
Are you looking for a music sheet?
Hello everyone, I'm looking for this score. Thank you.
2 Replies
thank you very much.
CC les Amis , good evening I am looking for this score
musically Daniel st Malo
1 Reply
Hello It seems that Guy Denys is content to protect his works with the Sacem but is not interested in the publication of his compositions is what there is at the Sacem ...nothing for the coordinates of a publisher ...solution to make a musical statement .....
Today it is searched .... that of the songs of Charles TRENET
Here is the list

126 TITLES==========- He sells television sets to the peasants - 1976- Jolies demoiselles (les) - 1935 ©Cazaux- Adieu mes beaux rivages - 1954 ©Raoul Breton - Adieu, Paris - 1935 ©Smyth- Amour m'a (l') - 1938 ©Fred Adison- Augustine et Augustin - 1934 Sam Fox- Around the World - 1948 ©Raoul Breton$- Berceuse - 1948 ©Raoul Breton - Bruits de Paris (les) - Lundi au lit - 1941 ©Raoul Breton - Buenos Noches Buenos Aires - 1946 ©Ed. Especia10 - It was... it was... c'était - 1946 ©Raoul Breton - Coeur de palmier - 1947 ©Raoul Breton - Corbeaux (les) - 1956 ©Raoul Breton - Coupeurs de bois (les) - 1955 ©Raoul Breton - Deux mots à l'oreille - 1942 Salvet - In Front of the Sea - 1943 ©Ruwet - Des mots démodés - 1943 ©Salvet - Dame de Béziers (la) - 1966 ©Raoul Breton - Dame au piano (la) see : Une dame qui joue là-haut- Dame de Béziers (la) - 1966 ©Raoul Breton 20 - Dame au piano (la) see : Une dame qui joue là-hautEn tournée - 1956 ©Raoul BretonEn Seine-et-Oise - 1952 ©Raoul Breton- Feux de la Saint Jean (les) - 1935 ©Cazaux - Fiancé (le) - 1936 ©Raoul Breton - - Fille de Lorient (la) - old Breton song - 1935- Filles de chez nous (les) - 1957 ©Pathé Marconi- Folie du rythme - 1943 unedited- Fugues de Bach (les) - 1969 ©Raoul Breton- Gruissan, mes amours - 1981 ©Raoul Breton30 Grands bonheurs humains (les) - 1936 Raoul BretonGiovanni - 1959 ©Raoul BretonGendarmes s'endormment sous la pluie (les) - 1947 ©Raoul Breton- Histoire d'un monsieur (l') - 1952 ©Raoul Breton- Hôtel borgne (l') - 1935 ©Raoul Breton- Il reviendra ce grand amour - 1965 ©Raoul Breton Il y avait des arbres - 1969 ©Raoul Breton- J'ai mdu dans le fruit - 1956 ©Raoul Breton - J'ai perdu ma veste - 1956 ©Raoul Breton - - J'aime la pub - 1991 ©Rozon- J'aime une rivière - 1937 ©Sam Fox 40 - Je marche au bord de l'eau - 1952 ©Raoul Breton - Je ne sais pas pourquoi - 1946 - I don't know why unedited - Jolies demoiselles (les) - 1935 ©Cazaux - Jongleur (le) - 1960 Raoul Breton- Madame la pluie - 1947 ©Raoul Breton- Maman chérie - 1954 unedited- Maman, ne vends pas la maison - 1935 ©Raoul Breton- Ma raison de vivre - 1964 ©Raoul Breton - Marche des bons enfants (la) - 1999 ©Rozon- Marie-Thérèse - 1948 ©Raoul Breton- 50 Mécène (le) - 1974 ©Raoul Breton - Ménagerie Patarac (la) - 1935 ©Raoul Breton - Merci Paris - 1965 ©Raoul Breton - Mer est grise (la) - 1974 ©Raoul Breton- Mon amour est parti pour longtemps - 1952 ©Raoul Breton - Mon cher Canada - 1947 ©Archambault - Mon vieil Atlantique - 1953 ©Raoul Breton - Mon village englouti - 1963 ©Chappell - Mort du chiffonnier (la) - 1973 ©Raoul Breton - Dying in Spring - 1963 ©Chappell- Obey the Bey - 1960 ©Raoul Breton- Olivettes (les) - 1953 ©Raoul Breton 60 - O my life - 1970 ©Raoul Breton Daddy Painted in the Woods - 1942 ©Trébor - Paule sur mes épaules - 1954 ©Raoul Breton - Poor Antoine (The) - 1961 ©Chappell - Poor Georges-André - 1956 ©Raoul Breton- Pavane des patronages (la) - 1952 ©Vianelly / Breton - Paye tes dettes - 1955 ©Raoul Breton - Petit oiseau (le) - 1934 ©Raoul Breton - Petit pensionnaire (le) - 1935 Cazaux - Petits regrets (les) - 1960 ©Vianelly / Breton 70 - Plus belle nuit (la) - 1961 ©Chappell - Poule zazou (la) - 1941 ©Ruwet - Pourquoi ces p'tits trucs-là ? - 1932 ©Salabert- Presse-Purée - 1933 unedited - Prince (le) - 1936 ©Raoul Breton - Printemps à Paris - 1957 unedited - Printemps à Rio - 1950 ©Raoul Breton- Quand descend le soir - 1948 ©Raoul Breton - Quand j'étais petit - 1939 ©Raoul Breton - - Quand nous irons en vacances - 1963 ©Chappell80 - Quand on est cheval de fiacre - 1935 Unedited - Quand on est jeune - 1935 Unedited - Quand un bateau blanc - 1953 ©Raoul Breton - Quand vous entendz mam'zelle - 1955 ©Raoul Breton - Quel beau dimanche - 1937 ©CODA - Quel plaisir d'avoir une maison - 1965 ©Barclay - - What is a horse worth? - 1993 ©Rozon- Rachel dans ta maison - 1966 ©Barclay / Breton - Raphaël - 1951 ©Raoul Breton - Roi Dagobert (le) - 1949i ©Raoul Breton90 - Sais-tu ? - 1932 ©Salabert - Samedi soir usagé - 1972 ©Raoul Breton - Sexuel été - 1995 ©Rozon- Si le bon vent - 1945 ©Raoul Breton- Si nous étions mariés - 1935 ©Cazaux - Si tu vas à Paris - 1942 ©Trébor - Si tu vas à La Varenne - 1943 unedited - Si vous aimiez - 1943 ©Salabert - Soir de Paris - 1950 unedited- Soldats (les) - 1960 ©Raoul Breton100 - Source bleue - 1954 ©Raoul Breton- Source d'or - 1959 unedited - Souvenir - 1943 ©Maurice Ruwet - Souvenir d'un chanteur à voix - 1946 ©Raoul Breton- Tête de veau (la) - 1935 ©Cazaux - Toi qui passais - 1961 ©Meridian- Tour de France - 1952 unedited - Tournons, tournons - 1932 ©Salabert - Tous deux, tout doux - 1933 ©Cazaux - Tu n'as plus de coeur - 1958 - Tu ne seras jamais pâtissier - 1945 Salabert 110 - Tu reverras l'Île Maurice (This is you) - 1961 ©Chappell- Un air qui vient de chez nous - 1945 ©Raoul Breton - Une dame qui joue là-haut - 1975 ©Raoul Breton Une noce dans un carrosse - 1943 unedited - Une vache sur un mur - 1947 ©Raoul Breton - Un jour j'irai - 1971 ©Raoul Breton - Un jour vous comprendrez - 1950 ©Pathé Marconi - Un million de disques - 1971 ©Raoul Breton- Un petit béguin pour le dimanche - 1938 ©Sam Fox - Un rêve qui vient - 1963 ©Raoul Breton / Editons Music120- Versailles en Provence - 1976 ©Raoul Breton - Vie est une aventure (la) - 1959 ©Raoul Breton- Vieille marquise (la) - 1935 unedited - Viens - 1931 ©Salabert - Violon du diable (le) - 1947 ©Raoul Breton - Y'a un grillon dans la maison - 1973 ©Raoul Breton126 - Zéphyr - 1963 ©Chappell
1 Reply
As seen with Lionel, as deposits are made, this will be indicated on the list.
Thank you all for the research you will undertake ♫♫
Today, some titles of M FUGAIN are wanted ..ALL SEEN ON EBAY ...
Thank you in advance.
0 Reply

Here are the titles of the songs of Johnny which are sought today
Thanks in advance
Nous les gars nous les fillesSentimentalA new-OrleansHey PonyToi qui regrettes Wap dou waptwistin' USAsi tu me téléphonesDanse le twist avec moi

0 Reply
Hello to you all. You know me; I deposit a lot; because I have friendship without counting. Indeed I have an enormous repertoire; and to share it to give you a little happiness rejoices me. Alas; I am not the best-shod cobbler; there is music that I seek; and believe me it is not so easy; in particular in the register of editions alas disappeared. Brise Savoyarde; is a magnificent waltz variation in its style; if one of you, had it in his drawers, I would be grateful to him to make us share it. I appeal of course to our friend Lionel Chevrot, to know if he owns it as heir of the editions of his father, who was my great friend. Thank you all for your kindness .....
4 Replies
In the catalog of the SACEM, there is no Brise Savoyarde whose rights would go to the CHEVROT family.the two titles deposited by other right holders, did not pass to a Pro publisher (self-publishing or nothing)
On the other hand there is a BRISE but in another region whose rights are effectively for the family CHEVROT ... but idem no publisher Pro .so if it is indeed this one ... see with the family or try a transcription if an audio file is available .
BRISE SAVOYARGenre: InstrumentalISWC Code: T- claimantsIPI Code Role Last name First name 00007 57 91 78 Composer MARIUS DAVID Printable version
BRISE SAVOYARGenre: Instrumental - Origin: FRENCHISWC Code: T-003.797.351.5Rightful claimantsIPI Code Role First Name00151 62 01 12 Composer CHRISTOPHE FUHRMANN Print this page Printed from :
BRISE D'ALSACEGenre : Instrumental - Origin : FRANCECode ISWC : T-003.449.827.5Rightful claimantsCode IPI Role Name first name00006 03 42 37 Composer Marcel CHEVROT Print this page Print made from :
There is this title with the word SAVOYARDE ...with Louis CORCHIA as co-composer
FLAMBEE SAVOYARDEGenre : Instrumental - Origin : FRENCHISWC code : T-702.384.218.6Rightful claimantsIPI code Role Name first name00006 76 36 86 Composer Louis CORCHIA 00006 03 42 37 Author Marcel CHEVROT Print this page Printed from :
Ditto no known publisher.
The other composer is the depositor of two titles with the word BRISE

BRISE SUR MERGenre : Song - Origin : FRANCECode ISWC : T-702.383.881.7Rightful claimantsIPI code Role First name00006 76 36 86 Composer Louis CORCHIA 00013 86 55 88 Composer MAURICE HENRY 00004 71 16 23 Author RENE BUZELIN 00008 06 36 08 Author Denise DESROCHES 00013 86 56 86 Author MAURICE HENRY Publisher(s) 00008 06 37 06 Publisher Corporate name : DESROCHES DENISE EUGENIE CCatalogue : DESROCHES DENISE EUGENIE C69 RUE DES ARCHIVES75003 PARIS , FRANCE Print this page Printed from :
BRISE VOSGIENNEGenre : Instrumental - Origin : FRANCECode ISWC : T-003.129.341.0Rightful claimantsIPI code Role First name00013 86 55 88 Composer MAURICE HENRY 00033 51 08 17 Author Roland ZANINETTI Publisher(s)00021 19 87 02 Publisher Company name : CAMPBELL CONNELLY FRANCECatalogue : MONDE MELODY SARL10 RUE DE LA GRANGE BATELIERE75009 PARIS , FRANCE Print this page Printed from :
Thank you very much for your kindness and your involvement on this forum Yoyo. This score that I had is of course old, so not easy to find. This one is by Marcel Chevrot and it seems to me; co-written with Lyris. It is thus in the register of the archives of another time. I thank you for your research Yoyo.
I am looking for the score of Toi et moi sung by Guillaume Grand.
I have found a template for the piano accompaniment but it would help if I had the real sheet music and not just the chords.
Thank you! LisaCallas
4 Replies
Hello LisaCallas.

Do you have any idea of the name of the composer(s) of this song?

Good afternoon.

Hi Jodi,
Honestly, I didn't look for this information, but I received an email this morning with a statement of this song (on which only Guillaume Grand's name appears) and it will help me a lot.
Thanks to Cindou and Lionel, would you like to receive this record Jodi?
Thanks, LisaCallas
Good evening LisaCallas.

Yes, if you wish you can send me a copy of the chords.

I will be able to compare if the score that I have corresponds to your chords.

I will communicate you my Mail address in Mp.

Have a nice evening.

Good evening Jodi,
Great! I'm waiting for your email address in PM.
Good night...! ;-)
hello musician friend i am looking for the following score by claude francois - you and me against the world thank you and good day dominique
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Le bourbon
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