How many #'s in the frame for a piece in F#? Or flats for a piece in G#?

Nothing is easier to find on a standard MG Basses keyboard! If necessary, use a diagram of the MG keyboard.

- the #'s for a major scale : you start from the fundamental bass C and while going up you count... G=1, RE=2, A=3... F#=6...

- the flats for a major scale : you always start from the fundamental bass C and while going down, you count... FA=1, SIb=2... REb=5...

For minor scales, same thing but starting from the complementary bass A. By going up the sharps, by going down the flats. Normally, it gives F#m=3#, Fm=4flats...Gm=2...

It also works by reversing the problem... I have 3 sharp notes in my quilting... 1, 2, 3... I am in the key of A or F#m depending on whether I start from C or A!

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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte
Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte