I would like to make a Bb minor diminished left hand (I don't have the left hand diminished chord row on my instrument) I'm not sure how to do it.
Indeed, if I don't say anything stupid:
Sib Min Dim = Si♭ Re♭ Fa♭ La♭♭ (cf. https://theoriemusicale.camilleroux.com/tonalite/bb/accords/septieme-diminuee )
So I have to take :
- Lower Bb
- The Re♭ Fa♭ La♭♭ agreement => how do you find the equivalent of this agreement?
Don't hesitate to tell me if I haven't made myself clear.
Good evening to all
unless I'm mistaken while waiting for a pro's opinion what you are looking for is the C#7th chord.
Bass Bb/ C#7th chord
Best regards
Hello Fanfan5906
Concerning "Amsterdam" with triplets by Jacques Brel, the score is on the site - filed by bidule60 on 18 04 2011.
Good music