Hello to all. I regret to inform you, that on the tuto that I allowed myself to deposit in a goal of sharing; it would appear that this one, contains errors and missing precisions. The composers Paul Robert and Line Trebor, have just warned me. I am waiting to have more details on this subject. Because I was planning to buy the other volume, and of course to share it. These composers are well known of our site, because they are member, and deposit there (for my part I congratulate them, because what they make really deserves to be played). Understand that I am disappointed and sorry for those who expected this opportunity, but I must refer to the competence of knowledgeable people such as our friends, that I site above. Wishing that the corections could be made; I owe you my most sincere apologies. JACK
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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte
Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte