
Are you looking for a music sheet?
Hello to our wonderful community. I come to ask for your help to find these pieces. I am a passionate of these old editions, as you have understood, I received more than a hundred of them and I am still waiting for some (bought on ebay, delcampe etc...). But it is not for as much that one finds what one seeks; although my knowledge on this subject is very extended. I know to my great regret, that it will always be the same people who will answer me (4 answers on 150 views) while I have so much to share, but what does it matter, I am so happy to contribute. In the expectation of your kindness, I have great hopes for our site with ideas suggested to Slade and Cindou to expand our horizons and our passion. Thanks to all of you. JACK
4 Replies
I'm one of the 150 who read your post and didn't
respond. This is not contempt or "I don't care". I just don't think it's worth responding to say I'm sorry
that I don't have the scores I'm looking for. The few times I was able to fulfill a request before the very fast ones, I did.
I suspect that in the 150 who read you, many are in my situation.
When I read that some of them own 70,000 scores, I understand that it is difficult for me to satisfy the requests.

An "association volunteer" for over 40 years.
robinson 82
Hello harmojack:
I do have a score titled phone call but it's probably not the one you're looking for because after checking, it's already on the site deposited by guess who? sorry I don't have anything else to offer you! but I did look in my list!
Robinson (hello to cava by the way)
thank you, cavag31 and robinson 82, I am very sensitive to your message. It goes without saying that I completely understand your point of view, Cavag 31, but believe me, not everyone thinks like you (taking and never sharing) are one and the same. I do not incriminate in any way your good faith, you proved it to us very often and I thank you for it. But I find that on the totality of the members there are many deaf and dumb. But this does not affect my friendship.
Hi Jack
I have looked through my binders and unfortunately I don't have any of the four scores you requested.
Have a nice day.
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