Hello to all,

Following the suggestions that have been made concerning requests made without prior research, we have found a way to implement a global search without making too many changes to the website.

We hope that this will avoid requests for scores that have already been submitted.

I am also working on improving the search system.

We will keep you posted,

0 Reply
Hello to all. I am for those who know me; a depositary without limits; with the sights of the piles and piles of pieces which I have, I said to myself that to enrich and especially to bring a more, with what with already been deposited, that it would be good for me to put missing parts; exp: parts piano (the key of F, is more readable) and the orchestration. As I have just done for Cité Pigalle and Ciel d'Alsace (with 2 accordion parts). I do not consider this as a deposit, but as a complement helping beginners, accordionists wishing it, as well as small or large orchestras. It goes without saying that I do not want to offend the people who have had the pleasure of making you discover them. That's why I would have liked to have your opinion, if I should continue or not. Thanking you for your attention on these few lines. Marceau
2 Replies
Hello,I am a long time accordionist, I started at 9 years old and I like to find memories of the music I played in the 1970s and later. I like your scores very much and thank you very much for all your deposits.
I also find interesting the pieces for two accordions, my children are learning now, we will have the opportunity to play for us as a family. Thank you very much and have a nice day.
Hello Marceau
You can continue with the deposits, because on my side, I also have tons ... often bought by lots in flea markets or Emmaus. And when I consult them, I sometimes find that I only have one sheet here and there. Covers alone. With age and handling, it happens that the sheets of a score get mixed up and it is often easier to find the missing part on P-A than to search in many places.
My friends. I have to apologize openly for the unpleasant events that took place on this forum. I wanted to do it publicly to prove my good faith. I am currently quarantined by members who were friends, and that I probably did not know how to understand, and therefore keep. My subscription will end on the 05th of the following month, so please understand that I don't want to renew this one because of this situation. It is with a heavy heart that I wish you good music. While waiting for this date I will continue to deposit. I lose a family by my fault, it is the wet eyes that I say goodbye.
0 Reply
Hello to all of you.
For several months, I have been wondering:
Would it be possible to associate an MP3 file with a score?
Indeed, it would be judicious to be able to listen and follow the score at the same time in order to have a real idea on the proposed piece. Several sites on the net already offer this option. There is the possibility to roughly decipher the scores, but one does not always have the time to do it and for some others it is difficult. And moreover, some days, there are more than 20 scores deposited.
Have a nice sunny day ....
10 Replies
Hello to all of you.
Don't you confuse MP3 and MIDI? because with a MIDI file it is possible.
No. I am talking about an MP3 file.
So the score in PDF + the corresponding MP3 file associated.
Of course, if the MP3 doesn't exist or can't be found, a midi file can be used.

Hello Levinceret

There are on the market sequences Play back corresponding to the scores.

These scores on 5 albums of the Paul Beuscher Editions have been deposited by our friend Vincent on January 17, 2011.

I will contact my friend Cindou11 to know how I can send her the totality of the Play backs corresponding to these scores.

These Play backs are not in Mp3 format but in Wave.

Good afternoon.

I may have misunderstood you.
I'm not looking for karaoke, midi files or any other MP3.
I just wanted to know if it was possible to attach a sound file (MP3, midi, or any other format) indexed to the registered score. All this in order to have quickly a sound vision of the deposited score. On several sites on the net, this option already exists. You have the choice between the score, the MP3 sound or the midi file, for a deposited title.
Good day (under the rain)
Hello again,

Now I understand the meaning of the question.

I believe that it should be possible to attach a file of another extension (even Audio) by compressing the whole partition file in Zip or Rar.with a format MID. kAR. MP3.WAVE. Etc. "The best is to ask the question to the moderators of this superb site that is P-A.

But is it the goal of the site to start venturing into the Audio files whatever they are, for my part I am not for.

Good end of day.


Good evening,
Sorry, I didn't think about the sacrosanct copyrights and intellectual property of musical works ....... it must be due to the rotten weather of these last days ! Thanks for putting me back on track...
Good music to you all
Hi vinceret,Indeed it is not possible to associate an MP3 to a score because of copyright.nevertheless, I have in mind to make an automatic system of YouTube search with possibility of listening when the score is available on YouTube.it is what should be part of the v4 of p-a. :-)
Good evening,
Here is a solution that I like.
And in addition, a link does not take much space.
It's a good alternative.
Thanks for thinking about it.
Good night.

I like the idea of slade too.

In this sense and in date of 29-07-2014 I placed a link of Youtube for the listening of the partition of: " For a dance with you of Alain Morisod & Sweet People..." but that apparently nobody has.

Have a nice day.

Hello to all

while waiting for the new V4 of PA, it is since a long time possible and easy, at the time of a request to add a link on you tube...

Here is an example:


(thanks to you Jodi for this request which is a model of its kind!)
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