
Are you looking for a music sheet?
Hello everyone
I would like to download the score "Mes lettres a moi" by Frank Michael. It is on the PA site but I think there is a third page missing to get the rest of the score.
5 Replies
Hello Indeed the one that comes from P A is not complete .. here is a MID KAR which is complete .. just open it in MUSESCORE version 4 or another editor .. to view all the music ...
Hello Yoyodu77
Thank you for your prompt reply to my request, but I need some additional information.
I have opened the file sent and I have 2 files 1 .KAR file and 1 .MID file caraoké and midi but I don't have a .PDF file with the score?
I have Musescore 3, is that why?
If not, can you tell me how to do it?
I'm also looking for the .KAR file of the tango in black and white my dreams if you have it and can send it to me?
thank you in advance
Hello A karaoke MIDI file contains everything and more than can be contained in a piano + voice score. You therefore need to skim to find the three essential staves and quantize to make the content of the staves readable. Otherwise, there would be too many slurs. So you need to launch the score editor. Musescore 3 or 4, although 4 has more functions and quantizes better from the start, which version 3 doesn't do, letting the user do this in a Midi table at the bottom of the screen once the Midi file has been created (Mid or Kar extension, it's all the same). So you'll have ALL instruments on X staves. You'll need to delete any staves that seem unnecessary (drums, percussion, for example, and all counter-singing instruments, for example) to keep only the melody line, with the lyrics usually below it. A rhythm staff and a bass staff.,en%20bas%20de%20la%20fen%C3%AAtre.
In version 3, a Midi table is at the very bottom, indicating quantization according to the notes. You can switch from sixteenth note to eighth note, or to decrease the slurs of the notes.
Hello Yoyodu77
Thank you for your explanations about Musescor, I'll look into it carefully.
concerning the midi file of the tango in black and white my dreams I don't think it's the right one I have the score I just need the midi I'm attaching a link it's sung by Michel Etcheverry for info

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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte