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Hello, I am the director of the accordion society of LOMME (NORD) and I present it in the european cup on october 28th with the free piece NABUCCO, arrangement Primo CORCHIA, musical editions Paris Buenos Aires in Neuilly sur MARNE; As it is an old edition, I have difficulties to find the score to present it to the jury of the competition. If someone knows where I could get it, thank you ...... Musically yourBernadette
1 Reply
Hello Bernadette. I am delighted to meet you. Nabucco; whose arrangement was made by his care; can be difficult to find. However, on this site, we have the chance to have a charming man who is none other than the son of Marcel Chevrot. His father wrote a lot with the Corchia family ; Lionel Chevrot stayed very close to Louis Corchia and met him every year. His nickname on this site is Lioyo21; contact him; he is very kind. I've also come to see if I can help you. To know that a harmony is little and perhaps in its possession (good number of concert on this theme, were made). We will help you .....
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