Hello to all,

Can anyone tell me the title of this waltz played by ROMAIN Pruvost?
Thank you in advance

3 Replies
Bonjour ,
This is very much in the style of a musette waltz by Eric Bouvelle
Hello, Casalis is right, it's a waltz written by Eric Bouvelle and Claude Barbottin: it's called perce neige. Needless to say, it can also be found on this site P.A. ;o) https://www.partitions-accordeon.com/partitions/perce+neige. Kind regards.
Many thanks to you
I recently listened to a song sung by Stalina Vertus on You tube "Happy Birthday", I am looking for the score.
Thank you for your feedback
4 Replies
Hello. I put the video of the singer to help in the research of your request but you had to make the request in the section REQUESTS. There it is not its place
Hello, thank you.
once again, make your request for scores in the section REQUESTS here you are in DISCUSSIONS
Hello to you all. I am looking for a score entitled: the limonaire, a waltz by: M de Curtis . This piece is not from today, it belongs to the repertoire of our former alas disappeared; this music was published by Triomphe in Paris. So if you have this one, in the bottom of your drawers, think of me, well I want to say to us, a big thank you for your kindness. Marceau
1 Reply
thank you very much Slade, I didn't think about (requests) for lack of habit, I confuse with the forum we had; you do well to point it out to me !!!!!
Hello to all,

Here is a little tutorial on how to search for sheet music. Hopefully it will make your searches more fruitful :)

The search for scores is done here: https://partitions-accordeon.com/partitions

There are 2 different types of searches:

- The basic search will look for terms in all fields of a score (title, artist, genre, category, key). And return all matching results.

- The advanced search (available by clicking on advanced search on the scores page) allows you to search for specific terms for one or more fields. Each field can be left blank to search only in the fields that interest you.

Ex: "Alan Price" as artist, "Slow Rock" as genre and "Piano" as category will only return the score: "The house of the rising sun".

You can combine search terms to find exactly what you are looking for.

Every information about a score is also "clickable". Genre, Category, Artists. And takes you to the scores related to this field.

The scores section also has a "Artists from A to Z" section (https://www.partitions-accordeon.com/partition_artistes ) on which you can also search directly on the artists.

Hopefully this message will be useful to you :)
Good research :)
13 Replies
Hello, when we open the site we don't see directly "Search Scores" I think that's where some are lost? Is it not possible to put a search tab at the opening?
Hello Prema,
there is a "partitions" link in the top menu as well as in the left menu.
We are currently thinking of ways to improve this.
The easiest way is to change the wording "partitions" to "research partitions" ...
Hello yoyo,

Yes, but at the same time it's not just a search since there is a news of the scores.

Also depending on the different mediums on which the site is seen the name of the sections must be more or less shortened.

Also scores was the nomenclature that was on the old site.

We have all your suggestions in mind.

It seems like a silly problem but when faced with 15 different behaviors it takes a little time to try to find an efficient way to solve them all at once.

It will probably end up being a little of everything at once.
We have just changed the nomenclature from "score requests" to "requests" and the search on requests has been removed and replaced by a message inviting to go to the score page.
Hopefully this will make things clearer...
Hello. I think this is a good solution that should avoid many unjustified requests. Thank you.
Popieram. Brawo.
And the waltz turns
queen of spain
Hello Guerin,

it seems that you have confused the "comment" tool with the "search" function. You will always find the latter at the top of the page. The discussion you just commented on explains how to search the site:

If you have other questions about the site's features, you can go to the "Help" page or send us a message on the technical support: [email protected]

Hello, I am looking for the original recordings of the following 2 titles which are waltzes musette namely: Musette d'autrefois and Musette à Capri. Who can inform me where I can find my happiness? Thank you for your answers. Attention it is not about scores but about original musical recordings.
the wanderer
False maneuver with "le Vagabond". here is a video...the score exists, filed by "leCreusois".
Hello to all. I am looking for a java, whose title is "Pigall's bar", music by A. T . Cekow . Yes this score is not found, if one of you have it I would be very grateful if he could drop it. In the expectation of this kindness, I continue to share works of old editions, which I hope make the happiness to many of you. I thank in passing, the small kind words that I receive on my messages. Thank you all, for helping me in this research. Marceau
3 Replies
The author and composer is known at the BNF
https://data.bnf.fr/fr/14839253/a_-t__cekow/pour the legal deposit of 282 works.for the title sought ...
Pigall's barjava, orchestra with piano conductor and accordion
Edition : Paris : A. T. Cekow , [s.d.]Composer : A.-T. Cekow
He was the publisher himself.
All works printed in France are subject to legal deposit and there is therefore a copy deposited at the BNF ... with the number of "notice" it is possible to request the purchase of a photocopy from the reproduction service ... of the BNF see the conditions on the site ... and the document is available for consultation on site
Bibliographic recordIn public formatIn public formatContent type(s) and viewing mode(s) : Noted music : unmediatedAuthor(s) : Cekow, A.-T.. Composer View related records as authorTitle(s) : Pigall's bar [Printed music] : java : orchestra with conducting piano and accordion / music by A.-T. Cekow
Publication : Paris : A. T. Cekow, [s.d.]Notice n° : FRBNF42898355
Music universe This notice belongs to the music universe
More on Google IMAGES

thank you yoyo , I'll follow this track , we'll see .....
Hello to all and happy holidays
I am looking for a software to create scores. I have one (pro guitar) but it does not correspond at all to the accordion (because there is a tablature with it) and I can't find it. I am part of an accordion company, a lot of additions on the scores and so it doesn't look like anything, I would like to redo it cleanly
An idea...
9 Replies
The musescore software is free and like any software there is a learning phase.
Thank you very much Yoyodu, I'll go and check it out right away.
Hi, I've been using Musescore for a long time too, and it's really great... A lot of scores have already been uploaded: it can save time (but it's hard to find what you're looking for...)
Moreover, you will find the answers to all your questions on the forum.
Hello Cava, thank you very much for your answer, I'm having a great time with MusescoreBeautiful day in music

Where can we find the forum for the software?
Nice afternoon pluvial
Hello friends
It is here


I'm starting to manage the software well but I still have bugs even though I'm looking for them.
Thanks a lot Theo
Hello, the forum is here:https://musescore.org/fr/forumEn In general, I type "Musescore" followed by my question in my search engine and I have the answer...
Too goodThank you very much Cavag31
Have a nice evening
Hello to all,
I am looking for a score "embrasse moi joséphine" but I don't know the author, I only have the lyrics. the refrain is: embrasse moi joséphine embrasse moitu vois bien que j'ai l'béguin pour toi a quoi bon faire tant de manières.........
thanks to you in advance
have a good dayinidp
1 Reply
Good evening to all
Hello ninidppeut be a beginning of track
lyrics by Roger Vaysse and Temmusique F Silvestri

A spelling error in the title of a score:
'Que bonitas eres'
The real title is 'Que bonita eres' without s in bonita.
Of course no title found.
It is by making a research of the composer, on internet that I could finally find the name and notice the error.
What a waste of time, just for one consonant too many.
It is true that it is necessary to be very careful when depositing a score, if not it is the galère for the research and moreover that can create a new addition of score which will make double.
With a bit of patience and insight, you can do it anyway.
Thank you for all the work done by the administrators to correct all these problems.
Very good site that I recommend to all musicians.
1 Reply
It's also a pity to see that a little rigor (which JJ and others were always asking for) is necessary for the good functioning of PA...

Good luck MN for the future .... !!!!
Hello, as the development on the new site progresses, the migration date is getting closer, and it is appropriate to give an update on the state of the new site, the functionalities as well as the less funny part, the cost...

Features : Forum - The forum remains the same, but a system of categories has been added, which allows to better classify the subjects and to find them more easily - The search is now also available on the forum, allowing to search a topic via its title or its content and / or its category. - A system of important subjects was set up, thus avoiding the "UP" which will not be tolerated any more.

- The requests for partitions are done via a special interface, in the forum. Thus by clicking on the button "make a request for a score", you will be asked to specify the artist and the title. A search will be automatically performed to check if the requested score is not already in the existing scores, if not the request will be posted in the forum. - The score requests have now a button "mark as resolved" which allows to put automatically a request as resolved and to sort in the forum, the display of topics and requests (filter by resolved / pending resolution) - Many of you include youtube links in your posts, they are now automatically converted to video inside the post. Scores - Scores now have a download counter so you can see which ones are the most popular. - The extension of the scores (pdf, img, zip etc..) are now directly displayed in the score list - Several genres can be associated to a score, so it will now be possible to search for "waltzes", "tango" etc... - Each score has a link to indicate if the score is missing or not, and allow me to clean up more efficiently. - Adding a score is similar to a score request, so once the artist and the title have been entered, a search will be done automatically to check if the score already exists on the site. And so, I hope, avoid a lot of duplicates. - The score search system has not changed much, it is only more efficient and more visible on the page and allows to search by artist, title, genre, type (chromatic, diatonic). - The download is now more secure, avoiding that the links of the scores are found everywhere on the internet. - The weight of the scores will be indicated (I'm doing this soon), so you can quickly know if a score is heavy to download or not. News - A system of news has been set up, allowing to make articles on, on one side partitions-accordeon.com and on the other side the world of the accordion or the music in general. If people are interested to write news, they can contact me by private message. The more writers there will be, the more partitions-accordeon will become a relevant site on the accordion world news! :) - All news can of course be commented and shared on social networks. Profile and Emails - The profile page has been expanded and you will now be invited to enter your country and city (this is of course not mandatory) in order to find accordionists near you and why not organize a jam session! - Your preferred language can be set, it will be the language in which the website will be displayed (French or English), so that our little English-speaking friends will have the possibility to interact with you without asking an existing member to be the interpreter. - A more complex and flexible notification system is in place to control exactly what you want to receive by email. So you can be notified when someone replies to one of your topics, to a topic you participated in, when you receive a private message, if someone posts a score you requested etc... - Each member has a public profile, where you can easily find the topics he created, those he participated in etc... like on a real forum :) Private message - Private messages are now organized like a thread, allowing you to easily find the order of messages sent and received on different topics. Classes, Classifieds and Music Spaces - Are currently under construction and will appear after the launch. Chat - The cat's fate will be decided at the last moment. Dues As discussed in the topic about the new website, the majority of the participants had agreed on a membership fee of 15 euros per year. It will be available as a "premium subscription" which will bring a lot of advantages. The biggest of them being the download of scores. The other advantages are :
- Complete disappearance of all advertisements - Access to courses (future) - Access to classified ads (future) - Possibility to create a music space when the regular member can only consult the existing music spaces. As P-A evolves and stays on the internet, the traffic increases, the number of users increases and so does the time, means, money and material. Not to mention the support. The membership fee is therefore introduced in order to compensate for all this, and to allow the site to continue to evolve and I hope in the right direction, for everyone, to offer you a more pleasant and better managed site. I hope that all these changes as well as the future ones will be a sufficient counterpart for the implementation of the contributions. If you see things I forgot to mention or do, feel free to talk about it in this topic. Thanks to all of you!
1 Reply
Hello First of all: THANK YOU for all these precisions! and Long live the new ''Partitions d' Accordéon'' ! jmimi
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