
Membre Classique
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Member since The start
Last connection 26/09/2012
Serlou posted a discussion
Hello, Here is a link that could be of interest to some "grateux".... ? Musically your... Serge
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Serlou posted a discussion
Hello, here is "LIME", an American software that became free. All in English, but complete. It takes a little time to get used to it, but the result is beautiful scores. To enter the first note, you just have to click twice on the pause symbol on the staff, and as if by a miracle, the notes to be chosen are displayed under the little piano. I'm willing to help those who would try it and who "struggle" a little. Here is the link. ... and good luck! Serge
1 Reply
Good evening, I have chosen to answer "publicly" to my friend Lionel, about the sight problems, or more exactly as it is his concern, about the problem of the score display on LIME. Indeed, the notes on the score are quite small. You can zoom in by going to the "File" -> "Layout" menu. In the little window that appears, choose the "Zoom for editing" option on the right, and check "enlarge". And here we are with much bigger notes. I also want to say that the little piano and the symbols underneath, can also be enlarged, by grabbing the little black square at the bottom right. What a life! Good night and big kisses to all. Serge
Serlou posted a discussion
Hello to all, Those who are looking for free score editors, here are two links: (the first software is called "PriMus" and the second "Capriccio") The first one is unfortunately in German, and the second one is translatable in English. It's worth trying them. Have a nice day
2 Replies
hello and thank you for your help, thank you dominique, have a nice day
Hi there, In the same style there is also MuseScore, it works on windows, mac and linux: Vincent
Serlou posted a discussion
Hello to all musicians, I have just sent one of my last compositions, which I have slightly modified (an error was pointed out to me by a local accordionist (Chantal Soulu)). I took the opportunity to redo it with another software, which could be of interest to those who can't afford a paying software: it's MUSESCORE; great software, based on the SIBELIUS engine and which doesn't crash. A new version is online, for free. For those who are interested, here is the link: Moreover - and here I address to the "modos" like JJ; how to make to remove a partition which I sent? (in this case, the first version of "Ca tourne à biarritz"? I wish you all a good evening... in music. Serge
1 Reply
Jean jacques seems to have done the necessary :) I appreciate that compositions can also find their place on the site! And I encourage all the composers here to share their work with us :)
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Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte
Résidence Haut 2 Gammes 12140 Saint-Hippolyte