Bonjour depuis déjà quelques mois je n'arrivent plus de faire de demande de partition Si des fois quelqu'un aurait la partition ave maria de charles aznavour svp elle est sur le site mais non lisible donc pas exploitable en vous remerciant toutes et tous
I'm looking for this score with American tuning if ever someone would have it in those closets e thank you
PS don't send me the address where to buy it thanks 😜👍🤣
Hello There are 3 flats in the key, so the key is Eb... here are the chords that can be played in this key Eb G# Bb Dom Fam Solm Fa Sol Do Re Do# Sol#m
Bonjour à tous je recherche cette partition svp en plus simple que celle sur le site je débute dans la lecture et la c'est très très compliqué pour moi merci de votre compréhension
Hello, why don't you play something simpler, there's plenty to choose from on the site ... it's not by simplifying scores that you progress ... otherwise if you have the score ..use MuseScore to write it at your level.
Hello everyone, I'm looking for this score, if anyone has it in their drawer, I'd like to thank you.
Bonne et joyeuse fête de fin d'année en famille
Hello Daniel, for zero euros you also risk having zero scores. That's why I try to write as much as I can for myself. And when I can't ... I go through the buying process. But you're right, hope springs eternal, as the saying goes.
Hello here is the SACEM information to find for sure the score by contacting directly the publisher ...if the latter does not want to sell to a private individual ..just give Mrs BERENICE of the customer service all the SACEM information and she will take care of everything and then inform you ..infos SACEM DISI MOI QUE TU M'AIMES Code ISWC : T-003.020.963-2
Subtitle(s) :
AYANTS DROIT Claude BOLLING, ComposerIPI code : 3588299Annette WADEMANT, AuthorIPI code : 32352321FLORIANT GUY, AuthorIPI code : 226358175SUGARMUSIC FRANCE, PublisherIPI code: 29865937 PUBLISHER SUGARMUSIC FRANCE IPI code: 29865937 32 boulevard de Strasbourg CS 30108 75468 Paris Cedex 10, FRANCE [email protected]