Here are the solutions. The first is to make a musical transcript, which is the quickest way to learn the song. Second solution ... contact the 3 publishers who have the score and ask them the right questions. third solution ... give all the SACEM references to Mme BERENICE in customer service, who will take care of everything and put the score on her merchant site where you can finalize the procedures ... Here's the SACEM info, and often the first solution is the right one. LES PETITES GENS ISWC Code: T-316.201.170-9
Subtitle(s) :
AYANTS DROIT BARCELLA, Composer-AuthorIPCode : 480189246Gilles DORN, ComposerIPCode : 682073833CAPEO CLAUDIO, Composer-AuthorIPCode : 827177028DJ CERK, ComposerIPI code: 728590807MEO PRODUCTIONS SAS, PublisherIPI code: 1172368453DJ CERK, PublisherIPI code: 728590807CHARABIA, PublisherIPI code: 676467791MOUSIKE PUBLISHING, PublisherIPI code: 1183974908 PUBLISHER MEO PRODUCTIONS SAS IPI code: 1172368453 46 rue du raisin 68700 cernay, FRANCE DJ CERK IPI code: 728590807 CHARABIA IPI code : 676467791 5 place de l'Hotel de Ville 51100 REIMS, FRANCE [email protected]
MOUSIKE PUBLISHING IPI Code: 1183974908 3 RUE DES VENTS 92380 GARCHES, FRANCE [email protected]
Bonjour c'est certainement UN succès de l'été 2023 voici ce qui a été réalisé ..toutes améliorations seront les bienvenues ....merci
The real title is "la bicyclette" score already registered and whose authors-composers are : Pierre Barouh and Francis Laï .....Yves Montand interpreted and perpetuated it... The truth must be re-established!
Thank you for this score, I'm a beginner, could someone tell me the fingering, I have trouble finding one (due to finger changes ...). Thank you in advance! Nicolas