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Fmusique posted a request
Bonsoir, je cherche partition "Cafe aulait" de Tony Murena
3 Replies
Hello ! fmusique , hello Cind . Cind you who speaks the language of Shakspeare, tells him to go immediately on ebay. The album of swing of Tony Murena is for the moment with 5 euros. I know it, was at Martin Cayla (café au lait is in it) very rare album. The salesman is a cordon bleu ; so much to say a copious breackfeast !!! if he wishes it I can be his intermediary, the salesman does not understand English. I know, my poor it is a lot of work that I impose you that to translate, but this album would be also beneficial to our site. Finally come what may .........
Merci pour le tuyau, Je regrette de ne pas parler français, mais je dois travailler avec l'aide de Google traducteur. Heureusement, je ne vais pas commenter quelque chose ridicule!
Cordialement !
Kimmo de la Finlande
it seems that I have to continue my search for "Cafe au lait" composed by Tony Murena. Unfortunately this composition was not in the album, but however I have now other nice swing music compositions.

Google translationil semble que je dois poursuivre ma recherche "café au lait» composée par Tony Murena. Malheureusement cette composition était pas dans l'album, mais cependant je dois maintenant d'autres compositions de swing belles.

cordialement: Kimmo
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