I have just noticed a 24.99 euros debit on my bank statement from you. Is this normal? Is it that the scores have become payable?
Thank you for your answer.
This is probably the automatic renewal of your subscription that you did not uncheck in "Manage my account". I invite you to contact us at [email protected] for all your support requests.
To be more precise. The display of pdfs via the "view" function is not supported by the website but directly by the browser. So if the support of pdfs by your browser has changed (update, defective plug in) this is what can produce the problem. The same thing if you want to save after viewing, it is the pdfs viewer plugin that takes care of downloading the display. Here: Firefox 31.0.2 Everything works fine. On the other hand with chrome (which I just tested) the commands are displayed in the lower right corner of the pdfs viewer: more details here: