Hello, what brand of speaker for an accordion equipped with sennheiser microphones would you recommend? I was told about montarbo mt 160 but they are no longer made. I don't need 300 watts! Merci pour tous vos conseils ou adresse . Musically Gilbertus
0 Reply

Does anyone know this accordion: Accordion Paul Beuscher 96 basses. 3 rows of chords and 3 rows of basses left hand. 3 left-hand registers.
3 right-hand voices, 2 flutes and a bassoon with 5 registers ( full stop, 1 flute, 2 flutes, 1 bassoon, flute + bassoon )
It's for sale on the bon coin, it matches my criteria but I don't know it at all and it's not possible for me to try it. Is it a reliable brand, and is the sound "powerful" enough?
If you have any information ..... Thanks a lot
8 Replies
I understand that they were made by Piermaria
Thank you for taking the time to answer me.
It's a good sign, I may be tempted.
Have a nice day
Attention le bon coin!!!!!neuf I say yes, if not it is necessary to make see has a specialist, I had an opinion for one of my accordion it is necessary to see the blades if they are oxidized the restoration can cost very expensive. this accordion is surely a gala of Piermaria of the years 1980...
Thank you Bernadette for your advice. So I asked for more information. On the ad it said that the felts had been changed and that it had been serviced. I asked the date and by whom, I am waiting for an answer.
Good day
Hello Michèle,

I can only give you one piece of advice, an accordion, and an acoustic one at that.
The complexity of the instrument, the cost of repairing it, however small, can be expensive. The sound can also be very different depending on the manufacturer.

Thank you for your advice and I will follow it. I will look for closer to home.
Have a nice evening
HELLO, I am selling a red cavagnolo with the same characteristics and year. I had put it on sale 1.300€ (micro akg included) - revision bill of about 600€. Price to be discussed and if however you had to come in Charente-Maritime near Royan/Saintes????
Thank you, but you are a bit far for me, I am in Ardeche.
Good weekend
I have just acquired a maugein export in new condition (80basses). Due to back problems I have returned to an instrument weighing less than 8kg. BUT I am disappointed by its tone and its mechanism that I find "light" not to say disappointing! ... do you have any opinion on this instrument ? I'm thinking of getting it back ... what brand would you advise me ? Allessandrini ? Cavagnolo ? or....MERCI for your help
1 Reply
Same problems, and same solution, but I chose the 80 bass "CADENCE", (Périgord Accordéon), improved with a music "à mano"... Very nice instrument.
Good morning to all,
Better late than never! Here are the current P-A regulations!


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WARNING: Do not upload another one if the ORIGINAL score is already in accordion sheet music, it is not much use, AND IT IS STILL UNIQUE!

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If you want to upload a collection or a Songbook: try to complete the composer information: The edition (see if it is already proposed in the drop-down menu ...) And in the title, note: Compilation or Songbook, then the title as correct as possible ...

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0 Reply
Hello, I am getting a tablet, and I would like to know if someone uses a bluetooth page turner and what brand? so that I do not make a mistake on the purchase.
9 Replies
Hello Sylvie
Some time ago (in 2015) here on P-A there is a beginning of topic, maybe the applicant had answers
Good evening to all of you
I use (as an amateur in my living room) a Galaxy tab2 tablet under Android and an AirTurn BT105 pedal, the Orpheus application is one of the rare applications designed for this type of pedal under Android.
Unless I'm mistaken, ..... but I think that an Apple tablet offers more possibilities. Let's wait for users' opinions
Here my friends the subject is relaunched because as Jodi says there was already a debate.
Have a nice evening
Hello I am equipped with a page turner for a Samsung note 10 tablet that works very well good purchase I am at your disposal if you want more details Sincerely daniel77
Thank you for your answer, but what is the brand of your page turner? Is it effective, no bugs? Thank you. Have a nice day.
I have sent you a private message Sincerely Daniel77
See the PUB on the NOVISCORE website and their app it offers pedals to turn the pages.
For my part I use AIR TURN, no worries with Androïd. On sale in France on the online store BAXSHOP
thank you for your answer, good day Sylvie
Hello, I use airturn bt105 in Bluetooth with an iPad 10'Since about 1 year . Since 6 months I bought IPad Pro, easier and more pleasant (A4 format) especially for reading. Maybe a costly at the beginning but no more blanks, no more desk lamp... Good day Bruno
I have a hohner savoi 96 basdes 2 voices 2 registers. it is getting old and i doubt that a repair will cost me much. so i started looking on second hand websites and i found this one. I know that I don't know much about it, so I'm not sure what to look for before buying a second hand one. and when do you think about it (brand, price, quality, etc.) and how does it change from my hohner?
4 Replies
guerrini. 120 bass 4 row right hand. 5 register. 800 euro I send you the picture when I can
Hello Sangho.
Are you looking for a used accordion or are you selling one?
As Cindou said:
In the first case, you could find your happiness in the classified ads section.
And in the second case, make someone happy by posting an ad about your accordion for sale.

(Moved to miscellaneous).
to buy I do not sell pad
You can, perhaps, find your happiness in the classified ads section :-)
hello everyone my name is martin i am 23 years old i started playing the accordion almost 1 year ago
so here I am with a chromatic accordion savoia hohner 96 basses gift from my grandfather
(the sound is not great) knowing that I intend to leave it like that without repair
I would like to invest in another 96 bass accordion. knowing that I don't know anything about brands and models I would like to know your opinion and which model would suit me best
I have some requirements otherwise it would not be funny. I am a beginner but a tuner less than 96 basses no thanks
1) I would like an accordion with regists that allows me to play the folklore from Auvergne
2) new or used to see
3) price less than 2000 euro

thank you if you have any ideas thanking you very much
10 Replies
Hello sangho,

for 2.000 euros you can find second hand acoustic models of great brand like Fratelli Crosio etc.. Well maintained, well preserved these accordions remain the reference.
At Cavagnolo you will find used 120 basses in this price range more easily. You have to look for them and try them out.



A good quality acoustic is very expensive, avoid brands that are not widely distributed or that are falsely Italian.


hello the brand paolo soraniet it reliable thank you I am seen at 500euro I hesitate also withv the hohner fun 80 low

It is very difficult to give advice apart from a few elements, range, price etc...

You can look for an instrument for a specific register at the beginning, then you progress to other rhythmic types. It is interesting to have several registers for right and left hands.

An accordion can be bought for a few years even when you are a beginner.

here is why I want to take one with 80 or 96 bass minimum http://www.sonovente.com/hohner-fun-nova-2-80-rouge-tag-noir-p36218.html
Good evening Sangho,
In view of your requirements and they are legitimate, it is always difficult to advise someone, the tastes and needs differ from one person to another,
I saw the answers that were given to you, there are also other "good" brands like MAUGEIN (factory in Tulle, France) the Octavia model in 96 low would suit you very well,you can also find the brand ACCORDIOLA (which was installed in Sarlat) in second hand they are very good accordions, in more recent brands you have the accordions BONIFASSI and EVOLUO, you will find all this in the search engines.
Precision for the big musette sound from Auvergne, it has nothing to do with the brand but it is a type of tuning, it is in this case what we call a three voices musette, for that when you buy an accordion you must absolutely try it to hear the sounds, knowing that a re-tuning is always possible, foresee a budget quite consequent of the order of 600 to 1.000 € according to the models and their state.
Good luck in your research and especially bravo for your interest in this beautiful instrument,
NB look also at the "digital" ROLAND, BONIFASSI, CAVAGNOLO, among others, you will find beautiful opportunities and there you will have a plethora of possible sounds (without retuning anything !!!!)
thank you for your answer so I conclude that I need a 3 voices musette. I looked at the prices in new these too high (5000 euros) so I think I turn to a new hohner has 2 voices http://www.aujoyeuxfadiese.com/instrument-musique/chromatique-accordeon-0.htm#funnova80lightrd when thought you
In my opinion, for the same price you can have a second hand model that corresponds better to what you are looking for. If I am not mistaken, the HOHNER FUN NOVA is a study model with 80 basses, 2 voices without register, which will quickly prove to be a little limited to play at ease. Crucianelli, Maugein, fratelli-crosio, hohner model FUN-pro or fun-star, Cavagnolo etc, look on Le boncoin there are surely near you on sale. Good research, you will find the model which is appropriate to youCordially
thank you for your answer if I see send ads of accordion can you tell me if it is good or not. of course I intend to make already a sort according to the price and the photo quality :) thank you for everything
Hello to all,
a small point to clarify the functioning of the requests for scores.

First of all, a partition request must ABSOLUTELY be made via the button very rightly entitled: "Make a partition request": on the right from THE FORUM.


Because when you make a request for a score via this form, the site will search its database to try to find all the existing titles that could correspond to your search, and thus, oh joy, you avoid having to search for it yourself and avoid requesting a title that already exists and that risks being submitted a second time!

ALL requests must go through this tool, it helps to clarify the forum and keep a clear and easily accessible list of requests that are pending. If you make a list of 10 scores, it is likely that after 2-3 are added, the others will never come because it is not necessarily obvious to go back into the topics to check that the list is complete.

Requests that do not respect the protocol will be deleted!
Do not redo a request that is still current, they remain in effect until the score is filed !!!! So, no need to start again every two days ....

Another advantage, you will be notified by email when the score is added (if it is added with the same name as the one present in the request), hence the importance that the deposits are made with the name of the composers and not the name of the performers ...

And finally, once your request is solved, please click on the green button "mark as solved" inside the discussion (on top), which will have the effect of not displaying the request anymore and so that everyone knows at a glance which scores are missing!

To see the requests marked as solved, you just have to click on the checkbox "Show solved topics" and then on "search" so that they appear!

Requests for sheet music should also - obviously - not be listed in the classifieds section, unless you want to buy the sheet music, which must be clearly stated in the ad. All requests for scores in the classifieds section without a price, or without any mention that it is a purchase of a paper score will be deleted without notice!

Thanks to all of you!
0 Reply
Hello to all, another important message, as you must have noticed today, you have probably all received several incomprehensible mails that should never have been sent, error on my part while I was testing things... The consequences of this mail were quite unexpected, in particular, several people went on the new site and contributed... What still generated consequences, because I had to migrate all the scores on the new site at 4am -_-, so that the people who contributed did not do it for nothing! All of this brings me to a case of ethical conscience, because it is not normal that these few people have paid for a content that is still free, in addition to not being ethical it would be quite dishonest of me. So I decided to put the new website online in the next few days. So that everyone is on an equal footing and that P-A starts again on a balanced basis for all the people registered on the site. All major sections are functional, as explained in the discussion titled [IMPORTANT] New Site Summary. I'm going to work on fixing the bugs I may run into, and fixing the various dead links and problems. As soon as all these minor changes are finished, the transition will be made to the new site which will evolve with time and your feedback! In that sense, a lot of spelling mistakes have been mentioned (I've never been particularly good at it.), if some of you during your exploration of the new site find some, I'll be happy to correct them if I receive notification, either on the support email address ([email protected]) or by private message. Thanks to all of you!
2 Replies
good evening Slade don't worry too much ... sites with spelling mistakes, there are .... but I promise you (I only have a baccalaureate in philosophy and my partner is an elementary school principal ...) I'll bring you back anything that might shock my eyes ... (I don't count the typing errors when writing a word !) Unfortunately, I can also make mistakes: NO ONE IS PERFECT !!!! Be sure that you can count on some of us who care about this site! jmimi friends, the REAL ones I call you to put a small word of encouragement ....
We are talking about the spelling of the texts of the site in general, not the content written by the users :)
Otherwise it is indeed endless.
Hello, I take advantage of this first message for me on this forum to thank the creators and contributors of this site, you helped me to get back actively to my Cavagnolo after 20 years of stop! Anyway, I'm looking at what is being done with accordions, and I discover that there are now digital accordions! After some research, I still don't know what to think about it. Could some users please enlighten me? Advantages, disadvantages etc? Which brands are known for their reliability? Also, if someone in the 37 or 79 region has a digital accordion and is willing to let me try it, I'm interested! In advance, thank you for your answers. Séverine
9 Replies
Hello Séverine, For me personally, it's Bignou, who I salute by the way, who confirmed me in my idea of buying a digital. It's true that it's very motivating when you discover all these sounds and what motivates also are the prices - much cheaper than the acoustic ones-. Here are 2 links on forums debating on the 2 main brands. You will already make a good opinion.http://accordeon-roland.superforum.fr/forum http://www.cavadigit.com/portal.php Good discovery. Daniel
Hello Séverine and welcome to the site, For my part, I now have a digital (Roland fr.3 sb). It's totally different from the acoustic one, if you are a purist, a wooden accordion remains an accordion, at the beginning I was disappointed by my choice. Now, a digital accordion allows you to obtain a multitude of sounds (coupled with an expander, you can play all instruments) It also allows to have a much more complete accompaniment (drums, orchestral sounds etc...) and allows to leave the "musette" repertoire often asked to accordionists. Playing Brassens on the guitar, Apache on the electric guitar or Petite fleur on the clarinet, all accompanied by an orchestra, virtual chord, does not make the same thing as the acoustic accordion alone, not to mention the recent music that sometimes have difficulty to pass with a traditional. It is also a little more complicated when you move, there is more material, it is not enough to open the case and to put the apparatus, it is necessary to connect the material and to make the adjustments but in my opinion it is worth it.It is also worthwhile to look a little at the terms of the digital music, there is a lot of thing to discover (maybe a little too much for my taste, but that commits only me...). It seems to me that your approach is the right one: find an accordionist who can make you try a digital one (or simply go to a store) before taking your decision. Good luck in your research and keep us informed of your choice. Best regards Daniel.
Thank you all for your responses and links! I have to say that the videos blew my mind! I think I'll keep on digging for a digital accordion, a Roland FR1 maybe, because on the budget side, it would cost me about the same if I had my current acoustic Cavagnolo serviced/repaired! Thanks again! Séverine Accordionist in Tours 37
Hello Séverine and to all, Well, I have a white FR3 SB, very light, with real accordion straps, (SB: that is to say amplified, therefore autonomous, which I advise...), of the first generation, which I am particularly satisfied with from the point of view of use; of course the MD keyboard does not give the same sensations as an accoustic and the bellows is a little harder, but adjustable, (perhaps that the new models are softer) But then, what a joy to be able to work with headphones until the end of the day without disturbing the neighbors, to be able to play several styles of accordions or instruments, and on stage with a wireless transmitter plus the 2700 ma batteries, you can play for about 2 hours and 30 minutes (and it only takes 10 seconds to replace the battery pack and it's back for another 2 hours and 30 minutes), no strings attached, it's great. For the coffee, I did not find ... Obviously, it is ''all plastic'', no pearly buttons, glitter, nor of course ''tree wood''. The purists cry scandal when we talk about Roland, but as Bignou says, you just have to see and especially listen to the videos (among others) of: Uwe Steger:
Cathy Travers:
Ludovic Beyer:
But, another very important advantage in my eyes: no blades, so always in tune, (if it plays wrong, it's the fault of the instrumentalist). And I will forget the price too. So, here is my point of view. However, if I had the means, I would buy a very nice acoustic, but keeping my FR 3. Here, here... Come on Séverine, it's up to you now. Musically. Glop03
robinson 82
Hello: I have 2 Roland accordions one FR3 sb and one FR 7 for several years I have put since my accoustic midi and it sleeps in its box! The digital is not perfect but it has a lot of advantages to use great number of sounds, posibility of transposing directly very useful to accompany singer or brass who do not want to transpose good set of bass possibility to modify the keyboards ect.. good music and good choice Robinson 82
Hello Séverine, hello to all, I would also like to add the Vivo of Bonifassi which I acquired a month ago and that I find extraordinary, it had a small discussion on the forum some time ago, http:// http://www.partitions-accordeon.com/index.php?page=discussion&id=4499 I think that Dan will be happy to show it to you eventually. It is important to try various instruments and to have a crush on them, which is what I did. Musically Alain
Hello again, small link error http://www.partitions-accordeon.com/index.php?page=discussion&id=4499 Have a nice evening
hello everyone, thank you again for your answers on this forum and in mp! you have perfectly answered my expectations, I am very very tempted by a digital. musically, severine
Hello everyone I have a button accordion accoustic equipped in midi which allows me to play in all modes and as it does everything I have no problem adapting it is heavy as an acoustic accordion. I am very happy @ more
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