I wanted to make a request for a score,
I thought I should try to insert the cover (visual) in short the cover of the book I'm looking for! It can avoid homonymous ambiguities sometimes, because many similar works and different publishers use the same titles, and it's confusing ....
so my question is summarized in the title:
to send a message Forum or request for partition, what is the image format to use ? PNG, JPG or other ?
what is the maximum size in KB ?
what is the maximum size allowed ? ex : 200 x 150 ....
I tried JPG 149x199 or 17ko, and despite the reduction of size and weight in bytes ... it does not work .... ?
Have I neglected, forgotten something or is it a bugg ?
thank you in advance for giving me the useful information so that it works.
PS, I test an insertion again and I post without knowing if it will work...