DANCLO (Parti au Paradis des Musiciens en Juin 2016)

Membre Classique
Age -
Member since The start
Last connection 13/07/2016
Hello to all,
I am always with my grandmothers in retirement homes and I was asked for this song by Hugues Auffray, could I have the score, with my thanks, cordially and musically
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Hello to all,
I am looking for the score of one of the titles of the last annie cordy's record "je veux". i play in retirement homes and this title was asked to me.
Thank you
cordially and musicallydaniel
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Hello to all and my best wishes for this new year
I am looking for the score of donne moi de dany brillant from his last romantic album.
Thank you and cordially
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Hello to all,
I am looking for the score l'abeille et le papillon by Henri Salvador, we are having a little party about flowers and insects with the grandfathers and grandmothers in my retirement homes.
Thank you very much and musically
3 Replies
waiting for the score ...

thank you ! cindou...

I send you my mail in MP ..... uh ! no, you must already have it ...

Friendly kisses
Hello Thank you very much Cindou!

in the meantime I received the score so I put it on the common pot !!!!

thanks again to David Kroquettes .....

Good music
Are you sure that my deposit is facetious ? or is it the site that 'stalls' if it's all the deposits because I did it right !
Just forgot to note the lyricist, but the main thing is the author of the music!

Well, I can't find it anymore so I'm going to redo .... well, I found .... well, everything is bad...

Saturday and Sunday in rehearsal of show with Vibrations21 and Wednesday we bury the wife of a friend : they both sang in my 2nd choir : La Vouge au choeur !
Damn disease which takes away the dear ones ....

Good Monday of rest and music to all!


hello to all my friends the musicians,
I always go to retirement homes as a volunteer and my grandparents ask me for this song that I didn't know, but I asked around and Georges Brassens sang it.
Maybe you will be able to find the score. Thanks a lot and musically Daniel
2 Replies
piano voice score deposited at the moment
a big thank you for putting the score online
very cordially and musically
hello to all, I hope you can put this music online, I am always active in my retirement homes this music will do good to our elders. Thanks again musically Daniel
3 Replies
Hello to all of you
Registered score (made with Composer) while waiting for better.
good music

I wanted to thank you for the score of the sardines, musically Daniel
hello patrick could you send me the score of the sardines my husband also playing for the retirement homes friendly
Deleted email address ....
The score can be found at ....
hello to all,
indeed this song is on the site, but it is not complete, it misses the verse.
thank you in advance
very cordially and musically

in the meantime I'm putting down page 2 ..... the front page having disappeared ?????
you might be able to reconstruct the beginning .... !

I hope that someone will be able to finish your research!
Good luck

I thank you very much, I'll manage, my grandparents will be happy, I do volunteer work in retirement homes, everyone appreciates the accordion and it is a pleasure to give a little happiness.
Many thanks

I think I have the complete score. I'll look for it, scan it and drop it off tomorrow if the applicant is still interested?

good evening.

Good evening,
Thanks to you but don't waste your time looking for it, jimimi has put it on the site.
Have a nice evening
a big thank you again
Hello laccordeoniste !

I think that if you have the complete score, it is better to deposit it... !
I asked Slade to remove my partial if someone drops it in full ...

Thanks to you
and THANK YOU also to Daniel (Danclo) for animating the am and evening of the seniors ...

In 15 days, I'm going with the choir to animate an afternoon at the ''Doyenné'' of Dijon to do almost the same thing ....
It is not paid but when you see these old people, swinging from right to left and singing on their armchairs or wheelchairs with a big smile .... what is more melting ??? me, I crack up ... it is every year the same thing in the same places !!!! What an emotion ... !!!

Always in my travels with the elders they asked me for this song.
Thank you
very musically
0 Reply
Hello to all
In one of my retirement homes where I always play as a volunteer, a grandmother asked me for Miss Hortensia, I didn't know, maybe you have the score in advance, thank you
2 Replies
how did you not know this monument of the french song !!!
I'm kidding of course, you are too young
I feel quite alone in this exercise but I have just deposited a statement while waiting for better
Thank you very much, I will test and rehearse to be ready on Wednesday, our elders will be happy, what happiness I can bring them, it's great.
I will let you know if I did well.
thank you for sending me this score I always play for grandma and grandpa and it would be a nice change
again a big thank you
daniel accordionist
1 Reply
the night was long and the candidates few
result a small statement deposited by the same
kisses to your friends who are lucky to have you
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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte
Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte