Hello You won't get anything directly from this publisher. On the other hand if you really want this score you will have to go through Mrs BERENICE who works with this publisher her e-mail address is on her site PLANETEPARTITIONS you give her all the SACEM information and she will tell you the procedure to follow to get it back on her site
POUR TOI UNE LETTRE Code ISWC : T-003.145.777-8
Rights holders Richard SEFF, Author IPI code: 61740299 Daniel SEFF, Composer IPI code: 56173285 NOUV BARCLAY SOCIETE, Publisher IPI code: 34916090 VANDER-GUCHT BOGE PATRICK EDIT, Publisher IPI code: 529255539 Publisher NOUV BARCLAY SOCIETE IPI Code: 34916090 118 - 126 RUE DU MONT CENIS 75018 PARIS, FRANCE 33156604500
Hello Today, it's a gift ..score that I went to buy ..directly from D KOVEN at his old address ..but that was before ..now ..I write or phone ..and I'm always satisfied .https://we.tl/t-jwkYMS9HFb
Bonjour de PEYRONNIN oe ROSSI "Reine de musette" waltz by Jean Peyronnin - broadcast: "Le monde de l'accordéon" on TF1 in the 80s - archives by Alberto GARZIA