hello I would like to find musicians to play nice pieces if you are interested thank you
2 Replies
Hello where are you?
hello I live in 69 good day
Hello . I wish all the musicians and members of P.A., a very happy New Year 2016. Full of music and sharing. Musically. Vonvonet.
10 Replies
Happy New Year to all in joy and music!
Happy New Year to all

Best wishes for 2016 , without forgetting health which is the greatest human fortune . May all the musicians, whatever the instrument practiced, find happiness through our wonderful site; thanking its founder Slade and our Cindou for his investment without fail. Prosperity to P.A, which is growing day by day, with the enrichment of its repertoire, for the pleasure of all its members. Wishing that this one opens its doors to new ideas, I thank you for the interest brought to the sharing of its music of any kind and which exceeds our borders. Thanks to all of you. Adler
Happy New Year to all!
Happy 2016 to you all!

Happy New Year in music with health.

May 2016 bring to ALL of us a lot of happiness, health, and music........ Vernonait
Dear all
In my turn, I present you my best wishes for health, happiness, success etc... for this year 2016.some is the difficulties, troubles, worries... that we can meet in life, there are always people present to raise our morale.And above all, don't forget that music allows us to escape even for a short time and to find a little moment of relaxation and happiness. So, I raise my sax and shout loud and clear "long life to this superb site of exchange and meeting".
Good evening to all of you, Thank you to each of you for your good wishes posted either on my private mailbox or through the site. In return, please receive mine most sincerely. May the year 2016 be the key to success in all areas, and may it bring you (and yours) mainly health and lots of music.Bien musicalement.Musette27
robinson 82
Happy New Year 2016 to all

Robinson 82

Indeed, spring obliges, a little housekeeping never hurts ... The members "in trial period" registered since the beginning, then, 2010, 2011, 2012 and who after having "used" their 5 days of trial, NEVER came back on Partitions-Accordéon, well, their account is deleted ..... I think that 4, 3 and 2 years after, they had to forget the way of our site !!!! Are not concerned the members: Regular ... and of course Premiums!
Moreover, from now on, in addition to the written : P. A * 2015 (or 2016 next year), which I note on my deposits, I will add "humbly" Cindou11 ... Why ????
I notice that among the "tourists" of Partitions-Accordéon, many arrive with a one-way ticket, the empty trunk, and leave their trip with an overload in weight .... They distribute "the gifts" to the right, left, etc ... on different sites ... I know well, that a site of sharing is not made to remain discrete, that, does not disturb me really, one must expect it ...
BUT, where I "grumble", is that when after a "donation" and some thanks from "neighboring" sites, the tourist boasts of having a trunk full ... and that the "applicants" do not hesitate, there are still !!!
There, I look at my scan, my scores, and say to myself : - OK, we'll find a solution, we might as well sign, make them also work to erase their picks ....Also, dear tourists, it's up to you to sweat a little ....
Otherwise, all is well!!! Sincere musical friendships to all the P.Aïstes !!!!
5 Replies
Hello Cindou11

You hit the nail on the head, what you write is absolutely true and I agree with you.

There will always be profiteers or "pumpers" of scores just for the pleasure of filling their score library.

In the future, I will follow your advice by "Signing" the scores that I will deposit like you.

Have a nice day.


Kikou you !
Bonjour a tous (let's stay French ....)
Cindou if you want, you can also tag mine since I put them on the site is that I offered them so they belong to you ... they belong to PA and all its members present and future!
Good luck and thank you again for all your work ..... it's really a very big job!
Friendly kissesjmimi

The opinions of jodi and jmimi do not surprise me at all, and I share them one hundred percent, because those, have a view of common sense and undeniable friendship. The deposits that I share, Cindy, are your property, because in addition to your profession, you find the time to manage our community, which it must be said, is not a small matter either. The smooth running of a company depends on its administrators, so we are listening to its well-founded. Thank you a thousand times for your dedication. bizzzz...... jack
unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it. It is of course possible to sign your deposits but the person who will want to deposit them elsewhere will do it anyway. And those who will want to download them, as well.

Partitions-accordeon.com will always remain the source, and that's the most important. Scores are born here :)

Of course, I totally agree with you, I know it may not be very nice for most
not very nice for most, but why do you think I've been dropping off for a while?
for the anecdote, I suggest to those who download like crazy
to kindly send us the interpretations of what they have
of what they have collected!
with kind regards,

He is a great accordionist, a great composer and a great .......sympa.
I was looking for 2 Claude Chevalier's compositions (glance at Michel) that he recorded, so I asked him for them and the next day I had them in my mail without paying the shipping costs.
So a little publicity for him, we owe him that much since I share them
on the site.
May some of the "big names" who come to the site be inspired by it.




4 Replies
Hi Dan.
Please use the button make a partition request for each partition. So that you can mark them as resolved.
I did it for this post.
Hi Slade,

Heu .... it is not a request for partitions that I formulated since it is me who deposited them, it is a homage to Eric Bouvelle that I wanted to return, here is all.

Good day to you.

Indeed haha...
My bad... I read "I was looking for 2 compos" and then the links at the bottom and amalgamated... :)

Not at all as one of my acquaintances would say!
Hello, as the development on the new site progresses, the migration date is getting closer, and it is appropriate to give an update on the state of the new site, the functionalities as well as the less funny part, the cost...

Features : Forum - The forum remains the same, but a system of categories has been added, which allows to better classify the subjects and to find them more easily - The search is now also available on the forum, allowing to search a topic via its title or its content and / or its category. - A system of important subjects was set up, thus avoiding the "UP" which will not be tolerated any more.

- The requests for partitions are done via a special interface, in the forum. Thus by clicking on the button "make a request for a score", you will be asked to specify the artist and the title. A search will be automatically performed to check if the requested score is not already in the existing scores, if not the request will be posted in the forum. - The score requests have now a button "mark as resolved" which allows to put automatically a request as resolved and to sort in the forum, the display of topics and requests (filter by resolved / pending resolution) - Many of you include youtube links in your posts, they are now automatically converted to video inside the post. Scores - Scores now have a download counter so you can see which ones are the most popular. - The extension of the scores (pdf, img, zip etc..) are now directly displayed in the score list - Several genres can be associated to a score, so it will now be possible to search for "waltzes", "tango" etc... - Each score has a link to indicate if the score is missing or not, and allow me to clean up more efficiently. - Adding a score is similar to a score request, so once the artist and the title have been entered, a search will be done automatically to check if the score already exists on the site. And so, I hope, avoid a lot of duplicates. - The score search system has not changed much, it is only more efficient and more visible on the page and allows to search by artist, title, genre, type (chromatic, diatonic). - The download is now more secure, avoiding that the links of the scores are found everywhere on the internet. - The weight of the scores will be indicated (I'm doing this soon), so you can quickly know if a score is heavy to download or not. News - A system of news has been set up, allowing to make articles on, on one side partitions-accordeon.com and on the other side the world of the accordion or the music in general. If people are interested to write news, they can contact me by private message. The more writers there will be, the more partitions-accordeon will become a relevant site on the accordion world news! :) - All news can of course be commented and shared on social networks. Profile and Emails - The profile page has been expanded and you will now be invited to enter your country and city (this is of course not mandatory) in order to find accordionists near you and why not organize a jam session! - Your preferred language can be set, it will be the language in which the website will be displayed (French or English), so that our little English-speaking friends will have the possibility to interact with you without asking an existing member to be the interpreter. - A more complex and flexible notification system is in place to control exactly what you want to receive by email. So you can be notified when someone replies to one of your topics, to a topic you participated in, when you receive a private message, if someone posts a score you requested etc... - Each member has a public profile, where you can easily find the topics he created, those he participated in etc... like on a real forum :) Private message - Private messages are now organized like a thread, allowing you to easily find the order of messages sent and received on different topics. Classes, Classifieds and Music Spaces - Are currently under construction and will appear after the launch. Chat - The cat's fate will be decided at the last moment. Dues As discussed in the topic about the new website, the majority of the participants had agreed on a membership fee of 15 euros per year. It will be available as a "premium subscription" which will bring a lot of advantages. The biggest of them being the download of scores. The other advantages are :
- Complete disappearance of all advertisements - Access to courses (future) - Access to classified ads (future) - Possibility to create a music space when the regular member can only consult the existing music spaces. As P-A evolves and stays on the internet, the traffic increases, the number of users increases and so does the time, means, money and material. Not to mention the support. The membership fee is therefore introduced in order to compensate for all this, and to allow the site to continue to evolve and I hope in the right direction, for everyone, to offer you a more pleasant and better managed site. I hope that all these changes as well as the future ones will be a sufficient counterpart for the implementation of the contributions. If you see things I forgot to mention or do, feel free to talk about it in this topic. Thanks to all of you!
1 Reply
Hello First of all: THANK YOU for all these precisions! and Long live the new ''Partitions d' Accordéon'' ! jmimi
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