
Just to thank all those who put us scores reminding me of my childhood and the Harmojack, enrik54 and many others contests.
Of course Cindou who is always working hard and everyone who is working hard on this great site without forgetting Slade who without him....

2 Replies
thank you from the bottom of our hearts mosquito. To be grateful for these gifts, we are touched. Our passion is also to share it, a way of communicating and enriching the repertoire of this site that has not finished growing. As a teacher, you need to expand and prosper the club that you and your daughter founded, this is already a sharing of knowledge, which deserves our congratulations and support. The pieces for society are very expensive, so in our research, we will think of you. For my part I will be ready to send you the originals, because a control sacem, consernant the photocopies (attention!!!). your friend JACK
Hi, thanks to you too Mosquito. And to all of you who make p-a what it is.
My friends, I have just conversed with Cindou (administrator of this site) by passion. This one cracks litterally, of a work which justifies a will of iron, with the sights of depositors who do not respect the rules consernant, the orthography, the readability; finally the conformity required so that our community can enjoy its benefits. I propose in order to remedy the abuses, to sanction the repeated and deliberate acts, by either a quarantine, so that it works on its deposits see the immediate suppression of its deposits. The solution, I know, may seem draconian, but in my opinion is the only remedy to adopt, in the interest of all, and out of respect for Cindy, who has a family life and a profession which, believe me, is not easy. I look forward to hearing from you. Harmojack
14 Replies
Good evening Harmojack and all the members,
I agree with Harmojack; it is true what you say! It is necessary to pass to the higher speed and to sanction sometimes.
As for CINDOU11, I ask him to hold on; don't crack CINDOU11, we are with you with all our heart!
Good to all.
Good evening to all,
Cindou is holding on !!!!!, it is necessary, but it will be necessary to take drastic measures,
I ask you to go and see what has been deposited today under the title SANTA LUCIA arrangement by Jo Privat, (be careful there are 3 deposits for the same score (in fact one deposit per page !!!) it illustrates exactly everything that should not be done and that complicates the work of Cindou,
Considering the exchanges of words (sometimes a little violent unfortunately between members) I wonder if FRERICK you don't do it a little bit on purpose and don't respect at all the procedure of deposit of a score.
Personally I would be ok with those who ask for the pure and simple suppression of this kind of deposit. There is no point in making numbers if it is not to make them properly.
Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum
You may be familiar with this Latin quote which translates to
"To err is human and to persevere is diabolicum".
So please, for the continuation of this EXTRAORDINARY site, please be careful and do what you do
Sincerely to all
Hello, it is a good thing to talk about it. Nevertheless it is not a referendum that will put anything in place. Propose your ideas, and opinions. A decision will be taken between me and cindou for the best solution to adopt.
I think we have to approach the problem in two ways:

- The first one is that too many deposits are not made according to the rules. Unfortunately, "people" don't all work the same way and not necessarily out of ill will (very long associative experience). I don't see much of a solution, except to definitively exclude the professional emm_COPYers who are probably a negligible quantity on this site.

- The second is that Cindou is overloaded; having discussed this in PM with her, she is a perfectionist and that is to her credit. I don't know if it's technically possible (I don't know anything about websites), but I'm ready to give a hand (I imagine receiving a bunch of files by Dropbox or whatever, putting them in order, putting the pages back in the right place, regrouping the PDFs into one, renaming the files correctly and transferring everything back to the administrator...). My ADSL is too slow for me to consider uploading the partitions one after the other... There are probably other ways to participate in this work.

I am quite in agreement with Michel and Harmojack ....
and if Cindou 11 l (and Slade) agree, I want to help him in the correction and the layouts of the scores to be taken again...or other works on the site...Good day to all ! I'm going to my photo room .... It has to be shot this weekend !
Hello to all, it's Cindou 11 who asked me in Mp to leave them in JPJ, and I imagine that she prefers to rework scores that are worth the neck than pieces of soups that would better remain in the drawers or attic.
In any case the adherents to Harmojack who deposit to him scores which do not belong to him even. Me they are pieces bought at the time either at Cayla or andorra or paul beusher etc...etc...that I provide you gracefully and not only rare that I could not sell to recup money and you make a comedy.
my little Frerik, know one thing, before talking about what you are not supposed to know. I am in the accordion since 43 years, had for friend Freddy Carrara, Marcel Chevrot, Jeannot Perret, Paul Chalier etc... the house Cayla, I went up there regularly, in this same street the universal editions, street hauteville Lydie kotala etc... etc... was has two finger to hold the museum of the accordion in Siran in Cantal of the brothers Case. I'm still in contact with Musée Cayla de Tulle; did you know the manager of this house? There is on this site my former teacher who can confirm what I say, THEN WHAT HAVE YOU TO LEARN ME ?????? the scores do not belong to me, but you deposit your compositions while ???? the authors say the opposite, however, concerning your deposits! I don't attack anyone, I just want to please and make friends; is this a crime ?????
Not much more to add for my part. A button could be interesting next to each score, in order to signal, a duplicate or a mistake in the title or the author. Allowing to "flag" the incorrect repositories, avoiding to search them by hand.
Hello Cindou11
Considering your immense work to "deconstruct" the deposits of partitions of what some brave affiliates of P-A deposit from time to time, I volunteer to shorten your immense work that is yours as Administrator of the site.
Kisses and good Sunday
Hello to CINDOU and SLADE, as well as to all the members of P.A., depositor or not,
I have just read a few sentences that should not be written on this site! especially since we are not obliged to join, to deposit scores. if we have rights, because we pay a modest fee, we do not have all the rights, we also have duties: respect, respect for the rules, respect for the work that each one, according to his abilities does so that P.I am therefore "CINDOU"! in fact, I myself do not report the very rare small errors concerning the deposit of scores. I have just discovered one on: PEPERE- POLKA, the original title is illegible and the last staff has only 3 lines? I think that it is the 'duty' of each one to check its deposits of scores in order to simplify the W of CINDOU!!.I thank all the members having taken part in this discussion.thank you also with all the depositors (harmojack, cindou, eh yes, it deposits too! jmimi and other musette27.en moreover, I propose to help P.A. if CINDOU or SLADE, need it.je ne suis pas très doué, mais vaillant! CINDOU TIENS BON LA BARRE, nous sommes fiers de toi, de ton W, musicalement à tous,
I recognize the immense work of Cindou in front of the completely anarchic deposits sometimes dsepartitions I confess that I would not have his patience... Thanks to all those who invest themselves on this site

I just came across this post by chance. I find your work of verifications and orders very complete, you also keep us informed in case of error and duplication which is good because by typing a name, if the spelling of the title or name differs a little, we do not necessarily realize this error.
it would be necessary to give us a reminder from time to time because in the impulse of sharing we sometimes forget the protocol and the way of organizing the deposits (name of the edition, singer or titles in particular for the books); in the same way it is true that at the time of a deposit of an album gleaned on the site I do not systematically check the quality

is it necessary to continue these deposits or is it necessary to privilege a private mail or heading on the forum to stipulate where one can find them

finally, what do you think cindou to succeed in creating an additional classification in folders to find more easily such or such partition and album

it's true, even if I don't do it often, that warning that we already found the score on the classified site somewhere else would be a plus for this great site

in any case, I repeat myself, thank you for everything and especially continue to work in this way



Hi steph,
ideally there was already a discussion about sharing scores already available elsewhere and the interest of offering them on P-A is basically rather limited. In the advertising & promotion category several members have shared links to free sheet music sites.
For the folder system I don't think it helps to find anything. The search engine should be more efficient and people should take the time to check the list of suggestions by adding a score to verify that it is not already on P-A.
Yes, the kinds.
They exist and are registered when you enter them. They will be integrated in the new version.
Happy New Year to all. Wishing prosperity to our site. For my part, my goal remains the same, to share, enrich our repertoires, bring help and support. The world of the accordion brought us together for the same passion, and of this fact was born a great family, to which I wish long life, and the forgiveness of the resentments to the healthy one of this one. To all a great thank you for your generosity. Harmojack
9 Replies
Hello Harmojack,
Thank you for your wishes; in return, I send you my most sincere ones. May this new year be the key to the success of all your projects and bring you the best and especially, as to many, health and without forgetting music, good music.
Sincerely yours. MUSETTE27
thanks to you musette 27, which answers my wishes, still a lot of music and the party continues .....
robinson 82
Thank you for your wishes harmojackI also wish you and all the others a happy new year

to you HARMOJACK, to all the members and to the EXCELLENT administrators of the site.

May 2015 bring us more members who share
their scores !!!!

Good music to all.


Thanks to ROBINSON 82 and TADORNE; happy 2015 as well.
Thank you CINDOU11; happy new year too. May 2015 be a good year!
Well musically. MUSETTE27
Happy New Year to all!
Happy New Year to you Harmojack !Jurachromatique
Hello to all. I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, and all my musical wishes. Hoping still a lot of happiness for the year 2015. An immense thank you to all those who share their music on this site managed by our guardian angel cindou. I hope that those who have treasures in their drawers, make the effort to share them with others, as they themselves benefit from deposits. Thank you again for your generosity and kindness.
1 Reply
Hi Jack, Hi Cindou,
Thank you for your good wishes.
I send you all my best wishes from Auvergne. Here it is, the snow is here and we can enjoy it.
There is not only the accordion in the life.
I'm having a great time this week in an accordion workshop in Saint Sauves d'Auvergne (at CNIMA)
Do not hesitate to consult their site it is the greatest school of accordion in the world.
The 2014 junior accordion champion is from Auvergne. JB Baudin (the video of the final is on the site).
The kiss
Thanks to Harmojack for sending them to me ... The catalogs of the Editions :- Lucien Thomas-Michel and Claude Geneys are now added ....
0 Reply
First of all, thank you to those who have created this site, and who do a wonderful job. Being a little novice, in computer science, would be possible to appeal to your kindness to tell me how to put me also scores on this site. I am a fan of old editions, I want to share them with you, for example: Bavarian cuckoo (Emile Decotty) Tyrolean merle (Marcel Chevrot) Snowball (J. Medinger) Savoyard cuckoo ... etc..I am waiting for 300 scores bought via the net. At home they call me Mr. Score, I am a man of sharing, and I intend to be a full part of the benefit of this site, being andicape I have a lot of time to devote.thank you and see you soon HARMOJACK
6 Replies
Good evening harmojack,

Welcome to this Super Site where one feels so good as soon as one goes through the different forums of P-A.

Have a nice evening.

Welcome to you Harmojack :)
Cindou said it all! Hope you like it here!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your welcome. I am handicapped and alone, it does me a lot of good to communicate. Being a tuner, harmonisist and playing in a brass band, I will do everything to be pleasant and to help you.I have the music of Maigret (soap opera with Jean Richard), the music of the Grand Jails (film), some notes for Anna (Vangelis) that I play on chromatic harmonica. I can give them to you if you wish. I wish you all my musical wishes and my friendship HARMOJACK
Welcome Harmojack,

I think you will feel good on this site which is a real gold mine, you can find: scores, tips, tutorials, demos, videos, etc..

You will certainly make people happy by putting your scores online.


A+ Glop03
Hello Harmojack,
Welcome among us; indeed, this site is great; a lot of help and advice and of course all kinds of scores, music in various styles ... happiness for those who play one or more instruments; moreover, if in doubt, you can always chat via the forum, we always have an answer to our questions ... Thank you in advance for sharing....Good eveningVernonait
thank you very much for your kindness and your welcome, I will have to work with this site but I like it. I have 500 scores and I will receive another 300 without counting the hundred or so that are on deposit with friends.I have just had the phone call with corinne bideaux who holds the editions michel and claude genet, she sent me the list and 3 scores that I asked "perle des neige (beginner level but embroidering on it we have something pretty then "reve de gitan (waltz) and finally picnic at vieux charmont, I will put you all his. soon vernonait and thank you
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