
Best regards.
Dany, I respect your point of view. When I speak about orchestration that gathers sometimes a very big orchestration; and takes enormously places in (mb), it goes to the sight of my assets enlarge P.A.. If I proposed the sending of those, it was for those who need it (I would have then scanned for this intention). Moreover, as everyone I also have a private life, so if you want only 2 or 3 pieces of my share, so be it, but I find that towards others, it is not very generous. That said, this is my point of view, I am only a person who deposits in order to share.
If I can put my grain of salt.
Digitizing with a scanner is indeed tedious, because it is necessary to position the sheets well by folding the scores and for some - collectors - it is already a little damaged.Exposing old scores to a light is also aggressive.Today, there are digital cameras (DPC) whose sensitivity has no equal and it is possible to photograph very quickly a large number of sheets, as fast as we turn the pages.to do this, it is necessary to first - fix - the DPC on a support so that it is vertical to the -subject- to be photographed.Then, it is enough to position well the partition - orchestration - and to turn the sheets by framing a little wider (with an APN one can see at once what one is going to photograph).Then, it is of the treatment photo in the computer, by passing all the photos in a software, it is possible to make of the treatment in series by LOT and to obtain JPG with a very small volume, but always exploitable and to make a PDF by orchestration.This treatment is anyway to be made also, if one passes by an old scanner. Except that you always have to wait for the light strip to reposition itself to take the next sheet and put it back in place. With an APN you only have to turn the pages and click/click Koddack it's in the box. And I'm also of the opinion that as long as you're offering, you might as well offer everything, so you don't come back to it. And no mail to deal with.
thank you, yoyodu77; I see that you are an expert in the matter, that's why, I will need your advice. For that I have contacted you by the box M.P.. I will have with you, certainly something cleaner to offer. When with the orchestration; I forgot to say that the gents intérréssés, notament by the music it mème deposited and of sucroit entirely made for various instruments; is of course of work because one tries as well as one can, with the means of the edge, to have readable, clean and framing ........ well I pass the details. Some people agree on the principle of deposit, but those there even, receive them as a duty, without a small thank you; one takes, and all is very well Madam the Marquise. I am happy to see that yoyodu77, understands the work done .......
Great for the answers given.Thanks for not starting to digress and stick to the topic of orchestration repositories :)
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