We need the invoice for the January 7, 2025 payment for our subscription. So that we can put it in our accounts.
Thanking you very much for the Tourlourour
Mrs Catrix
0 Reply
hello, my subscription is finished I want to renew it impossible it does not axepte my payment with my credit card!! can you guide me thank you Paul
3 Replies
it seems that your payment has been taken into account, you are a premium member.
Hello, thank you very much, everything is fine! I will spend a good day. Sincerely PAUL
Hello, I've just paid my subscription fee and when I want to order, I'm asked for the premium subscription again. I need sheet music today, thank you.
Hello, I wanted to make a small clarification of the rules established by Slade. If you observe my deposits well; you will notice, that those are clean readable and not appearing on any competing sites or others. It appears that on reading this one, some errors concerning the duplicates or spelling can be reproached to me. And yet on the forum it is, in the form of pawing or openly made me understand that I do not follow the directives, which everyone can have read here even. Questions; is it necessary to take into account this one ??? or to submit to the free remarks. I underline that if my deposits are enclosed to jealousies (not founded) or disturb because do not agree with their personal opinion; there is there of the passes right and it is the anarchy. The fact of depositing, to look after, to refresh old pieces; is a form of sharing, of acceptable presentations, of bringing music that one discovers, should suggerés a little more recognitions than of personal points of view. I am waiting for an answer to this problem, if you are kind enough to have the courage to read the rules .........
11 Replies
the answer is very simple don't mess around you will get fired.

the scores you upload are not very interesting for many members (according to the chat discussions).

I like your scores, but shut up because your discussions are polemical.

you say that we can't find them elsewhere, it's not true because all the scores of this site are available in free access on the net (know how to use google).

Thank you for your recommendations and warnings, too simple. Bite or be bitten, you see I am past the age of spanking. Openly criticized regarding my deposits, while I respect the policy of this site, can not be subject to exclusion. I think I am logical, courteous and fully committed to sharing and helping as much as I can. I took care to read the rules (which was analyzed and established as such, for the good of the community). If there were any changes we would be informed. No, what I disapprove of is to bend to the directives of a member who has no authority to make derogatory reflections insofar as he himself does not respect the directives already in place. Besides I thank you for opening my eyes, on the opinion of my depositors, the paying bookshops do not miss it. Regards Adler
Adler, could you not make a drama out of everything? A member told you that it was not practical to have all the parts of a composer on one file. No, you didn't break the rules, end of story.
There, everything is said by Slade and Cindou11.
With your answer of yesterday evening my dear Adler, without really saying it (to me), I understood well that it concerned me that for the deposit of several scores of only one ....composer (???) in only one Post.
If my message bothered you, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, but for some people I understand that it can be disturbing, especially if they plan to create a repertoire or a classification of scores.
Do as I do, stay Zen and Cool and take life in stride, it's a good way to stay positive as a retiree.
Where does this tropsimple come from?
Just arrived, and giving lessons!
- Who said anything about firing someone?
- who has ever forbidden to express himself ?
- our administrators do a remarkable job, with a patience that I would not have. If you have to take the piss because they explain that they are overloaded with work and that it's easy not to add more, it's a bit of a shame.
- no, you can't find all the scores on the internet (it depends on what you're looking for); on the other hand, you can find a lot of them and Cindou has expressed herself on this point (I found a zipped folder with hundreds of scores from PA, even renamed: sheet... !).

After reading your points of view, messages among others that are heartwarming, because reassuring, I recognized that I am very sensitive !!!!! My commitment on this site is in me such a providence in term of communications; that I invested, as if I had for mission to be me more pleasant, and the most useful. Once again, I felt at fault, and that generated in me a feeling of discomfort. I promise to manage my impulses better in the future. My sincerest apologies to you Jodi, who also invests you fully.
There are also members who provoke, but to what purpose ???? I address myself to Tropsimple. I am flattered that you like my deposits. In addition your writings above challenge me. I have consulted your profile, and to my great astonishment you were registered here on the 16th, so the day before. How affirmed that the cats say that my deposits, prove to be ininterents, (see rate of visues or download enterieur). Partitions of cellars, attic, bought to son of collector (there are thousands of them) the 5 of me which comes 1700 arrive at home. I am waiting for you, without suceptibilities, the google recipe to find those. Thanking you in advance for your sincere and honest answer .............
"tropsimple" is a smartass who has been trying to mess up P-A for about 6 months for reasons that escape me.Please don't give him the attention he desperately seeks.
that explains everything. That's how often I get trapped in my self-esteem. Thank you Slade for opening my eyes. Sincerest regards ....... Adler
I understand you...... and I too, at times, when I see the writings of certain deposits, I wonder.... how you hold up...?
Have a nice evening.
Cindou, if it is about my writings, please let me know. I have a keyboard where half of them are erased or illegible. I have to buy silver self-adhesive letters to make up for it. You know and see it on my deposits, I attach a lot of importance to the quality of the covers and the cleanliness, as well as a readable score. I work a lot on this printing by managing the colors and the black and white. I also work trying to find a solution to the new software that has been installed, independently of my will; very good that said; but does not allow me to access the following pages, in the category proposal, in order to overcome the duplication. I site an example: type in research a title or better the heading of this one ( quai de loire ) type quai . Despite that often; no proposals allowing me to doubt. And yet it appears on P.A. S is why with sorrow, I work to find solution with this new software which scans. Be assured, that I make all my possible to be pleasant to you. bizzzz.......
yes very clear. Do as I do; disregard the TV, in the evening I read a lot (the novels of terroir are my only treat), and that is worth HO!!! how much a televised film. To say that it forges the character and enriches our knowledge, the comics also are restantents. Otherwise music paper, pencil and let your imagination do the rest ........
Hello to all,

I will remain neutral, as you can imagine, my role is not to show my BAFA ...

Thank you all for your answers which show that everyone is aware of the "work" done and that is already very "reassuring"!

I expose my point of view:
- I believe as Slade said (and often Jmimi), that the
site is not always clear for the "new" registered ....
this is the reason why we are currently working together to make it easier to understand from the start ... and this, in the new version in preparation ...
- First of all, we need a "RULES" visible from the beginning, explicit, a good support for a "good entry" on P. A ... even if it is automatically received at each registration OR re-registration ....

I am very far from blaming anyone, I the first one was not always at the Top from my arrival ... even if, from the beginning I tried to understand not to be too noticed ... (ok, it's a waste of time, to say that I asked Slade to be incognito as an administrator ....., not possible ... and even, I wanted to file incognito ... not possible too, so I might as well go for it!!!)

Of course, the goal of this site is sharing ... when I say sharing, we can also hear GIVING, INDIVIDUAL SHARING (yeah it's weird ....!! but true), in a word DO NOT EXPECT A RETURN ... Like any donation, it's logical !!!

It is necessary to recognize that it is to give of oneself, of its time, and that each depositor made an effort to seek (duplicates, titles, etc...), to scan, which leads me to say that I respect any deposit, any partition (each one has the right to have different tastes, to find what its neighbor would never have sought ....)

Therefore, I only RARELY allow myself to delete a score, even a not very beautiful one ... waiting for better ...
Only the duplicates "jump" and I always warn the depositor in M.P ... It's also respect !!!

Let's talk about deposits :
- I think that it would be necessary that each one is reasoned, and do not have
suddenly "the day with 10000 deposits per hour" !!!, too much at once, seems to
at the same time, seems to harm ... indeed, opening, closing, reopening, does not bring
the interest that each partition should have .... abandonment
can also rhyme with saturation ... dance (there, it rhymes) ..

Ok, that I remain concentrated ... so, from 5 to 6 scores by member, (wishing to deposit) that seems reasonable, and much easier to manage, if so, Cindou will not crack any more !!! than to open 10000 scores in one day ....
and thus, each one, will take time "to try to scan well" to present well (as himself would like to find a score...), and the work of each one will be also respected, that can indeed be understood that to find itself in 4th page at the end of 10 minutes discourages a person who has just scanned...
and each score can also be appreciated .....

Uh, I'm not too long ????? Well, I took the time to answer ....

Your support can help, I repeat, BUT, to report a duplicate, a typing error, everything IS GOOD TO TAKE!!! and, to my great dismay if few members do .... that, it is distressing to see that an empty file, an incomplete partition, and so on are downloaded without any report sniff!!! don't you find that sad ????

To finish (if it can ..) on P.A, many have their role, the one we are WELL used to .... :
- We will find those who help a lot by answering the forum THANK YOU to them .....
- Those who are more gifted to file THANK YOU to them too
AND those who are very good at their market .... well, there must be some too ....

Come on, stop ..... Excellent weekend to ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION !!!!!
7 Replies
Hello Cindou. It is without moderation that I agree with your point of view. I am one of those with 10000 scores per hour, but that was at the beginning, I wanted to share everything with those who have trouble finding their happiness, because the old editions have disappeared, or no longer have any heirs, or at least interested. I always watch the depositions to see if I like this one. What a surprise !!!! I had when I saw downloads on invisible or unreadable deposits. At the beginning I was skating in the sand, and you helped me, however when I deposited, too quickly it is true! I was wrong title or score, and this one was still downloaded. What's the point??? that's why I adopt your point of view. This week I am waiting for a small return, which will be put on p.a, in drops, and as right to consume with moderation.
Good evening Cindou11

If at the beginning of the year I didn't answer your post it's only because I was and still am 100% of your opinion in everything you write.

When I read Harmojack's answer of February 24, I see to this day that his sentences were well turned and that he would respect the
" Rules" of P-A.

But this is not the case at all, he is posting what he has in score and soon no member will have the pleasure to post theirs.

It is a pity and a pity at the same time to arrive at this stage of conviviality.

We are not all on this nice site to compete in the number of deposits.

This is my humble opinion.

Have a nice evening.


Hi Jodi,

You took the words out of my mouth...I wanted to answer in a day or two.
Let's respect the work of our cindou, let's not forget that it's VOLUNTEERING...I had already told slade that he was very lucky to "have her".
I think she's having a major meltdown because she usually rushes through the day's corrections and now ...disgusted!
If we want P.A. to remain P.A. that is to say a unique site let's respect her advice above.
Last thing, be careful what you write in M.P. because it makes the turn...this person will recognize himself.
Good evening.

Hello to all. No doubt that this person has recognized himself since it is indeed me. So let's proceed by order; history to put the pendulums on time. CINDOU, knew with the approval of its assistance me named (blackmailer) among other things on what I concider as being classified and this thanks to the comprehention and the intelligence of Slade. I therefore acted like a child, going back on my words (see above) and under the aegis of anger to show that it was not so. I admit it is not very pleasant, but at least dancing (understand who can). JODI, I am not surprised by your reaction, but I have a small question, to enlighten me. On this forum, answer to a discussion, you have textually said "I have 20 000" pieces!!! your last deposit (Delance, Bredif, Sylvain Bouc) and tomorrow ????? sites on the Internet (contrary to the policy of the well founded of this site) Question: do not sweep your door before taking care of that of the other ????? DAN95 for you I regret sincerely, see you in is people who say to be your friends, and who torpedo you of best that they can, I have only returned this ball which makes so much pain, is all. tomorrow I take again my small train train !!!!!! excuse me my friend. JACK
Hello to all of you.

Here I am now accused by Mr. Harmojack of depositing scores which are I admit for some to this day in free download on the sites of certain accordionists, but by which they were offered to me by them even according to my request.

What was not current on the Net when I received the scores by postal mail by sympathy of these musicians or orchestras.

I have to specify that I view in no case the sites of these musicians for illicit downloads whatever they are.

The human contact is the best way to bond a comradeship, to talk on the phone and to ask for what it would be nice to receive from the Pro's of the scene.

Also I "openly" said some time ago that I have about 20,000 scores in my possession, in reality, on my hard drives and not counting the P-A repositories I have about 33,700.

And for the good form, I would like that Mr. Jack, who likes by his musical knowledge... does not make fun of some and others as a certain Mr. Frerik did in his time.

If such a zizanie (in see you in here) persists on the site, my favorite site which is not other than P-A I will not hesitate to unsubscribe Illico-presto

Greetings to all members
Jodi !!!!!!! I feel sorry to have attacked you in this way. Imagine people joining forces to harm you morally and in full view of everyone, won't you reply? Jodi, you should know that I have nothing in common with Frerik, I am open to dialogue, without resorting to words such as those he used. Following a difference as I explained to Dan, I acted in a protest that I regret very sincerely. We were conversing together in all simplicity; and here is like a house of cards a friendship which collapses. So Jodi, I want to openly apologize to you and ask you to forget this unfortunate incident, unworthy of an adult. Let's forget about this nonsense. Once again, I apologize to all of you, let's be friends !!!!
No zizanie (to use your words jodi) will last. Cindou and I are pretty tired of all the stupid stories that waste our time...

We are not schoolmistresses. Harmojack has indicated his choice to leave P-A. So be it. And if he doesn't. I invite him to leave the drama and tears behind once and for all so that everyone doesn't waste their time.

The discussion is closed, as are all the others that are pointless, baseless and without results.

It's sad that in a community of responsible adults we find ourselves playing the policeman for nothing more relevant than schoolyard pranks.

I would not tolerate either that a member, for futile reasons, continues to abuse the forum and to provoke the rest of the community at the risk, as you said jodi, of destroying the existing atmosphere and of harming the rest of the members globally.
The height of the administrator, it is simple ....
He too dreams of "wandering" "wandering" on P. A without worrying about anything ...
Well, it is lost, because, when the administrator connects, not a day goes by without him having to: - Correct the spelling of titles, although they are well written on the scores .....- Correct the composers: themselves having represented a "monstrous" work of setting up ....- And to realize that if there is a regulation which was (he hopes) at best thought out... well, there too .... NOT READ or RESPECTED
Then, the administrator, at the risk of "offending" the kind depositors, spends his time to rectify, rectify, rectify ... IN SILENCE ....
Finally, the administrator only wants a "little" respect for his work ... Is it a lot to ask??? It seems that yes at times ...
23 Replies
I understand our administrator ... until the day when at the height of her anger she will drop everything (like JJ) and P.A. will no longer be a unique site!
So let's respect her work - always voluntary - hours and hours of work.
A site without a leader is like a company without a boss...consequence, key under the door...so let's respect her work
React to support our cindou.

And may the music (our passion) live

Hello to all of you,
I fully agree with what has just been written by our brave and courageous Cindou11 and with DAN95; without the volunteers, our site will be everything and anything.... I do not wish it.... and I recognize that to put back in form, to the clean, every day the deposits, one must saturate...... I understand his discouragement..... So ladies and gentlemen, let's be attentive to what we bring to this site and if there is any doubt, it is always possible to ask the question(s) before the deposit.In advance THANKS TO ALLVernonait
I confess that I think of Cindou11 almost every time I log on and I have the deepest admiration for his dedication and patience.
I wonder, however, if those who might be concerned about what creates the "administrator's worst" will even read his Forum post...

It takes some Cindou11 but please make sure they stay. THANK YOU!

Good evening to all of you
I agree 100% with what has been written above.
I believe that if everyone would take the trouble to be attentive and by putting a little of its own there each time at the time of a deposit or of a request, I believe that our dear friend cindou11 would have much more time for its personal leisures.
Have a nice evening.
Alas, what more can I say! Hold on Cindou, think of what respect you, my "you" is in the broad sense, ie all those who contribute to the smooth running of "our" site. Alas a thousand times alas, the most concerned by your exasperations will never open the discussion forums and will never know what you had written there. Or worse, they don't give a damn about it at all. Yet respecting others is respecting oneself. Unfortunately, there must be some for whom the word respect is not even in their vocabulary.
Courage, courage and keep the faith!
Respectfully to all those who "pull" the boat in the right direction.

Hello Cindou,

What to say more indeed. But Cindou our Cindou, we encourage you. I often think of you because what you do is really a huge job. I only take care of the parties of a few people and my husband would tell you that I'm in it all the time. So many things to you Cindou, who looks after us and everything.
I apologize for the mistakes I make when I put my partos (but it's like the mailbox, I see the mistakes when it's gone).
THANKS THANKS to you Cindou

Breton kisses
Hello to all,
Indeed, this is a very justified message, but the infrastructure of the website could and should make it possible to lighten the administration work to be done. The site can not do things in place of applicants. But the rules should be better emphasized and everything that can be automated should be. Let's hope that the new version will allow cindou to have a little more air. Nevertheless the spelling of the artists is a hard to forgive mistake. I've done a lot of work to set up an automated search system to avoid duplicates and to generalize a correct spelling of the artists and titles and not only this work has not been useful - or to the rare ones who deposit correctly - but on top of that a second continuous work is necessary.
We are trying with cindou on the new version to make things even easier and less error-prone but the site will never be able to do everything for you. And besides wasting a lot of time on unused mechanisms, it's human and continuous time that is wasted and could be used for much better things for the p-a community.
It might be a good idea to think about a system of penalties for those who habitually make mistakes on purpose rather than constantly trying to make life easier for them without any convincing results.
Hello to all ...
nothing to add to Cindou, I was even going to say : ''No comments ...'' She knows very well what I think !
For your last paragraph Slade, I'm not sure that it's THE solution .... because how to define a habitual of voluntary error... Not knowing how to put a jpg in PDF ? Do not know how to use the drop-down menus ... etc..
Good music to all ! Respect, thank you and friendly kisses to MN.jmimi
Hi jmimi,Nothing specific but I think cindou is able to know who is wrong - to err is human - And those who don't care and repeat the same mistakes all the time waiting to be corrected behind them.
So, in the idea :
- for the unlisted authors, make a request to the administrator to add their name...
- a small possibility to correct what one has just written without being obliged to start again from the beginning...
non exhaustive list ...
Hello cindou11
My poor girl, you have caught the flu, you, a girl from the South, country of sun, good mood and conviviality, and well....... you are not the only one. I am in the same case as you (despite the vaccination) while I am in the North with the humidity, the cold...the frost.
Good recovery, nice and warm.
And a friendly kiss to get you back on your feet as soon as possible.
Moreover when you click on A-Z
the scores are already classified by author alone, then by author with another from A to Z and for each new author duo : There is a classification from A to Z....
Example :
Mike Brant all his titles from A to Z
then Mike Brant & A.....all titles from A to Z
then Mike Brant & F....all titles from A to Z
then Mike Brant & P....all tracks from A to Z
then Mike Brant & Z.....all tracks from A to Z
Finally : We never have the list of all the titles of Mike Brant in the order from A to Z

Did I sum up correctly ?
This could be a solution. Separate the authors/composers from the scores as such. Allowing to add as many composers as needed on a score. Forcing the submitter to search a list of artists before entering one by hand? Or rather with this separate list, trying to google like "did you mean?" Trying to understand through the mistakes, the real artist... not sure if it's really feasible like that.. but maybe there's a way to limit the breakage..
Hello everyone,
I'm coming back to this discussion, just to show you how difficult it is to make the score depositors aware of doing a good job. I just opened the tab scores and what do I see
authors D4ANELLA instead of D'ANELLA and moreover it is about a musical edition and not about a composer.
Then being a small collection of 6 titles I believe, the depositary put all the titles in the queue !!!!!
Not being a specialist, I do not have concrete proposals to make to you to avoid these "errors" but perhaps it will be necessary to stop (by which means ???) that this deposit is put on line.
It is not at all against the person who made this deposit that I make this remark, but it is simply to illustrate the remarks of CINDOU.
The problem is that it is not possible to prevent it automatically as the site cannot distinguish between a "real name" or an error.
Good evening Cindou11,
My heart goes out to you; hang in there!
Thanks again for your dedication to all the members of P.A.
Well musically. MUSETTE27
Ah Ya de la Leche A donf.
I was waiting for this kind of commentary at the turn, here it is FRERiK.
This comment of his is interpreted in the good French language (Probably stemming from the University of Kinshasa... (Mister Mobutu became the president..... of a certain Republic...) and then this individual (Mister Frerik) who knows everything allows himself to attribute qualifiers to certain members, of which me in particular. not to say insults.....
What this """""Member writes """" 'is INCOMPREHENSIBLE What does he want to make understand by his message ???
Is it necessary to understand these sentences (his) in another dialect other than the good French, the good French that we learned to speak and write at school.
You, the Friends of P-A, I don't know if you agree with me, but you have to be very clever to decipher what he means, unless this is the way they speak in his region... where he lives...
There have always been Ranters on various websites, it's a shame they breed too easily to rant and insult people.
It's a shame that P-A is afflicted by such characters.
That said, good luck... Hi
Good evening Jodi
come on : I'm not sucking up to you ... even if some might think so ... !
My teacher wife would have said: There is and not Ya or there is and the rest must be a vocabulary of some young people in the suburbs, well, it looks like it ...
Let us not forget that what is published here, is, thanks to our friend Google, reproduced in the whole world...
I think that some sentences will never be translated and I am very happy about it... !
Thanks to ALL of you to respect at least the net-etiquette otherwise, I think that Slade will have to crack down ... !
Well said, well written jmimi.
Your wife is absolutely right in this respect.
But as my philosophy teacher used to say when I was a student, everyone in his or her life will interpret what he or she has learned from school.
But I relativize.........
in answer to cindou and slade I agree with what has been said. I have seen illegible, dirty deposits, sometimes written in Chinese (so to speak), but there are also limits to the remarks for cherry tails! and I make the expenses of it; a point, a comma which is omitted, the title written correctly or there is an = in the middle of the title as that is printed (to see deposit "madison = parade") for example! I deposit daily and I think I have invested to have the cleanest scores possible. I cannot share the general opinion, because in the long run one is disgusted. For my part, I leave free course to the criticisms and prefer to share via the mail with people whom I help and who estimate me, to see also forum or hundred people see, and two answer, to see also those which teleloads without seeing the partition. I believe that the mass is said, for my part the solution is quite found.
Please ignore irrelevant and badly written remarks and do not aggravate the discussion.Frerik, please be careful and write as specified in the rules in correct French. The P-a forum is neither msn nor Facebook.
Harmojack I answered you by mp.
Hello, I don't like to bury my head in the sand; if something is bad, I say it. A teacher never says that he knows well if it's bad. I don't make a fashion out of it to be like the others, it's bad. I say what I think, no lies or treachery. I knew some mucisians, accordionists, I say musicians, unfortunately deceased, who thought the same way.
Moreover they did not have the notoriety that they should have had.
Or and the evil to say the truth.
Fortunately one does not speak, of musical tastes or of star accordionists of epoch
I have scores requested by members. What are the rules for making them available, because they are not free of rights, the composers being alive!
Does "partitions accordéon" have an agreement with the SACEM?
If we are in the legality, I am willing to add the requested scores.
Please inform me by email.
0 Reply
registration and payment by credit card on 27/2/2014 and still not debited? why?? so I have no access to the scores?????
1 Reply
I'm looking into this and will contact you by email.
Better late than never! Here are the rules in effect on P-A!
- Any individual found to be attempting to impersonate / create multiple accounts will be automatically banned without notice.

- Your username as well as all your interventions on P-A must be chosen with respect. Any username that is insulting, racist or that harms or prejudices one or more other members of the community will be deleted without notice.

So, after scanning the various score pages you can convert them with :or :right, choose PDF)THEN : merge them (if there are several pages of course) with :http://www.ilovepdf.com/fr/pdf_unique/
(up to 10 pages for FREE)
or with : PDF Merger (Download
free of charge)

- Politeness is a must on the forum! A hello, a thank you, it's a minimum!

- SMS language, hateful, racist or other comments are not tolerated on this forum!

- Please show some respect for the person who is going to read you. Proofread your text. Try to write in correct French. We are not asking you to be Bernard Pivot but a minimum of attention to writing is a must.

- To request a score, please use the "Request a score" button. As strange as it may sound, that's what it's for.

- Please enter the correct author and title when filling out your application.

- If you don't know the title or the author, maybe your
request should first go through the "discussion" box "Could you help me find the artist and title of this piece?" Before making a request for a score. Why not attach a video?

- Please pay attention to the list of suggestions, if the score you want is in this list do not ask for it!

- If you have a personal message to convey. A thank you, a question to someone in particular. Please use the personal messaging system. As strange as it may seem, that's what it's for!

- Please click on the green Resolved button once your request is resolved!
- Don't redo a request that is still current, they remain in effect as long as the score is not filed !!!! So, no need to start again every two days ....

- Don't forget to thank the person who was kind enough to deposit this score. See the first point in the forum section above.

- The forum has a number of categories. When you post a message please make sure you post in the correct category.

- Email addresses are not tolerated in forum posts.
The forum is indexed by Google and we are sure that none of you want to have your email address available to the whole world.
If you wish to communicate your email address to someone, please use the private messaging system or the chat.

- If you have just arrived. Introduce yourself. A presentation category is made for that. We will be happy to welcome you :)


- The tutorials section is intended to offer courses on various topics.

- Please write in correct French.

- Please upload files relevant to the topic.

- You can also thank the author by private message. It will make him happy :)


- The classifieds section is only dedicated to the sale / purchase of various objects.

- Please do NOT request sheet music. Unless you wish to purchase an original score.

- Partitions-accordeon.com is in no way
responsible for these transactions. Thank you therefore, during your
transactions, to use a minimum of common sense. Whether you are a buyer or a seller.

- Please delete your ad if
the object is no longer available. Or in the case of a search, if you
found what you were looking for. There is nothing more painful than being told "sorry this is no longer available."


- The Music section is for YOUR music.

- It is not a library of MP3s.

- Put your compositions or your covers there but no commercial mp3 will be tolerated. - A DISCOVERY AREA has been created for your "favorites".

- Rudimentary politeness and spelling rules also apply when you comment on a piece.

- The same goes for email addresses. The music section and its comments are also indexed by google.

If you are in doubt about anything,
you can always send a private message to myself (Slade), or to Cindou11.

Thank you!
47 Replies
Good evening,
11443 members registered, 865 members premiums and only 65 members have read this message noted "important".
Good luck to the administrators!
@ Michel,
Thanks for your encouragement and thanks to those who help us daily in this task.
Your remark is also valid for the tutorials, but in this case the reason is more obvious because we are lucky enough to be surrounded by many "Nobel Prize" in computer science and even more "Grand Prix de Rome" in music which obviously makes their reading less useful ;)
And long live music and some "real" musicians !!!

I agree with what is said above ....
Since a few days, due to computer problems, I am less connected and I just realized the following phenomenon:
A point that I will qualify as negative:

the deposit of scores that are already on the net, just on the site next to

Let me explain:
why re-deposit in the ''common pot''?
scores that are on the site just next to ????????

I don't see any interest in it except to clutter up our PA site unnecessarily ...
imagine if I type partitions under Google
and then I put everything I found .... (OK this is ridiculous ... shall I go out?)
Apparently some people don't understand that and deposit these scores in turn arm !!!!!! and many download them here at the expense of the said 'site which is no longer visited .......

To meditate .... ! especially for the one who deposits.... A good advertising of his site would be more effective ! Sincerely
Hello, to you. I have opened a discussion on this subject (the text above is readable and well formatted) but there is a gap. The fact of being reworked by certain person who brings personal modifications to it, to make their small popote according to their desires. One person has, because it arranges it, solicited (split a partition) term of Cindou, because on a deposit appears 3 pieces fortants presented as it should. Nothing is stipulated in the regulation on this subject. See deposit (unique or we can see sometimes 4 or 5 pieces). This free solicitation, is made by some people who however do not take into account the regulation. Namely deposited pieces on sites already existing (the fact of having those, even if they were given to them for a long time) does not give them the right to evade the said regulation. The quantity when it, if dosed, of course offers the choice and the diversity, according to the difficulties; but also the regulation does not give limits. Being open to the suggestions, would it be possible to enlighten my lantern ???? I was always told that it was better to have to deal with the good god than with his saints .........
Hello Adler and hello TO ALL
In principle, I do not like to express myself and especially, it is that, I am not gifted enough to explain in writing my feelings; I do not want to hurt anybody but the deposits that Adler offers us so kindly do not bother me at all EVEN if they are grouped and I want to thank him for his great generosity. If we look carefully, there are many collections and if we wish to have a particular score of the collection, well we must leaf through the whole document (even if it contains sometimes hundreds of pages).This is my personal opinion!!.. I leave the decision to the Directors of this site, and I remind you that I appreciate this site very much.May the music be with US
Hello to all of you
I fully agree with the remarks of Cindou11; this site must be and remain "different" from the many free sites !!!! Vernonait
Hello Cindou
That's right, considering what this depositor places us every day, he monopolizes the site as a selfish person; and I don't see the interest of depositing this way unless for this person it's just a story of numbers! I hope he can understand your private message; Let's wait!
Good evening Vernonait and cindou,

I think that slade should get involved and prevent P.A. from becoming a flea market.
And I agree with vernonait I don't see the point of filing at the moment.

Good evening.

Hello Cindou,

Bravo for the work of Romain on the site! I agree with what is said about the transfers from site to site, when these are well known by the musicians, and very present on Google or other.

To avoid your tedious "copy and paste", and that the score proposal includes only "author" and "title", I have a question: in the new scores I proposed (Keith Jarret's solos), I would have liked to be able to specify the name of the author of the transcription, which is also specified on the score, but it is still necessary to have downloaded it!

Can we write this name after the title, in brackets, as a good soul (you probably) would have done?
good soul (probably you) has done for Old Man River?

Also, if we opt for the author(s) of the original melody that inspired the published solo, can we add both the artist and the transcriber, as was done for "Over the Rainbow".

This seems useful for jazz scores, anyway.

Doing it yourself would give the administrators one less thing to worry about!

Sincerely yours,


Hello to all, regarding the frenzy of deposit currently. The problem that arises is the following:- How to be sure that the scores are already deposited somewhere?- How to be sure that the depositor is aware of it?- How to limit the deposits of so-and-so without frustration and avoiding that this depositor does not deposit anymore?

These are the three questions that I am working on in this case. It will never be possible to know with certainty if a score is already deposited somewhere before it is deposited on p-a. For the first two questions, what about a cover page or a mention that the score comes from such and such a website if the case is proven by providing a link? Allowing to give credit where credit is due while offering a greater visibility to a score? It is important to know that it will never be possible to prevent multiple deposits from other sources. And that it will take a lot of work. I am obviously against "pumping" scores from third party sites to enrich P-A, but wouldn't a mention in the pdf be a good middle ground?
In the meantime, I will contact the concerned people to ask them not to upload scores already available for free elsewhere.there is I think a reflection that it would be useful to have, with the new version that will arrive we could try to find the best way to modify the way of uploading in order to avoid overflows.I will think about it on my side but your suggestions are of course welcome.
That's exactly what I mean. We'll have to discuss it for the next version and you'll have to tell me how we can lighten all this. Automatically.
Maybe the solution would be to create a space with links to the sites of composers who offer their scores for free.... And then delete the concerned scores from PA (big job!).

Hello to All, I agree entirely with Cindou; it is useless for composers who have their own site and where one can obtain their scores, to come to increase and encumber (in my opinion) the site of P.A.; more especially as Cindou is obliged very often to take again them to indicate either the kind of music or other infos..... and for that it must open each deposit.....which job!!!! P.A. is a unique site, very organized, very clean, easy to access, with unpublished scores, and it would be good if it remained so....Musically YoursVernonait

Hello Cindou11
Maybe a Greek friend can help you decipher the title.
I don't know this melody but it sounds like a beautiful tango...or a sirtaki....
Have a nice evening.
Hello to all !
You're welcome ! and congratulations to Jodi who won (in respect) for having found at least rhythmically the meaning of this score...
It's good finally this mutual help between members and I'm sure that others could have found too : Greece is not so far ! What puts off the most, it's like for the Russian (Cyrillic) and other Chinese .... (and so on) are the cabalistic signs used for the writing ....
Good music and good singing to all !jmimi
Hello Cindou11
This is disappointing and I understand your dismay.
I think that in this case I would delete all the pages of the scores that are not assembled, as you did to delete the requests made in the "Classifieds".
Have a nice day.
Hello Cindou and Jodi,
I totally agree with Jodi because this Member doesn't respect the rules to deposit the scores......
Hello Cindou11,
Yes, yes, it is very clear as explanations.
Have a nice day.
Hello to all and to the good wills who share their deposits .
However, I REMEMBER, as in any "community", that there is a rule, yet simple to follow ...
1) Just respect the repositories of other members, the work done to scan, share ... to be drowned under tons of scores the same day, even the music is not respected, it's a waste, I repeat 5 deposits per person per day (if you want, are enough to be APPRECIATED!!!
2) The PDF format is clearly explained to be put into practice!!! and to "find oneself" with page 1 / page 2 etc .... imagine a little in a while the person who is really looking for the whole score ... well, good luck!
3) It's up to me to spend SOME time there, (even if I don't have a knife in my throat) ... But, leaving the site like this, is bound to "pollute" it ....
Thanks ♫♫
Hello, I'm doing a 5 day trial but I can't activate my account.
Hello, Please check your spam folder in your email box. You can send an email to [email protected] email address seems to be correct but maybe you made a typo. Please contact support by email and we will help you to solve the problem. Sincerely, Slade
Hello to all ♫♫And ..... especially to those who file without even reading the rules, or, as they see fit ... ignoring all friendly messages in Private ...
Thank you for :- Think of depositing in PDF format and merged score
- Thank you to write correctly, the titles, the real composers, the interpreters are to be noted (in brackets) beside the title.
- Thank you for sharing the deposit space by respecting those who also take time to scan ... So, 5 deposits per day . That's good no ????
- And, I would end up thinking about .... me!!! Please respect what is written above ... Open every partition, every day to check everything ... what announced above, ... it's long !!!!
And ......... By the way, what is deposited this day is incorrigible!!! - No possibility to check ... - No capital letter starts the titles- No respect for the site!!!
Here I log out, otherwise I'll squirt it all out!!!
Good evening Cindou11
It's really sad to see that some depositors don't care about the regulations in force on the site.it's not Chinese to be applied when depositing and to do your best so that you have fewer corrections to make.I think that since the beginning of P-A you have seen all the "Colors".Good evening.
Hello Cindou11
As I understand you; one has the impression that some depositors are satisfied to make profit their scores and they say certainly, since they offer, why worry about the presentation ;
It is obvious that it is a total lack of respect towards You Cindou11, which does not cease to restore practically all the deposits, ; how many hours spent to correct, mention, reposition and it is annoying in the long run....
Good luck Cindou11 and a big thank you.AmitiésVernonait

Thank you very much for your welcome, I find this site very interesting.
Good evening, I have read the rules. I have only one account. I could not find my username since 2014! Well, it works again. On the other hand, I can not change my email address the old one no longer exists. Thank you for your site and members. Good evening.Clauclau
Hello, please send us an email to [email protected] with your username, old email address and the new email address you want to use.
Hello to all,
Some "common sense" rules to remember ...
On this great site, we share our :
- Requests for scores, our knowledge on some subjects, and we deposit scores: It is a sharing!
- However, and so that each score is appreciated at its right value ... it is also important, to share the space ... that is, a reasonable deposit of a maximum of 5 scores per day by the same member ...
- It is also very easy to hunt on the net the scores compared to those who scan, hence the respect of 5 deposits .
- Also try to respect the writing of composers already existing in the database ...
THANK YOU for your attention and daily involvement so that P. A remains P. A ♫♫
Hello again,
In 1 : Read what was just written yesterday !
In 2: Reminder / A title begins with a CAPITAL letter and continues in lower case ...
P. A is not a deposit contest!!! So easy to retrieve from the net right and left and deposit!!!

And ..... especially to those who deposit without even reading the rules, or, as they see fit ... ignoring all friendly messages in Private ...
Thank you for :- Think of depositing in PDF format and merged score
- Thank you to write correctly, the titles, the real composers, the interpreters are to be noted (in brackets) beside the title.
- Thank you for sharing the deposit space by respecting those who also take time to scan ... So, 5 deposits per day . That's good no ????
- And, I would end up thinking about .... me!!! Please respect what is written above ...
Hello cindou
Thank you for these messages that seem simple, concise, well written, which I think should be understood by 99% of members ... I keep the margin of 1% in case it is a dog or goldfish that has clicked to connect to the site ... . ( you never know ).
I log in almost every day, even several times a day, because I like to answer the section requesting a score. By reading I discover titles of pieces and genres that I did not play.
I'm looking forward to the new slade site which is long overdue because I have some suggestions to make. ( compared to the current site ).
There are those who deposit a lot ... and those who take a lot ... when you see I deposited a score in 1/2h it has been downloaded more times than a score that is here for 10 years (of course it's an image) and all this of course without THANKS and every day I look and I update ... and I update ... and it goes up and up.
To come back to a few lines above, I don't think I'm part of the 1% ...
We don't have the same quantity distributed, that's for sure, but I don't hesitate to buy my scores or to contact the composers themselves who are very nice and affordable.
I think you have a lot of courage to do all that you have done for this site. Some people must have a lot of fun with what you post. And I don't mean everyone...
As I was already told the site is cheap considering what's on it ... ppffff what an argument ... people pay so they can do what they want ? ... is it a supermarket ? we come there we do our shopping and we go back ...
I repeat myself but I'm waiting for the new version to see if with the new features things will not change but be improved.
I repeat again, thank you for all that you bring and all the time you spend to make things work!

In fact, I just logged on to try .... To have less grief and !!! :
It's just unmanageable!!! A contest of deposits made in a hurry, who better, I have to explain nicely in private message, NOTHING!!! who cares about the work done!!!
And, guys, it's not because there is written to so many shared scores you have a discount that you have to put a bunch of them anyhow !!!
No respect !!! We send, we steal on other sites, we have fun !!!
There, the guys if I give up considering my state !!! But the site is becoming a mess !!!
It just took me 3 years to put the site back together visually !!!
Cindou, I think that here, we have the same functioning as in the association that I know very well. To caricature: a few people who give a little or a lot to make the site work, a very large majority of people who "work" correctly without getting involved, a minimum of egoists who live only for themselves, do not respect anything and occupy the administrators at 80%...This is unfortunately inevitable! Only one question: what percentage of users read your messages? Not sure that those who make you angry do!
In the immediate future, and I think I proposed it a few years ago (the problem is not new), I would delete all the repositories that cause problems...

Good luckMichel
Good evening Cavag31,
The suggestion that you mention to remove illegal deposits I had already raised it a few years ago too, to our friend Cindou11 but also to Slade who alone can decide on the follow-up.
I will also underline that on our Super Site there is a lot of j'en foutres......
Good evening and good weekend.
Thank you guys ♫♫ Thank you all ♫♫
I know that to delete, one click, and ... bye bye .. and, I can also do it ....
But, to do so, I have already said, I feel like depriving members of a repository despite everything interesting for some ... or not for others ... and this is not my goal...
Well, by nature a bit manic "paperly" speaking, as long as it's not clean, it disturbs me, so ... I get carried away ...
And, given "my" current context, indeed by connecting me, to see the mess, well when it is not checked for a few days, it is .... that it shows well !
Thanks to you friends, my Mom's last trip is tomorrow ...., I couldn't see her, it's going to be a shock !
Thanks for your support, keep pointing out errors, duplicates, help on the forum to answer members, it HELPS A LOT ♫♫
Hello to all,

the increase in deposits is due to the current situation. People have a lot more free time.
This will all go down I hope soon.unfortunately there is no easy way to fix the problem. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear them.

For the new site (which I know is long overdue), the composers/performers, genres etc... are in tag form, which should remove most of the corrections that need to be made, as everything will be formatted and displayed automatically.

The site is slow to develop because it is a whole platform dedicated to the creation of Internet site in general which is in development.
The goal is to be able to make the site and future sites evolve more quickly and more easily and to have a real administration interface precisely to facilitate corrections and general maintenance of the website.

It's the last straight line, 90% of the site is finished,
I thank you for your patience, I am aware that the current site is far from optimal, and that's why we try to improve things.
Cindou, I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I'll contact you by private message.

HELLO team
I would like to know please, on accordion scores since two days I mark the no of the singer, and it marks me untraceable, so I do not know why.I would like to know if someone can tell me why. Thank you in advance. Good day M jacumin
The problem has been reported to the team .
The migration of the new version makes "arise" some bugs which are soon solved...
Waiting for ..... ♫♫

RE HELLO I read the start, but I am not too understood, it is a little complicated your rules, now we can not even put a score of a singer even known.It's not serious.
No, I was explaining that the current site is on its way to get a new look ♫♫
And, this is causing some issues so far that will be fixed soon ...
Patience, it will be all beautiful ♫♫
In fact, for the moment, in terms of writing, for composers or others, if you don't respect upper and lower case, well, nothing comes out ....
Example : Type : verchuren / you won't find anything
Type: Verchuren / and everything will come out .
It's going to be okay ... ♫♫
Indeed I converted the database to work with the new version. This had unintended effects on the search...
The artists should be repaired but there is still a problem with the case. The search is case sensitive.
I'll fix it tomorrow.
Sorry for the inconvenience :(

Hello team, thank you very much for explaining the rules to me. I have read and understood them well, great.
I can't or don't know how to make a deposit. Can you help me. Thank you for your help.
I present you all, but I downloaded the scores in JPEG. Sorry for the extra work I impose on you... I'm putting the scores back in PDF. My apologies again.
Thank you for your site. Have a nice weekend!
Hello Crokox,
All the JPEG formats have just been removed ...
Thank you for wanting to share your scores ... now, also need to share the space ... that's why in order to also enjoy other member's repositories and thus the music ... it's better to stick to 5 scores per day.
Thanks ♫♫
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