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details Arrangement : B.B. Dmitriev) Mockba -
Leningrad 1967 / Volume 4
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B. Kiyanov. Happy accordion.
Vl. Dmitriev. Come with me (bug beat style)
Vl. Dmitriev. White veil.
A. Abramov. At dawn (Bossa nova). Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva.
R. Mayorov. Dance, dance (Piece to the rhythm of the neck). Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva.
A. Petrov. An eccentric dance from the film Tailwind, Blue Bird. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
K. Martyanov. Have fun with yourself
O. Khromushin. Tango. Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva.
A. Ashkenazi. Intermezzo
Vl. Vavilov. For mushrooms (Humoresque). Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva.
E. Slomchinsky and S. Vetrov. It was simply not enough for me. Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva
Jazz joke. Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva
Hermann. Leitmotif from the musical "Mame". Processing by Vl. Dmitrieva Vl. Dmitriev
Fidelity. Lyrics by N. Malyshev.
Vl. Dmitriev. All respected. Lyrics by V. Souslov
details 1 Танцуйте польку. Музыка В. Дмитриева.
2 Мелодия из кинофильма "Зайчик". Музыка А. Петрова. Переложение В. Дмитриева
3 Дождь на Неве. Музыка В. Шеповалова. Переложение В. Дмитриева
4 Потанцуем. Музыка Стара. Обработка В. Дмитриева
5 Фокстрот. Музыка В. Дмитриева
6 Караван. Музыка Д. Элингтона. Переложение В. Дмитриева.
7 Парижский гамен. Музыка Марэ. Обработка В. Дмитриева.
8 На саночках. Музыка Тегера. Обработка В.Дмитриева.
9 На двенадцатой улице. Пьеса из кинофильма "Пилигрим". Музыка Д. Браун. Обработка В. Дмитриева
10 Лунная серенада. Музыка Г. Миллера. Обработка В. Дмитриева
11 Полька из кинофильма "Серенада солнечной долины".
12 Кадриль. В. Дмитриев
13 Вальс. Н. Ган
14 У реки. Музыка В. Федорова. Переложение В. Дмитриева.
15 Песня из кинофильма "Я шагаю по Москве". Музыка А. Петрова. Переложение В. Дмитриева

What's the use of posting music when you don't understand the titles, in Europe we don't speak Russian and we don't understand it.
magnante - - Just select the text and paste the translator on Google - and after the trouble. Music in every language is always however.
Details 1 Dance Polka. Music V. Dmitriev.
2 Melody from the movie "Bunny". Music A. Petrov. Arrangement V. Dmitriev
3 Rain on the Neva. Music V. Shepovova. Arrangement V. Dmitriev
4 dance. Music is old. Treatment V. Dmitriev
5 Foxtrot. Music V. Dmitriev
6 caravan. Music D. Ellington. Arrangement by V. Dmitriev.
7 Paris Gatheam. Marase music. Processing V. Dmitriev.
8 on sled. Music Teger. Processing V.Dmitriev.
9 on twelfth street. Pilgrim player play. Music D. Brown. Treatment V. Dmitriev
10 moon serenade. Miller music. Treatment V. Dmitriev
11 Polka from the movie "Serenade of the Solar Valley".
12 kadril. V. Dmitriev
13 waltz. N. Gan
14 at the river. Music V. Fedorova. Arrangement by V. Dmitriev.
15 Song from the movie "I'm walking in Moscow". Music A. Petrov. Arrangement V. Dmitriev
Hello magnante, YOU don't understand the titles.
In Europe there are people who speak Russian, English, Polish, Italian etc...
There is room on PA for scores in all languages. If you don't understand them, nobody forces you to read them. Otherwise google translation is your friend.
Sincerely yours,
Details 1 Dance the polka. Music by V. Dmitriev.
2 Melody from the film "Bunny". Music by A. Petrov. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
3 Rain on the Neva. Music by V. Shepovalov. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
4 Let's dance. Music by a star. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
5 Foxtrot. Music by V. Dmitriev
6 Caravan. Music by D. Ellington. Organized by V. Dmitriev.
7 Parisian players. Music of the Marais. Organized by V. Dmitriev.
8 On sledges. Music of Teger. Organized by V. Dmitriev.
9 On Twelfth Street. A piece from the film "Pilgrim". Music by D. Brown. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
10 Serenade in the moonlight. Music by G. Miller. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
11 Polka from the film "Serenade of the Valley of the Sun".
12 Quadrille. V. Dmitriev
13 Waltz. N. Gahn
14 At the river's edge. Music by V. Fedorov. Organized by V. Dmitriev.
15 Song from the film "I Walk Through Moscow". Music by A. Petrov. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
Tony - What's going on?
details Ll. Dmitriev. I have fun (dance)
Trekis. Treatment VI. Dmitrieva
Charleston. Treatment VI. Dmitrieva
V. Basner. Mexican dance of the film
0 Comment
M. Semenov. concert waltz
V. Basner. Polka from the movie "Gypsy". Processing Vl. Dmitriev.
I. Dubravin. Telegram. Processing Vl. Dmitrieva
K. Martyanov. fun together
A. Ashkenazi. Tango oh tango
B. Sereznikov. On a sunny day. Processing Vl. Dmitrieva
I. Galitsky. Hello. Processing Vl. Dmitriev.
A. Abramov. Hello morning! Processing Vl. Dmitrieva
B. Itskevich. Cheerful climber. Processing Vl. Dmitrieva
V. Meshcherin. Eccentric. Charleston. Processing Vl. Dmitrieva
R. Mayorov. Together again. Processing Vl. Dmitrieva
Vl. Dmitriev. Musicians smile
Vl. Dmitriev. See you. Slow Foxtrot.
Vl. Dmitriev. Love will live in the world. Words by A. Olgin
Vl. Dmitriev. Alex's love. Words by N. Malyshev
Evg. Barybin. Fedot, but not that one. Words by Y. Pogorelsky
I. Dubravin. fun walk
B. Figotin. let's Dance
Teger. On the sled
Evg. Barybin. I have fun
A. Ashkenazi. tuberoses
S. Chebushov. funny cab
A. Petrov. Waltz from the movie "My Good Dad"
A. Abramov. Elegy
Vl. Dmitriev. Islands of Separation.
Vl. Dmitriev. Lyrical waltz from the operetta "The Night Stranger"
Vl. Dmitriev. Merry busts
Vl. Dmitriev. You are good, Russian songs. Words by N. Gleizarov
Vl. Dmitriev. Tanya's aria from the operetta "The Night Stranger". Words by V. Konstantinov and B. Razer
Thank you for putting the translation in English better known than Cyrillic
The score is as it is, thanks to korniszon for sharing his scores, already.
He shared the song list by comment translated into English.
Themajo,Thank you - Greetings
B. Kiyanov. Cheerful accordion.
Ll. Dmitriev. Let's go with me (in the style of the Bag-bit)
Ll. Dmitriev. White sail.
A. Abramov. At dawn (Bossa Nova). Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
R. Maitors. Dance, dance (play in the cervical rhythm). TreatmentMl. Dmitrieva.
A. Petrov. Eccentric dance from the movie "Backway Wind, Blue Bird". Treatment VlDmitriev
K. Martyanov. Have fun with you
O. Chromushin. Tango. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
A. Ashkenazi. Intermezzo
Ll. Vavilov. On mushrooms (humoring). Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
E. Slomchinsky and S. Vetrov. I just lacked this. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
Jazz joke. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
Hermann. Leitmotif from Music Maim. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva Vl. Dmitriev
Loyalty. Words N. Malyshev.
Ll. Dmitriev. All respected. Words V. Suslov
V. Dmitriev. Youth waltz
Y. Zaritsky. Noisy street (Humoresque). Arranged by V. Dmitriev

B. Kiyanov. Spring rain
K. Martyanov. Oasis
B. Meshcherin. Hoppel-poppel (New dance). Arranged by V. Dmitriev
A. Abramov. Bright day (Bossanova). Arranged by V. Dmitriev
C. Gamburtsev. Spring under an umbrella. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
B. Itskevich. When chestnuts bloom. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
I. Dubravin. Night in the mountains. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
R. Mayorov. Good gin. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
A. Ashkenazi. Cheerful tourist. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
X. Albert. Petushki. Arranged by V. Dmitriev
F. Brook. Wind (Jaif). Arranged by V. Dmitriev
E. Barybin. Zimushka-winter. Arranged by V. Dmitriev.
B. Dmitriev. Russian intermezzo
V. Dmitriev. That's what the song did. Words by O. Dalmatova
V. Dmitriev. Reliable armor. Words by M. Romm
details 1 B. Kiyanov. In an easy rhythm. Foxtrot
2 B. Choi. Dance of Neptune. Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva
3 Musical miniature. Treatment by Vl. Dmitrieva
4 Melody of the film
0 Comment
ITIA. The last waltz. From the repertoire of Mirey Mathieu. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
A. Barroso. Brazil. From the repertoire of the orchestra Ray Koniff. Treatment in l. Dmitrieva
B. Izkevich. Blue shore. Bosseanova. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
3. Bindkin. Sunny day. Foxtrot. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
A. Abramov. Familiar silhouette. Jazz Waltz. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
EVG. Barybin. Riviera. Beach. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
A. Ashkenazi. Pleasant date. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
C. Hamburg. Lovers. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
B. Kiyanov. Snowball
B. Serizzs. Budy girl. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva.
K. Martyanov. Snowfall
M. Semenov. Oksanochka. Treatment Vl. Dmitrieva
Ll. Dmitriev. Cheerful trumpeters.
Ll. Dmitriev. Old carousel. Music picture.
Ll. Dmitriev. 3 go we, in the north. Words I. Golyakova.
Ll. Dmitriev. Believe you. Words N. Malysheva
F. Lay. Melody from the movie "Man and Woman
U. Rzhekhovskaya. Brass band
Kiss. From the repertoire of Tom Jones
B. Kaempfert. With you
V. Itskevich. Montmartre
R. Mayorov. Witch
A. Petrov. Musical moment
F. Brook. White Night
I. Dubravin. Girl's secret
V. Serezhnikov Smile
A. Kondratiev. Miniature
B. Grabovsky. Alenka
V. Meshcherin. Cossack
Vl. Dmitriev. What is happiness
Vl. Dmitriev. horses
Vl. Dmitriev. The sailor will not let you down. Words by N. Gleizarov
Vl. Dmitriev. I wait and love. Words by Y. Golyakov
Evg. Barybin. Semyonovna. Words by Y. Pogorelsky
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