Good evening to all. I am looking for this title the author is not André Verchuren but I do not know the composer. I will be very grateful for your kindness...😊😊😊
Hello There is nothing more at this postal address and the son verchuren no longer responds to requests ...quick solution make or have made a musical statement DEUX COEURS A COPENHAGUE ISWC Code: T-003.018.981-1
Subtitle(s) :
Rights holders Jacques HOURDEAUX, AuthorIPI code : 14450324BAXTER FRANCIS, ComposerIPI code : 2379215PRESENCE EDITIONS MUSICALES SAR, PublisherIPI code : 24884178 Publisher PRESENCE EDITIONS MUSICALES SAR IPI code: 24884178 32 RUE DES POMMIERS 93500 PANTIN, FRANCE 612220160