Hello to all the musicians on the site! Does anyone have the score of cloclo : Pardon, for me it's a beautiful song that seems autobiographical of Claude! Thanks in advance
Hello Tyros28, The exact title is "Je te demande pardon", you can if you wish download an English version of "I never promised you a rose garden" on the following link: https://musescore.com/official_scores/scores/6974505 If not, I can drop it off... Musically aristo08000
Hello I'm not the creator of MID KAR PARDON ...which is a real mess where everything is mixed together without any respect for the MIDI convetion which requires the melody to be on channel 4 . Here, the lyrics are up in the air ..and there's a lot of orchestration ..if it helps on your side ..or if someone sees in this M....r...the possibility of making a score ...all the better ..;and I'm also offering you the other title .;so there's no confusion ...https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/3e90be65-c88a-42ef-9fbb-acf828b8c6c9
Bonjour sur le site de l'éditeur ..l'inscription est gratuite et permet la récupération de tout ce qui est offert ..et il y a pas mail ...sauf que pour cet album n°8 il n'y a que le premier titre qui est offert ...solution ..par la - contact - demander la partition .... https://www.galbost.com/catalogo/album/id/583
Thank you Yoyo for the diligence in finding this composition. I put it on the site since it seems to be much appreciated. Bonne continuation musicale🎶👍😊
I am passionate about the accordionist Jean Vaissade. Thank you to those who could send me all his folklore scores. For example: la belle auvergnate, amoun sur lo mountogno etc...
Hello to all members. I'm looking for the score of this beautiful waltz, sung by Danielle Darrieux and composed by André Popp: "Printemps de Paris".
Thanks to anyone who can get it for me.