V-ACCORDEON ROLAND FR 3X in very good condition, sold with carrying case and instruction manual ( paper version + DVD ) bought second hand but I am reselling it as unused. For more information, please contact me first by e-mail: [email protected]
bonjour excellent modèle ce ketron sd60k équipé de haut-parleurs et pleins de styles de sons il lit tous les formats mp3, mp4 ... je l'ai acheté en 2021
On-line accordion lessons (Zoom) 20,00 €-30,00 $Can Québec, canada Centre musical Sol/Do/Fa Diatonic or chromatic accordion lessons. You're a music novice or student, you want to get ahead, you'd like a new challenge. If your instrument doesn't get the attention it needs, the chromatic accordion (piano) or diatonic accordion is surely a good way to rediscover the pleasure of controlling an instrument. Lessons are given in person or by videoconference (Zoom). Learn by ear from tablature or score. E-mail: [email protected]
Hello, I offer music lessons at your home in the following areas: Royan, Arvert, La Tremblade, Marennes, Saintes, Cozes, Mortagne sur Gironde, St Fort sur Gironde and over the Internet by videocourse! Instruments taught: Piano, Standard accordion, Concert accordion, Harmonéon, Synthétiseur, Solfeggio, classical style, variety, contemporary music, film music, active method adapted to your wishes, and above all the pleasure of playing an instrument. From 4 years old to 95 years old or more, from beginner to specialist level...Preparation for national and international competitions. I'm a teacher with a diploma from the CNR in Bordeaux, and have been teaching for over thirty-five years. Possibility of working in Visio-Courses with messenger, whatsapp, skype,etc...!!!! From 16 € for 30mn. For more information, please contact me at 0607487388
Hello everyone. I'm looking for the score of this beautiful piece "le courage d'aimer" by Francis LAI, if anyone has it, it would be great. Many thanks and happy holidays. Pascal