Hello everyone, I don't quite understand how it is that since I've paid the subscription fee for each voice, I'm on the first page and not the last as before.
who can help me. Thank you lesorgues
1 Reply
Please do not post more than once in the same thread.
If you have any problems, please contact us at [email protected].
Hello everyone, I don't quite understand how it is that since I've paid the subscription fee for each voice, I'm on the first page and not the last as before.
who can help me. Thank you lesorgues
1 Reply
Hello, if the problem persists, please contact us at [email protected]
Hello to all,

A "blank page" problem must have been raging in many of you during the last 2/3 days.

This problem should now be solved.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Sincerely yours,
1 Reply
I don't know about the others...it's just a "computer problem", two or three messages and it's fixed. In the meantime, we do something else.
Good evening to all the team
We waited a long time for it, but it was worth it!
Great work. Everything works as soon as it is online. Great readability
New features that should take some work away from Cindou (I don't believe it now...).
I had planned to put a word on the resistance to change, but it is already done...
I waited to manipulate a bit before writing, to find possible problems. It's limited to three questions or remarks without much importance:
- my avatar has disappeared: is it a problem with me or is it normal?
- the first page is not displayed on all partitions
- is it possible to use the whole screen? At the moment, my display is on a scrolling banner that is barely the width of my screen...
Good luck
5 Replies
thank you
Hi Cavag31, glad you like it :)
Hopefully this new system (especially the artists) will help! And you in your research

For the name, it's normal. One of the concessions for mobile adaptability. Some user names are very long to display, like mine.

For the preview, partitions we will look at, but not sure that all will be displayable.

For the display, if it's for the "view partition", I made a discussion on the subject for the full screen display. You have to open the menu at the top right of the window; there is an option "full screen" in the dropdown menu.

Musically 🎶🎶
Hello Cavag31. Thank you for your constructive and positive comments. Regarding your avatar, we don't know why it disappeared, but you can add a new image by going to the "my profile" page and clicking on the "pencil" icon at the top left of the image.
Hi cavag, glad you like it :)
For your avatar some avatars were unfortunately lost in the move (of server) sorry had inconvenience.
For the first page indeed there will still be tests to do and bugs to fix.
I guess you are talking about the scrolling page, it is indeed small on high resolution, we had to make compromises to ensure that it was correct on all resolutions and types of devices.
Thank you Cavag for complaining .... ah ah ... Seriously, it will come to the will of all to file properly, at least, to try to use the already existing composers and not to create some .... with for example the first name NOT whole ... and quite a lot of things, so, from my side, I make sure to continue the uniform presentation .... But it's going to be a gas, right??? ♫♫
A judicious correction by Cindou on the word choir that I had written choir (the o followed by the e) suggested the following remarks.

The problem, anecdotal for this particular word, also arises for others, such as oeuvre, œillet or the word cœur, by far the most frequent in titles.
On the site today, there are 15 results with heart correctly spelled, and 14 pages of titles with heart written the o followed by the e.
It's understandable, many people don't know how to type it, and I myself was following the ox, thinking that the problem is the same when someone does a search.

So, first of all, how do you get the o in the e œ?

On Macs and, I'm told, in most modern versions of Word, you have to press Alt o (or Shift Alt o for Œ).

For those where that doesn't work, you can refer to the "e in the o" article on Wikipedia.
And those who know more would be welcome to share their experience.

Secondly, Cindou is right to respect the spelling, but it would be Dantesque to try to correct everything that already exists on the site.
So one advice for those who want to do an exhaustive search: for those who know how to type œ, do it with œ and with the o followed by the e. For the others, there is no other way than to learn how to type it.

Finally, I would be happy to have Slade's opinion on a possible computer solution, if it is not too cumbersome for a rather minor problem.

(P.S. The question also arises for æ (Æ). But besides the fact that it is rare (not many nævus or supernovae in songs), the problem seems infinitely more complicated in terms of coding).

5 Replies
Hi bacdam, thanks for this highly informative post :)It is indeed possible to rename all the oe's directly with the right character.
I will do that tonight.
Hello Slade,

Thanks a lot for this valuable information.

I'll be sure to report other similar issues, if they are obviously useful to everyone (for example, my % doesn't work in search, Mac keyboard, but I didn't worry about that).

For other questions, like what is the use of "remember..." in the login (my Mac doesn't remember anything, unlike other sites), or what is the use of the "accordion-chromatic..etc" list in the score proposal procedure (if it's specifying an instrument, there are quite a few missing, flute, choirs, voices,...), where and to whom should I write?

For information, on PC : ALT + 0156
The heart is set. some others too.for the choice of category it is indeed the categories of instruments. To remember, it sets a cookie on your computer that will automatically connect you. Strange that it doesn't work on your computer. Does your browser accept cookies?
Thank you for this clarification.
Normally my mac stores cookies, I have a list of them.
What is the name of the one from PA for "remembering"?
Hello everyone,

I don't know if I am the only one concerned by a problem with the "View" partition option.
Since two or three days it leaves me a white page on the screen instead of the partition but it loads with the browser (Firefox) directly on my folder in Windows. Then I have to open it to see it.

I don't know if P- A has changed some settings on the site or if it's from Firefox, it's just a little disturbing so if anyone has any idea?

2 Replies
Hello, P-a has not made any changes. I invite you to look at the pdfs support by firefox. Your plugin may be defective or an update has disabled it
Hello Slade,

problem solved with update of Firefox and Foxit reader.

Hello,Many of you have been reporting connection problems for the past week.In order to help me understand the phenomenon (which I don't encounter personally),please post in this thread as many details as possible that could help me solve the problem.Is it on a specific page?Is it only the automatic connection (without entering username and password?)Any information is good to take.Thanks,Slade
12 Replies
robinson 82
Hello slade:

for your information:

I had connection problems last week with my Windows 7 computer. automatic connection or even by putting my details back in! absolutely impossible connection (of course I'm not going to cry about it!)

with my mini P.C. under windows 8 it worked very well!

today: with W .7 first try it does not work then I delete my coordinates I restart and here it starts again!

hoping that it can help you a little bit for a track

musical greetings Robinson82
automatic connection which is not done, only on the home page (partition)
to connect, you have to click on any tab (forum, tutorials, news, etc...)
Not very annoying in the end, but it is true that it should not work like that.
Good luck.
NB: my browser is Mozilla firefox
hello again,
I just cleared the browsing history, as well as the cookies and caches.
I re-entered the login data, and it works fine.
I think it's a browser bug.

Thanks for the investigation.
Thanks for your comment levinceret, I also think that it comes from the data saved by the browser after the hard drive change and the server reinstallation.
If everyone who has this problem could clear their cache and cookies and tell me if it solves the situation it would be great :)

The problem has already been explained to Slade and as levinceret says it happened after the last Firefox update, if that helps,

Hello pontiac,
Is clearing the cache and cookies the same as with levinceret?
Hi Slade,

Yes, I did all that including a shot of Ccleaner and it's the same.

I have reloaded an old version of Firefox and no more problems.
I am Windows 7 - 64, Firefox or Windows Update?
I often have crashes on web pages since Firefox is getting heavier, the browser was much more flexible at the beginning...

I regularly clean up the PC

Yesterday evening it was the Chat which did not appear today it works, the mysteries of the data processing.

Have a nice evening
Indeed, by clearing the cache and cookies of Firefox, the connection is done normally. I had the same problem as other users, namely that I had to click on a tab after having filled in the username and password.
Now everything is back to normal. Thanks to those who gave the solution.
Have a nice day.
I have to stop my anti-virus to connect to this site ...
This is the only site where I have a problem
Pontiac, it seems that your problem is different from the others. Unfortunately without being able to reproduce the problem. It is difficult to solve.
Sergiofr, what does your anti-virus software tell you? You should be able to configure your antivirus to make an exception for this site
Hi Slade
Thank you for your interest in my problem. I don't understand, I didn't make any changes; I have a problem only on this site...
Ps: I also installed an Adblock software against pop-up ads but I checked, this site is not mentioned anywhere
Hello Slade,
I can't renew my subscription, even though I have a PayPal account
For information I use Firefox, I tried with IE and it does not work better...
How to do?
Have a good sunday, see you soonGérard
Hello to all,
Small reminder:
For any technical problem (lost password, activation link) Please contact me by email at [email protected] (as indicated at the bottom of all P-A pages)
This is to centralize the information in a simpler way than via PM / Facebook page.

You can always, of course, contact me or cindou by PM for anything else :)
9 Replies
Hello, I am registered since yesterday and I can't get the activation link. Do you have any information to give me to activate this link.
Thank you
Hello everyone, A little clarification, because it starts to run on my beans to receive 10,000 times a day the same questions when it is enough to think 3 seconds to save time to everyone.
- you log in with your username. Not with your email address, not with your pet's name, not with the age of the captain. But with your username. It's like cheese that's marked on it.
- When a message is displayed with things written on it. It is meant to be read! If you rack your brain for 20 seconds, you'll learn that there's no point in bitching or being borderline insulting, when you need to get your activation link back the second you ask for it to make the most of your 5-day free trial. the trial period starts when you activate your account. Not at registration, not 3 days later, not at your next birthday but at account activation.
- if the temporary password doesn't work, you have entered it wrong. Or already changed it. And yes, it's unfair but it will always be your fault. so rather than nagging me, there's a super useful function called "copy - paste".
- "it doesn't work". Without more information will never advance the schmilblick. I'm sorry, but I'm not a rocket scientist or a rocket scientist.
- I can't download scores". In 100% of the cases it is because you are not connected. And yes, it's unfair but it's still your fault.
In all other cases you are of course welcome to report your problems to me :-)
Message from rundll33:
Hello,As requested, I reiterate my change of address. old address: deleted New address: deleted With my thanks, rundll33
Hello to all, a little rant, it's been a long time.
"I can't connect", "I can't make my payment", "I can't download".
This is what the support mailbox looks like. Put yourself in my shoes, what am I supposed to do with this???? Until proven otherwise I don't have the gift of ubiquity!!!!!
- I'm on the wrong website (yes, it happened)- etc...

It's super tiring for me to waste my time and try to spend my time guessing the problems. Explain to me what the hell is going on! Especially since most emails after I ask for details end with: "oh well, I wasn't logged in" or "oh well, I managed to reset my password".
I know very well that, unfortunately, the people concerned are not those who read the forums. But if one of them goes there:
- I am not God! I don't read minds or anything like that and "it doesn't work!" doesn't make me understand the situation any more than if you said the same thing to anyone else in the world.

- Please rotate your thumbs 7 times on the keyboard before contacting support and see if there isn't ALREADY a solution for your problem. Like a "forgotten password" link for example or a "help" tab available on ALL pages of the website on the left and that cindou and I have patiently compiled.
Answering your questions, your bugs, supporting p-a yes, wasting my time answering emails for nothing and constantly repeating the same things is tiring. 40% of the emails I receive could be avoided if people would just open their eyes.
And it's not just me, with a little bit of attention not only would I save time and stop wasting it on nonsense, but you would save time too, and be able to get straight to what you're planning to do without the 4 unnecessary email exchanges.
Slade hello,Thanks for giving me the procedure to change the email address.See you.
Hello phebus64,
Send me in private message the address you want to put, I take care of it
Re bonjour phebus64,
If you don't send me your mail by private mail, I won't be able to change your address...
i can't reach you for the activation link nor for the payment why rom richard morena
Hello,Please send an email to [email protected] detailing the problem you are experiencing :)Sincerely,Slade
Hello, As you may have noticed, the site has suffered some technical problems in the last two days. The reason is still unknown but the technical support reacted quickly enough to make the site available.
I would like to take this opportunity to say that I received a lot of emails on [email protected] AFTER THE HIT! And yes, if the site is unavailable, so are the email addresses that depend on it.
Our only way to stay in touch in this kind of situation is the p-a Facebook page on which you can send me messages and on which I communicate in real time in this kind of circumstances.
Thank you, Slade
0 Reply
Frequently asked questions

How do I register?

to register you must click on the "Create an account" link at the top of the page.
Right side of the website and fill in the fields that are requested.
You will receive an email with an activation link at the following email address
that you have filled in.

I did not receive my activation link. What should I do?

an email to [email protected] with your
account (username or email address of the account)

I forgot my password. What do I do now?

the "forgotten password" link at the top right of the website
and enter your email address. A temporary password will be sent to you
sent by email. Password that it is then advised to
edit in the "My profile" tab.

I have a problem with my account. Something is not right.

Send an email to [email protected] with your
account information (username or email address of the account)

I did not receive my temporary password by email. What should I do?

Send an email to [email protected] with your
account information (username or email address of the account)

How to deposit a score?

the "Add partition" button in the partitions section.
Fill in the artist's name and title correctly. Make sure
that the partition you want to add is not in the list
that the site will submit to you. Attach the file and validate.

How to download a score?

In order to download a score you must be a premium member or in trial period.

How does the score search engine work?

can indicate a particular artist. An instrument. Enter one or
several search words. The site will use all these parameters to
output a list of scores. If you don't find the one you want, you can
look for, try to reduce the parameters. Less words, not
specific artist etc...

I can't use the view button. What should I do?

browser probably doesn't have a pdf viewer. I
invites you to do a google search to find a module of
view pdf depending on your browser.

When does my trial period start?

Your trial period begins as soon as you activate your account via the activation link.

How long does it last?

The trial period lasts 5 days.

How to become a premium member?

to become premium you must use the "become premium" button present
on the right side of the website on all pages. You will be redirected to
to paypal to make a payment of 15 euros.

How long does the premium status last?

The premium status lasts 365 days from the day it is applied.

What does the premium status bring me?

to know all the advantages of the premium status you can click on
the "learn more" link under the "become premium" button at
right side of the website.

Why do I have to pay 15 euros?

contribution is present in order to maintain the site. Pay
operating costs and allow me to have the time to
work on it.
You can read the following topic for more information:

I don't want to use my credit card on the internet. Are there other ways to pay?

there are no other payment methods. Payment information
are NOT transmitted to partitions-accordeon.com. Only paypal
is authorized to process your banking information and refers you to
partitions-accordeon.com payment status. Paypal is the leader in
payments on the internet and is completely secure. Once connected to
paypal you can see "https" in your address bar. This
means that the information you send to paypal is
encrypted. Paypal processes millions of transactions per day. You
you can find out about paypal via google.

I forgot when my premium status expires. How can I find out?

The expiration date of your premium status is indicated on your profile. In the "my profile" tab.

I misspelled the title, the artist or I added the wrong file. What can I do?

Send a private message to me (slade) or to Cindou11 with the corrections to be made.

How do I apply for a score?

using the button "Make a request for partitions" the process is
then similar to adding a partition. See "How to add a
score" above.

What do I do once my request is resolved?

the person who provided the score. In the subject directly or in
private message. And click on the green "resolved" button.

How to contact a member of partitions-accordeon.com?

can either use the "contact" button on the member's profile.
Either go to the "Inbox" tab and click on
"new message" and enter the name of the member you wish to contact.

How to stop receiving emails from partitions-accordeon.com?

Go to
you in the "My profile" tab, then on the "notifications" tab and
uncheck the boxes corresponding to the emails you no longer want
receive. Validate by clicking on the "Update" button

How do I stop people from contacting me in chat?

Open the chat and check the "go offline" box. This will make you invisible in the chat.

What information in my profile is accessible to everyone?

The best way to see this is to visit another member's profile.
It is your nickname, the topics you have created, the
discussion messages you have posted, scores that you have
added, as well as your profile picture and place of residence if
you have specified one.

Who do I contact if I have a problem?

In case of problem you can send a private message to cindou11 or to
myself (slade) or write to [email protected]

Do you have any other ideas for questions?
Reply to this topic and I will include them in this post :)

Thank you!

9 Replies
Good evening Slade
Two questions:
- I may be absent at the time I will have to renew my participation: can I do the renewal before the scheduled date, or is an "authorized delay" envisaged?
- how to participate in the chat?

Hi Cavag31,
At renewal time if you are not present you will go back to regular status but you can become premium again as soon as you are back :)
But I think the renewal will be available a week before the official renewal date!

For the chat you have to look at the bottom right of the screen you have a message icon with a number next to it, you click on it and you will have access to all the people online :)
Thank you (for everything!)
Hello Slade,

I'm a little hard of the sheet and especially much too lax, I wanted to renew my subscription today last day of course and I do not know where to go.

Thanks for helping me but if I don't really deserve it, when I had the bar to do it these last days.

Thanks again for all you do on the site, you, JJ and everyone else
Hi Mosquito,
I just saw that the bar disappeared on the last day!
You should see it again,
keep me posted!
Thanks Slade

This is fixed.

Good day and good continuation
Hello,please create a new topic with your question.this discussion is about the operation of the website.

Edit: I see that you did it. So I delete your message here.
Hello Slade
I just realized that my premium profile ended on March 1, 2015. I will not be there on that date. I would like to bring forward this date to renew my premium membership. Can you tell me what to do because I don't see how to do it.In advance I thank you.Good eveningAmicalementLeCreusois
All is said :-)I received your email nevertheless, I will tell you that by email.
Sign up today and enjoy a
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